When you take a bank loan or mortgage the first thing you need to know is that It is NOT a question of the bank lending you money! They simply create debt as they don’t have money! What they claim as assets is your debt and that of other customers because they get interest paid for money they never had but they expect to get the capital back to pay off the debt. The money you keep in the Bank is a liability because they have to repay it to you when to ask for it. In effect the Bank grants you credit to pay out money you don’t have ……….. but neither do they!

You spend the credit the Bank awards you and YOU create new money in someone else’s bank account. The Bank just collects interest for ‘lending’ you money they never had in the first place.
The solution is simple ….. at least that is to me ………………….
Let the BoE create the amount of money required to cover the mortgages and loans that are outstanding with the private banks. This is paid directly into the negative loan accounts and the debt to the Banks drops to zero. No debt …… no interest to pay. As the money the BoE creates is destroyed when it is paid into the banks indebted accounts ………. pooooooooof …. It’s gone! It does not enter the economy so there is no inflation.
The collateral ….. your property …. Is now held by The State instead of the Banks! The State does not need to make a profit charging interest because they can either create what they need or use your mortgage repayments to go straight back into the economy it came out of …… via The treasury ……so there is no inflation.
Instead of taking money out of the economy to pay the interest to the Banks for the money they never loaned in the first place ……. that can go toward increased spending on education, defense, NHS, R&D ……. and other projects to create growth in the country as a whole. We could even start building our own aircraft, ships, trains, trucks etc ….. just like we used to?
Now when someone needs a mortgage they still go to the Bank to arrange it, as the Banks become government agencies and get paid a fixed fee for their administration or, better still have, have State Banks provide the mortgages with money created by the BoE. If inflation starts to climb ….. you cut back on new lending.
As the State has the responsibility to care for you and your family when things don’t go as planned and the Banks foreclose and seize your property to balance the books …….. the State can just leave you in your home and set a rent they calculate you can afford. As every penny you pay off your debt now goes back to the State you are still paying off your debt and eventually the house will be yours!
The only people who lose out on this arrangement is the Banks ….. who will no longer make billions out of interest on your hypothetical loan/mortgage debt.
Now tell me why that will not work?