cyprusgrump wrote:Robin Hood wrote:CG. Then. if banks cannot create money ad-infinitum explain how the £2.5 trillion UK National came into being ...... and who holds the debt? I think you will find it is the Banks! And the private debt is even larger! Where does all this money come from?

So you think your local Barclays Branch has pushed £2½ Trillion over the counter to fund mortgages do you... because they can obviously just create
2½ Trillion Pounds from thin air...?
You haven't heard of Government Borrowing, QE, etc.?

If your are sensible instead of acting stupid reference was to government borrowing i.e. National Debt, and you would know that such transactions are done through the major Banks HQ's . But you obviously don't know the important bit ....
HOW they do it?
As I have come to understand it over the years ............. it's mind boggling and defies common sense.
The Government issues Bonds (
Promissary Notes) with guaranteed interest annually for a fixed term, to the Bank of England ...... the BoE sells these to the Banks at an Auction. Problem is the Banks don't have any money ..... so they go to their Bank (The BoE) and it gives them credit .... just as your bank gives you credit when you want a loan.
Just like your loan, when the Bank buys the Bond with the borrowed money it creates New Money into circulation.
So the Banks buy the Bonds from the BoE with the credit they have from the BoE , who created it out of thin air just like your Bank pays out your loan to you ..... they give the Government the money they borrowed in exchange for the Bonds. The BoE accepts the Bonds as security on the Banks credit account. The bank collects the interest off the Bond until the Bond value is redeemed, Doing this reduces government debt. And so t goes on round-and-round for ever increasing debt.
Simple question: Why does the BoE not give the money straight to the Government ..... and cut out the middle man? Simple answer ...... the middle man .... the Private Banks ...... would lose billions in interest from from the Government.
Where did the money come from? Out of this air ...... where did it go when repaid ..... in the trash can ..... and then they borrow it again .... and again .... and again! And all the time the private banks soak up the interest like blotting paper ....... and the Government have to borrow it all over again plus what it cost them in interest!