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How good a liar are Greeks?

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Re: How good a liar are Greeks?

Postby Lordo » Thu Jul 13, 2023 5:44 pm

The main question being asked to constantly is how do we stop the boats. The second question is how do we stop people moving from their homeland to elsewhere.

First one is very simple, out an office in every embassy especially around the trouble country or even in it if you have an embassy there and allow people to apply for asylum. But we must consider aslum properly not leave it in the hands of the cunts to just refuse because they like people with blond hair. Was it not Trump who once said why don't the Scandinavians apply for asylum. I mean how redneck can the cunt get?

To stop people having to move from their homes, you can start by first not supporting the cunt dictators who take over the country instead of helping them top come to power and then giving these countries a fair trade deal with a win win for both not one where these just robs them of their resources.

For instance Nigeria has oil but they are not allowed to refine it and then sell it. They must sell it crude.

Another interesting one is coffee.
There is an import duty on coffee to protect the domestic processing industry because only the import of unprocessed green coffee from all countries is duty-free. Roasted coffee and all other coffee products account for between 7.5 and 9 percent, an instrument that has successfully protected its own coffee market for centuries.
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Re: How good a liar are Greeks?

Postby Maximus » Thu Jul 13, 2023 8:46 pm

MR-from-NG wrote:Not quite headline news but a good coverage nonetheless. Are you watching BBC News Max? Are you that blinded by love that you're unable to accept the truth? You are defending the indefensible? We are Cypriots, you are me and I am you. We share the same emotions, we love our mainland brothers but fuck meMax, you are taking the piss and making yourself look a cunt. :evil: :evil:

I am not watching BBC news Mr-NG, and it is not an outlet I trust. I am quite a busy person with not that much free time at the moment either so following any kind of news is a bit difficult at the moment..

As for your other comments, I see this as a poor attempt to shame me in to believing that the Greek authorities committed premeditated murder.

Its terrible what happened to these people but show me the truth or shut the fck up.
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Re: How good a liar are Greeks?

Postby MR-from-NG » Thu Jul 13, 2023 8:47 pm

Very good points Lordo. Talk about madness!!! Seriously, such a clear act of hatred, racism, intolerance. And then comes along Max and with his usual bullshit excuses insults all our readers intelligence. FFS, Max, wake up, do you honestly expect us to read your nonsense and take you serious??? You need to condemn the actions of your big brothers and stop making excuses for them.

Why cant you be decent enough to come clean?? Why can't you say something like; fuck me they really did it this time, they messed up good and proper. I hope they learn their lesson and nothing like this ever happens again. May all those poor souls RIP.

If you can't bring yourself to do this then you are as guilty of these cunts that caused this boat to sink and you have blood on your hands.
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Re: How good a liar are Greeks?

Postby MR-from-NG » Thu Jul 13, 2023 8:49 pm

Maximus wrote:
MR-from-NG wrote:Not quite headline news but a good coverage nonetheless. Are you watching BBC News Max? Are you that blinded by love that you're unable to accept the truth? You are defending the indefensible? We are Cypriots, you are me and I am you. We share the same emotions, we love our mainland brothers but fuck meMax, you are taking the piss and making yourself look a cunt. :evil: :evil:

I am not watching BBC news Mr-NG, and it is not an outlet I trust. I am quite a busy person with not that much free time at the moment either so following any kind of news is a bit difficult at the moment..

As for your other comments, I see this as a poor attempt to shame me in to believing that the Greek authorities committed premeditated murder.

Its terrible what happened to these people but show me the truth or shut the fck up.

What a shameless cunt you are!!!!
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Re: How good a liar are Greeks?

Postby Maximus » Thu Jul 13, 2023 8:58 pm

Posted on June 22nd.

Maximus wrote:The Greek coast guard may have tried to tow the boat, that does not mean they intentionally tried to sink it. It could mean that they attempted to tow it to safety.

You see, how you want to make it everyone elses fault but theirs....due to the stupid choice they made.

At the end of the day, these people and the people who tried to smuggle them are responsible for the tragedy they brought to themselves and another nations shores.

Not that they deserve to die but they are stupid people, a danger to themselves and to others.

The Greek coast gaurd who may have been towing them to safety is now allegedly responsible for the tragedy because they were put in a situation where they were expected to help.

This is but one of the consequences for trying to help stupid people.
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Re: How good a liar are Greeks?

Postby MR-from-NG » Thu Jul 13, 2023 9:01 pm

Maximus wrote:Posted on June 22nd.

Maximus wrote:The Greek coast guard may have tried to tow the boat, that does not mean they intentionally tried to sink it. It could mean that they attempted to tow it to safety.

You see, how you want to make it everyone elses fault but theirs....due to the stupid choice they made.

At the end of the day, these people and the people who tried to smuggle them are responsible for the tragedy they brought to themselves and another nations shores.

Not that they deserve to die but they are stupid people, a danger to themselves and to others.

The Greek coast gaurd who may have been towing them to safety is now allegedly responsible for the tragedy because they were put in a situation where they were expected to help.

This is but one of the consequences for trying to help stupid people.

How good a liar are Greeks??? FUCKING SPECTACULAR LIARS!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: How good a liar are Greeks?

Postby Lordo » Thu Jul 13, 2023 9:09 pm

I see my Plonkerstein friend is living in total denial.

The liars first claimed they did not attach a rope. Then when they were found out Plonkerstein claims he may not realised that it would sink.

What a load of crock of shit. Pulling a boat sideway when overload and not realising it would sink indeed. Where did this fuckin captin of that ship got his license from Kostaki's sheep farm?

Sooner or later it will come out, it was a deliberate act. It could not be anything else. Considering they have been recorded dropping bombs, and pking inflatable boats and passing by fast to create a wave to sink them in the past, how can any fuckin idiot deny that is what they do. In one of the videos, they took people into the middle of the sea and left them in a small boat.

Where the fuck has huanity fuckin gone with these bastards.

Although the words of the Greek major telling his troops that when they attack Kofunye back in 1967, he did not want any Turkish chikens to be left alive never mind TCs. And of course they burnt one disabled man alive.

To call these cunts barbaric is insulting the real barbaric people.

Pigs fly very soon my Plomkerstein friend. Anybody who stands up for assholes are even more an asshole then the original.
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Re: How good a liar are Greeks?

Postby Maximus » Thu Jul 13, 2023 10:09 pm

This ship is just one of many trying to across the Mediterranean every single year, transporting hundreds of thousands of migrants every year for about a decade now. This is not the first tragedy to happen at sea and i doubt it will be the last.

But when it does come out Bordo, that this was a deliberate act to sink the ship, let me know because you and plonkenstein number 2 are getting boring.
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Re: How good a liar are Greeks?

Postby MR-from-NG » Thu Jul 13, 2023 11:40 pm

Maximus wrote:This ship is just one of many trying to across the Mediterranean every single year, transporting hundreds of thousands of migrants every year for about a decade now. This is not the first tragedy to happen at sea and i doubt it will be the last.

But when it does come out Bordo, that this was a deliberate act to sink the ship, let me know because you and plonkenstein number 2 are getting boring.

Let me finish with this post Max. It takes courage to face the truth. We will never see that from the Greeks as they're a nation of cowards.
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Re: How good a liar are Greeks?

Postby Lordo » Thu Jul 13, 2023 11:47 pm

More information. Bit by bit we will get to the truth.

Soon after the 14 June sinking, nine Egyptian men were detained and charged with manslaughter and people-smuggling.

But two survivors of the disaster say migrants were silenced and intimidated by Greek authorities, after suggesting the coastguards may have been to blame for the tragedy.

The two survivors we spoke to in Athens - who we are calling Ahmad and Musaab to protect their identities - say that is what happened.

"They attached a rope from the left. Everyone moved to the right side of our boat to balance it," says Musaab. "The Greek vessel moved off quickly causing our boat to flip. They kept dragging it for quite a distance."

Once on land, in Kalamata, they claim the coastguard told survivors to "shut up" when they started to talk about how the Greek authorities had caused the disaster.

"When people replied by saying the Greek coastguard was the cause, the official in charge of the questioning asked the interpreter to tell the interviewee to stop talking," says Ahmad.

Ahmad says those rescued were told to be grateful they hadn't died.

He says there were shouts of: "You have survived death! Stop talking about the incident! Don't ask more questions about it!"

But Ahmad and Musaab told us the coastguard had instructed all of the survivors to say that the nine Egyptian men were to blame for trafficking them.
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