by djtrax98 » Tue Feb 21, 2006 8:25 pm
I fully agree with everyone that has written in regarding this. The problem is that in Cyprus especially, we dont have a CHOICE like you would in the uk for which we could get cheap software or films and audio. In the Uk every major retail giant tries to outdo the other, and so before you know it you are paying less and less for games and visual audio material.
In cyprus what do we have?
We have one or two outlets that are reputable in every town, NONE of these outlets offer value for money as they all charge prices to reflect the shipping costs of the item into CY, and the end result being is that every single one of us turns round and says, 'why should i pay 22CYP for a double compilation when i can get my friend to send it to me from uk or US or even better when i can download it for free off the internet?'
The recipe for success is simple. BRING PRICES DOWN GIVE PEOPLE MORE CHOICE and people will always opt for original material to pirated stuff. If an original disc of a film cost 11.99 new and 8 pounds pirated i would go for the original copy every time cos of the quality. However if the new dvd cost 20 cyp(average price of dvds in cyp) and 8 pounds pirated what would you choose?
The record industries keep moaning that they are not making enough money.
That explains why so many artists we see on the tv are kitted out in gold from head to toe, go out and buy houses like theres no tomorrow and generally live the life of luxury many of us would never even dream of being true.
GET REAL. piracy will exist until things like the above change. Especially in Cyprus as there is no choice for consumers to be able to buy things.