There are idiots on this forum that bury their head in the sand and their ass up in the air. What a sight that is.
Now clearly the NHS must cost less as there are no share holders to get dividends and there are no CEO paying themselves tens of millions a year.
Lets have a look at some hard facts.
Hip replacement £5,620
Knee replacement £5,350
Having a baby - without complications £2,790
What a difference. That's a third of the price. The irony of course us the same doctors at times work both Private and NHS.
I am afraid this was a few years ago but doctors and nurses pay have actually dropped since 2010 never mind 2015
A relative of mine had a knee surgery back in the 90s because NHS was not possible and I will never forget the doctors prices. He said it with a straight face.
Self funded 3200 pounds
Insured 5500 pounds does it feel to be so stupid, greedy and selfish? Tell us all about it. Guilt shared is a guilt halved.
Shove it up your ass and light it baby