First one is very simple, out an office in every embassy especially around the trouble country or even in it if you have an embassy there and allow people to apply for asylum. But we must consider aslum properly not leave it in the hands of the cunts to just refuse because they like people with blond hair. Was it not Trump who once said why don't the Scandinavians apply for asylum. I mean how redneck can the cunt get?
To stop people having to move from their homes, you can start by first not supporting the cunt dictators who take over the country instead of helping them top come to power and then giving these countries a fair trade deal with a win win for both not one where these just robs them of their resources.
For instance Nigeria has oil but they are not allowed to refine it and then sell it. They must sell it crude.
Another interesting one is coffee.
There is an import duty on coffee to protect the domestic processing industry because only the import of unprocessed green coffee from all countries is duty-free. Roasted coffee and all other coffee products account for between 7.5 and 9 percent, an instrument that has successfully protected its own coffee market for centuries.