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How untrustworthy are the Turks?

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Re: How untrustworthy are the Turks?

Postby Lordo » Fri Aug 25, 2023 11:02 am

As if GCs can be trusted? like hell they can.

Who thought up this title, shit shoveling idiot.
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Re: How untrustworthy are the Turks?

Postby Lordo » Fri Aug 25, 2023 11:08 am

repulsewarrior wrote:
Maximus wrote:Yeah einplonkenstein,

When Americans give a veto to blacks or the native Americans, you might be on to something. be more precise, it would be when Americans give Whites over the rest a veto; "Whites" being in the American context the minority that has special benefits already, seeking the privileges of discrimination too.

You mean to tell me America is a democracy? And about 10 corporation who are headed by whites have not got the veto when it comes to American politics?

America also pretends to give more power to the poorer states with less populations. Just imagine a state with 50 million population having the same number of senators as one with less than half a million. Sure America will not give a veto to the blacks but how about the Native Americans? Should they bot have a veto on matters which affect them?

What happened to the Native Americans? Are they happy living on their own land?

TCs are also natives of Cyprus, not just GCs. You seem to forget that. If you are going to go back you may as well go back back to year 300BC when the fuckin Greeks invaded Cyprus. They were the colonisers too.
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Re: How untrustworthy are the Turks?

Postby Lordo » Fri Aug 25, 2023 12:28 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:
Maximus wrote:How can you see what I have written as hateful, when all I have stated is facts and truth while a UN peacekeepers got exposed to violence and punched in the face? Max i do not call you Hateful; i am asking you to be more careful, not to speak hatefully: as i said, Turkish Cypriots are not "Cypriot Turks", (not all Greeks are "Greeks" either), 'we' need to stop "This".

He is not just hateful he is full of shit with it. They punched UN in the face and yet it was 15 TC police ended up in hospital. Funny though when EOKA fired on the civilians back in the 60s, I do not remember the UN cunts standing between us to stop them firing. UN is not fit for purpose. They can fuck off out of Cyprus yesterday.
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Re: How untrustworthy are the Turks?

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Aug 25, 2023 7:29 pm

...calm yourself Lordo; we are on the same side, aren't we?

I get your point. The ''facts'' are lies. You accept (read: argue) "Their" version of History, i don't.

"Greeks" and "Turks" are no different, to me.
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Re: How untrustworthy are the Turks?

Postby Lordo » Fri Aug 25, 2023 7:55 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:...calm yourself Lordo; we are on the same side, aren't we?

I get your point. The ''facts'' are lies. You accept (read: argue) "Their" version of History, i don't.

"Greeks" and "Turks" are no different, to me.

The issue we have is that there is no clear understanding of what went on in Cyprus. Each side blames the other. But we do now know the truth. Exactly what happened. On another social media site a GC said to me that GCs only killed TMT members in the 60s and it was because they had an uprising for Taksim .

This is the shit that has been fed to the GC population. Even some of those GC who lived the times are in denial.

I still have no answer to why UN decided to resist construction of a road ,where were they in 1964 when Makarios was bombing Kochina from the land and two Greek gunboats were bombing from the sea, where the fuck were they? Why did they not stand in front of the tanks to stop them from firing into the civilian population?
Apparently according to man child UN UK and USA have condemned the actions at Pile. Who gives a fuck what they think? We have to stop kidding ourselves. Talks are not going to resolve this problem not in a hundred years, not in a thousand years when one side is given all the power and the other side none. Why would the side with power give it up?

There really is only one way left I am afraid.
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Re: How untrustworthy are the Turks?

Postby Maximus » Fri Aug 25, 2023 10:31 pm

Lordo wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:
Maximus wrote:Yeah einplonkenstein,

When Americans give a veto to blacks or the native Americans, you might be on to something. be more precise, it would be when Americans give Whites over the rest a veto; "Whites" being in the American context the minority that has special benefits already, seeking the privileges of discrimination too.

You mean to tell me America is a democracy? And about 10 corporation who are headed by whites have not got the veto when it comes to American politics?

America also pretends to give more power to the poorer states with less populations. Just imagine a state with 50 million population having the same number of senators as one with less than half a million. Sure America will not give a veto to the blacks but how about the Native Americans? Should they bot have a veto on matters which affect them?

What happened to the Native Americans? Are they happy living on their own land?

TCs are also natives of Cyprus, not just GCs. You seem to forget that. If you are going to go back you may as well go back back to year 300BC when the fuckin Greeks invaded Cyprus. They were the colonisers too.

You are drawing some very silly parallels. I havent got a clue what you are talking about anymore.

So the reason you think the Turkish Cypriot minority should have a veto against the Greek Cypriot majority is because of what?

You Turkish? You Muslim? You speak Turkish? You facsist?

Like I said before, that was tried (under duress) and the Turkish Cypriots abused the majority of the population and fckd things up to the point it lead to a civil war.

You dont give a hoot about Cyprus, just the bit that is under Turkish control and aligning your interests with Turkeys to try to subjugate the majority of the population. This is colonialism and as far as the "TRNC" is concerned, it might as well be a hostile foreign country to Greek Cypriots. This is what everyone says when they cross the green line actually, its like crossing in to another country.
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Re: How untrustworthy are the Turks?

Postby Lordo » Sat Aug 26, 2023 12:22 am

We have the fascist on the TC side claiming that BBF is a capitulation to the GCs will and we have the GC fascists claiming that BBF will give control to Turkey. Now I am old enough to know that the cat cannot be dead and alive at the same time. It is one or the other.

In reality BBF is neither. BBF allows the both states to run their state affairs without interference from the other. It does not mean they can do what ever they like. They have to adhere to the constitution that is agreed at the beginning like the 1960 agreement. The reason why the senators have to be equal and the Supreme court has to have one judge each from each community with an independent judge to adjudicate, is so one side cannot impose it's will on another at the federal level. It also means the constitution cannot be changed unless it is agreed. It becomes a win win for both

This is where 1960 failed. Makarios wanted to change the constitution unilaterally to reduce TCs to a minority without a veto so he could achieve Enosis. This is the reason why the German judge of the Supreme court left Cyprus which gave Makarios to implement his Enosis plans.

If you cannot stomach having a TC president for a period, it is time to admit you do not wish to live in one country and begin to negotiate a two state solution. This does not mean those who wish to live on the other side will not be able to live there. I have n doubt in my mind that we would be able to accommodate all those who wish to return and have room to spare. Most people will want compensation or exchange.

You will not find out till you try it. Just like the Annan plan it can be done in stages so there is no reason to cause fighting.

Going back to murderers on either side. Most of them are dead by now anyway. What is more important is to compel those who are still alive to tell the truth so the Murders can be brought out in the open so they are not idolised by the simple folk as heroes.
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Re: How untrustworthy are the Turks?

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Aug 26, 2023 4:21 am

...well said Lordo. is why my manifesto, these intentions, are appealing.

...i would vote for a President of any ethnic origin that represents qualities as a Cypriot i support.

In my Cyprus, knowing that the House is evenly split by seats Greek and Turkish, I would expect to be voting from two slates; exactly like any other Cypriot my choice is for a Turkish Cypriot Representative and a Greek Cypriot Representative.

...indeed with such a ballot, its two separate votes, what Party can gain a majority in such a House, what President can win as a Leader of all Cypriots without the support of both Constituencies, not as Constituents perhaps, but as Individuals?

(...the answer is none.)

...and at another level of Government, Constituencies representing themselves as majorities will have as Persons of Goodwill the opportunity to demonstrate the same commitment to Universal Principles toward the minorities that live among them by providing for their special needs as well.

BBF you say, wot?
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Re: How untrustworthy are the Turks?

Postby Lordo » Sat Aug 26, 2023 11:34 am

Maximus wrote:
Lordo wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:
Maximus wrote:Yeah einplonkenstein,

When Americans give a veto to blacks or the native Americans, you might be on to something. be more precise, it would be when Americans give Whites over the rest a veto; "Whites" being in the American context the minority that has special benefits already, seeking the privileges of discrimination too.

You mean to tell me America is a democracy? And about 10 corporation who are headed by whites have not got the veto when it comes to American politics?

America also pretends to give more power to the poorer states with less populations. Just imagine a state with 50 million population having the same number of senators as one with less than half a million. Sure America will not give a veto to the blacks but how about the Native Americans? Should they bot have a veto on matters which affect them?

What happened to the Native Americans? Are they happy living on their own land?

TCs are also natives of Cyprus, not just GCs. You seem to forget that. If you are going to go back you may as well go back back to year 300BC when the fuckin Greeks invaded Cyprus. They were the colonisers too.

You are drawing some very silly parallels. I havent got a clue what you are talking about anymore.

You are being dense as usual. It really is very simple and very comparable

You claim that 18% of population cannot have the same number of seats at federal level as 82% right?
Well here is a perfect example.
Wyoming has 581,381 population
California has 39,029,342 population

And yet they both have 2 seats each in the senate. How the hell is that a silly comparison. Our BBF has the same thing but we will not have the House of representatives instead we will have State government for each side. Americans have this too. We are just not adopting the second house of their system.

So the reason you think the Turkish Cypriot minority should have a veto against the Greek Cypriot majority is because of what?
So as the GCs cannot impose its will on the TCs. By the same token, the TCs will not be able to impose its will on the GCs

It makes sure if anything changes in the constitution it is approved by both communities. How much more democratic can you get

You Turkish? You Muslim? You speak Turkish? You facsist?

No I am not Turkish I am a true Cypriots and my ancestors were in Cyprus thousands of years before your Greeks colonised my country in 300BC. Ibasou shillyes fores. Boses fores na sou da bo. Xero na sindihanno Kibreiga, ma ise delya topouzzomenos.

No I am not muslim, I am not even agnostic, I have a my own religion called Antagonistic to all religions.
No I do not just speak Turkish, I speak Greek too.
No I am not a fascists, I am what I call Practical Socialist. I have no wish for everybody to be paid equally although it has been proven to work, I wish everybody gets paid a living wage even if they clean toilets

Like I said before, that was tried (under duress) and the Turkish Cypriots abused the majority of the population and fckd things up to the point it lead to a civil war.
No it was not tried. Your ignorance of the facts shine through.
The original Constitution was never implemented. Instead Makarios went on a rampage to change the constitution to remove the veto via the back door using the Tax Laws and it was blocked by Veto.
No big loss, all Makarios did than is to continue to apply the tax laws that was in the constitution which was to use old Colonial Tax laws till the constitution was implemented.
No big loss for the economy of the country.

You dont give a hoot about Cyprus,
On the contrary, my heart bleeds when I see TC youngsters leave Cyprus because of hopelessness as much as when I hear from my GC friends that their youngsters are also leaving Cyprus.
Cyprus is on the floor bleeding to death and only a peace agreement will free it from the clutches of western and Turkish influence.

just the bit that is under Turkish control and aligning your interests with Turkeys to try to subjugate the majority of the population.
No I do not. I have no interest in the Gacos that have settled in Cyprus but I also accept that just like the Russians in the south that you have to accept after the peace process, we also have to accept not just the Gacos that are legally but also the Iranians and the Israelis too. There is no way Turkey will subjugate the GCs under this process. Just as TC are protected from GC subjugation, so are the GC being protected from Turkish subjugation.

This is colonialism and as far as the "TRNC" is concerned, it might as well be a hostile foreign country to Greek Cypriots.
TRNC is a direct consequence of what Makarios started to crush the will of the TCs to get them to accept the removal of the Veto so he can have Enosis

This is what everyone says when they cross the green line actually, its like crossing in to another country.
I don't give a fuck what anybody else says, only simpletons allow themselves to be influenced by such talk. The north is the way it is because of the Embargoes applied by the RoC on them since 1963 when they were not even allowing baby milk into into the enclaves

The real Traitors are people like you who believe all the lies that has been feed to the GCs since 1963 and refuse to see the facts. We had a president who wanted dismantle a recognised country in the world and convert it to a province of Greece. What is really sad though is the fact that even with todays environment with all real information available, you still are stuck inside what I call "The little Greek Book" published by the church on how Cyprus is a Greek Island. And you have the audacity to accuse me of not being Cypriot. My Cypriot credentials are proven by my genes. My ancestors were in Cyprus long before the Greeks arrived in Cyprus.
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Re: How untrustworthy are the Turks?

Postby Lordo » Sat Aug 26, 2023 12:30 pm

Just to put the record straight regarding Turkey's accession to the EU.

French President Jacques Chirac and German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder expressed joint support for the December 2004 European Commission summit meeting agenda for Turkey joining the European Union.

Cyprus and Greece decided not to oppose the Turkey's accession and Papadopoullos said it was good that Turkey has applied as the GCs will be able to get more concession from Turkey during the talks after 2004.

As to the Protocol. Turkey made it clear that unless Ercan and Magusa ports were opened up to the world by the RoC there is no way they would open up their ports and air space to RoC as they have not recognised RoC since 1983 when UDI was declared.

This idea that GCs had good will in what they did falls flat on its face as does the idea that the Turks cannot be trusted as they did not implement the protocol.

It is all GC propaganda. One must try to see through the propaganda for what it is.
In fact the GCs were offered Varosha too if they opened up the the northern ports and they refused.
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