Robin Hood wrote:It would appear from this piece in the DM that the Chief of Police and The Justice Minister are going to make it a crime to criticise the Police!
So who is going to decide whether a complaint is justified or not? Have any of you actually tried complaining about the way the police address a crime when advised by a member of the public. If not ........ try it and your eyes will be opened as to just how arrogant and ignorant these people are!
How many of you are aware that under the RoC Constitution
the police are there for your benefit and to serve you? This is determined by the Police Code of Conduct, Art.1. Now ...... if the police handle a request badly they want to jail you for pointing it out. The POLICE will determine what is and what isn't a justified complaint. I smell self serving corruption ...... as if we didn't have enough of that in Cyprus already!
South Africa during the apartheid was supposed to be be a Police State because it had an "enormous" ratio of policemen per citizen. That ratio was then 1:400. At that time Cyprus already had >2500 police force, and I was then suprised to find out that we slightly exceeded S.A's ratio !! Ever since then their number has more than doubled (nearly 6K today), therefore Cyprus WAS AND STILL IS A POLICE STATE, assuming the definition is based on the ratio of Policemen per citizen.
I could digest this waste of our tax payer money if this Police was effective though. In reality it is totally ineffective, the vast majority work between 7:30 -14:30 (like all public servants) and from there after (especially at nights) the whole place is on it's fate concerning all sorts of crimes. Trying calling to 1460 after these hours-especially in the evening. Yes they will answer your call, yes they will file it, yes they will say they will send a squad car to check the matter, but they will never send anything.
And if you have the patience to call again and again every half an hour, they will connect you to officer in charge, who eventually will admit they only deal with "serious" crimes at nights because they don't have enough personnel on duty.
As for the matter of trying complaining against the Police, there's a say in Cyprus "αυκα πας τον τοιχο" meaning it's as if you try breaking a wall by throwing eggs on it.

NB. To be fair the Cyprus' Police is only effective concerning really serious crimes, like murder etc.
They could deal with a selection of a few robberies and other not so serious crimes, but not for anything they would have to move more than their little finger.