MR-from-NG wrote:Paphitis wrote:The Greek Coast Guard were simply doing their job and enforcing the law within their territorial waters.
Bottom line is that these illegal migrants are breaking the law, and the Hellenic Coastguard have the right to impede their journey and stop them from landing in Greece.
There is a proper way to enter Greece, through the front door.
There is no other way of dealing with this issue without opening the flood gates by rewarding the law breakers.
If anything, Hellenic Coastguard is far too tame.
Try doing this in Australia, or Merika and see what happens.
If anyone doesn't know what I am talking about, google TAMPA Crisis and see for yourselves. A Norwegian Registered vessel was obstructed from entering Australian Waters with 433 rescued illegal migrants on board. Not even allowed to get medical assistance except for that which was provided by Royal Australian Navy in International Waters.
Ans they were boarded by SAS.
Also, the UK wants to adopt Australia's zero tolerance. It's probably a good thing they left the EU.
Wouldn't expect anything but from a fascist nation. Oh and fuck your Meryykaaa too

You see, that is where the likes of you, Lordo, Kikapu, Pyro et al have a massive downfall to the point one could say that you are all a bunch of ideologues at best, and at worst, extremely STUPID with a chronically very low IQ to the point that all of you shouldn't even be allowed to drive a car, or hold down jobs.
I don't say this to insult any of you, but rather, it just appears to be the case when you say stupid things like this, then either one of you then post in the Ukraine War thread about those nasty Ukrainian Nazis. Oh yes, Merika, Australia, Greece, Ukraine are all fascist, aren't they?
Well, my little bitches, here is a good dose of reality!
Merika, Australia, Greece and Ukraine are not the NAZIS or even slightly fascist. We are talking about 4 nations among the most liberal on earth. Places where human rights, democracy, free speech run supreme. To the point where the state does not interfere in one's beliefs, sexual preferences even, and rights to self-determination in any social facet. Equal opportunity and anti-discrimation laws protecting the individual.
The fascist nation, which you all do seem to support and give a free pass to, is Ruzzia. A country that has invaded Ukraine, illegally, and displaced millions of people, killed hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians, castrates Ukrainian POWs, has barrier forces to gun down its own retreating soldiers (that is the level of Ruzzia's barbarism and inhumanity) and it blows up dams and causes one of the greatest ecological disasters the world has ever seen.
That's who the fascists are whom you all support.
Not Merika, certainly not Greece, Australia or Ukraine...
Now, Greece has its own issues and needs to defend its border from illegal migrants. Only a few years ago, it almost went bankrupt. It was bailed out by the EU, and ECB, with funds mainly from the big economic powers of Europe like Germany, Holland, and France. So Greece isn't really flush with money and at the same time has to provide social services, health, education to its people, build infrastructure, provide law enforcement and a myriad of other things the people of Greece need, including F-35s in order to defend its airspace, from an aggressive neighbor (Turkey).
Greece can't afford to be a transit point to millions of illegal economic refugees seeking to go on to Germany, and Western Europe. Greece has obligations to these countries and the EU. And if they enter Greece, there will also be other social problems such as crime, drugs and perhaps even an exploitable slave labour black market, taking away jobs from the local Greeks, which has about 25% of its youth unemployed.
It's about survival and law and order. Greece, and all nations have the right to determine who enters their borders. Crossing their border in this way is ILLEGAL. And law breakers can not be awared with a free ticket to Germany, which is a country that has done more than enough to help refugees.
And as soon as even one concession is made, the floodgates open and that is something Greece, can't afford.
There is nothing fascist about it at all. Greece hasn't invaded anyone. It hasn't killed anyone.
But I can tell you who the fascists and NAZIs really are. Ruzzia is the fascist country. Pootin is the NAZI. And you all support this fascism.
And yet the minute poor little Greece, Australia or Merika send a little Coastguard boat to stop illegal immigrants from Pakistan to enter, they are fascist.
GO FIGURE! But you want to know what's great? Well, this fascism which you all support, has united all of Europe, all of NATO and even expanded them, united the collective west, and the East (Asia). We are now all united, just like the allies were in WW2.
So much so, Ruzzia has lost the war, and will be defeated because these evils that YOU support and this fascism that YOU support will not be allowed to pass.
And Greece is on the right side of history, with the EU, NATO, and collective West and is even sending arms to Ukraine just like we all are, because we all support JUSTICE, and we will defeat the fascism YOU support.