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How good a liar are Greeks?

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How good a liar are Greeks?

Postby MR-from-NG » Sat Jun 17, 2023 9:20 pm

We all know about the tragedy unfolding off the coast of Greece. I think the confirmed number of dead is at 76 but likely to rise into hundreds. We've seen clips of this tragedy on all news channels and you have to ask how exactly the situation was handled by the Greek coastguards.

I can only form an opinion based on previous footage I saw on TV and the way migrants are treated by the authorities. Short of drowning each individual migrant with their bare hands these bastard wouldn't have lifted a finger to help any of them, men, women or children.

I have been firm believer that Greeks are bloody good liars, in fact they're spectacular liars, I mean fuck me sideways if you will but look at the Cyprus situation. They lied and lied and lied more and in the end even they believed it. They are now the fucking VICTIMS :evil: :evil: :evil:

Lets just sit back and watch their big brother give us all a masterclass in bulshitting on a massive scale. :( :(
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Re: How good a liar are Greeks?

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Jun 18, 2023 9:17 am

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Re: How good a liar are Greeks?

Postby Lordo » Sun Jun 18, 2023 12:31 pm

MR-from-NG wrote:We all know about the tragedy unfolding off the coast of Greece. I think the confirmed number of dead is at 76 but likely to rise into hundreds. We've seen clips of this tragedy on all news channels and you have to ask how exactly the situation was handled by the Greek coastguards.

I can only form an opinion based on previous footage I saw on TV and the way migrants are treated by the authorities. Short of drowning each individual migrant with their bare hands these bastard wouldn't have lifted a finger to help any of them, men, women or children.

I have been firm believer that Greeks are bloody good liars, in fact they're spectacular liars, I mean fuck me sideways if you will but look at the Cyprus situation. They lied and lied and lied more and in the end even they believed it. They are now the fucking VICTIMS :evil: :evil: :evil:

Lets just sit back and watch their big brother give us all a masterclass in bulshitting on a massive scale. :( :(

MR it is not Greeks in general that have the responsibility for this event, it is the SwineGreek Conservative government that is primarily responsible and of course the coastguard who actually do what they do to try to sink the boats by creating waves and pushing the boats. over 150,000 refugees were picked up by Greek police in the first 8 months of 2022. The responsibility should be shared with the rest of the EU as they have to help out and share the refugees. Especially as they bloody cause this movement of people by not only starting wars but also economic suffocation. Sudan is the latest war they started. The world trade is heavily biased towards the west. The price everything is controlled by the west so anything they sell is very expensive and anything they buy from these countries is dirt cheap. Add to that the bloody dictators the west impose on these people and the bastards buy huge quantity of weapons from the west which the poor people have to pay back and you begin to understand why these countries are left dirt poor and their population so oppressed by the bastards in charge, people have no other alternative but to leave.

There is another side to this refugee issue. According to the UN there is 100 million refugees in the world. Of these 75 million never leave their own country but just settle somewhere else in their own country and most of the rest move to neighboring countries. Britain bombed Syria but are complaining about a few thousand Syrian refugees that arrive in boats in a year. In the meantime Turkey took 3 million Syrian refugees, Lebanon took 1 million. Add to that the fact that the EU paid Erdogan to close the border at Edirne for the Refugees which is why they travel by boat. If that was open nobody would die in the boats. The devil is in the detail.

We live in a terrible world where those who cause the problems live in life of luxury and those who suffer the consequences are blamed for their suffering.

The Swine are all the same whether they are in Greece, Britain, America or Europe. Although Sweden and Germany did take the most refugees in the recent years.
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Re: How good a liar are Greeks?

Postby Lordo » Sun Jun 18, 2023 12:33 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:

...what is known so far.

Why despise they call them migrants. The whole world is turning into shit. Even if there are some migrants amongst them, these people are mostly refugees.
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Re: How good a liar are Greeks?

Postby Lordo » Sun Jun 18, 2023 12:36 pm

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Re: How good a liar are Greeks?

Postby Maximus » Sun Jun 18, 2023 8:06 pm

Egyptian smugglers charged $6,500 per person and packed 400 to 700 people on a boat and set sail from Egypt to the EU.

Tragedy then happens.

I agree with you Lordo and Mr-NG, this is Greece's fault.

They are liars and lets sprinkle the cyprob in to add weight to our arguments as well.
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Re: How good a liar are Greeks?

Postby Lordo » Sun Jun 18, 2023 10:32 pm

Now there is a new bit of information. The Greek Coastguard claim the ship was travelling towards Italy and hence there was no need for them to take action. This is a blatant lie. The ship was stationary for 7 hours before sinking and just moved about 2 miles due to wave and wind action. So clearly the Greek Coastguard a liars of this there is no doubt.

Toilet boy pick up your brush and tend to your duties you hear.
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Re: How good a liar are Greeks?

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Jun 18, 2023 11:24 pm

...something like the East Med. Gas Forum is needed, if on this issue of people smuggling and illegal migration, these countries want hegemony over this sea.

(and where was NATO? (...isn't this a threat to Europe they are acting upon?) Aren't they there as a mission against such events? (or did that mission end when the EU made a deal with Turkey?))

Blame Greece, why not, blame Italy, Libya, and Egypt while you are at it. Blame the Brits and the USA because they have big eyes who could have seen this tragedy, in effect before it happened; not looking, it happened.

...blame Cyprus and Israel, in terms of search and rescue their Leadership can do more, like the EMGF, to bring their neighbours together, addressing the issue collectively because alone not one can solve it.

And this one, being the biggest, is that why it is notable?
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Re: How good a liar are Greeks?

Postby Lordo » Mon Jun 19, 2023 12:55 am

RW the blamefor the west is not to do with whether they tried to save people or not, it is to do with the fact that they cause wars so they take the resources on the cheap. The refugees are mainly from the countries which are involved in wars or under western sanctions. But when you drill down, the Greek Coastguard were informed that this boat needed help and they did nothing about it for 7 hours. Although I do fear that if they even did arrive instead of helping them they would try to sink them judging by their previous actions. Did you see the clip where one coastguard was trying to puncture the inflatable boat. Another patrolling his boat with a rifle ffs.

West is engulfed in this right wing populism which has no heart for humanity not even for it's own citizens.
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Re: How good a liar are Greeks?

Postby Lordo » Mon Jun 19, 2023 10:12 am

To solve the problem you have to understand what is causing it. At the root of the Refugees getting into boats and drowning there is two reasons.
First reason is the wars the west is causing and the dictators they are supporting so that they can buy cheap resources and sell lots of weapons.
The second reason is they are not allowed to get onto normal boats at normal prices or use planes to arrive. This has been blocked by the Europeans. Even land crossing in western Turkey is blocked. And once the borders are accessible again, if you wish to reduce the number of people making the journey stop supporting wars and dictators and stop robbing people of their resources What BP gets away with in Nigeria is blatant murder.

The guilt here is shared with the whole of Europe. Notice how people do not drown in trying to get to America. Not because they are allowed to use normal mode of transport but there is a land crossing that can be used.

EU is now going to investigate the response of Greek Coastguard actions. You can see it it will be another whitewash and nobody will be held to account.

Before the jumped up pip-squeak raises his head above the toilet pan and blames the gangs for all of this, it is obvious to those who have a single usable brain cell to see that if the Refugees would be allowed to board normal boats, there would not be any need for these gangs services. Gangs are gangs and they do to exploit any laws to make money. Whatever is banned they will supply as the Americans found to their cost during prohibition when they banned alcohol. Did it stop alcohol production or consumption? no. What id did do is help the Mafia to get a foothold in America.

It really is not rocket science.
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