It is this kind of cuntish things police do and then they wonder why they are hated by the public.
This video was only release a day or two ago, but there are hundreds of such videos on the net where such cops act like cunts.
Pyrpolizer wrote:said the man who likes to complain of "whataboutism"![]()
Pyrpolizer wrote:Oh, we now have a new definition of whataboutism...
Which btw, I always claimed it was a perfectly acceptable form of raising a point. It's you who claimed the opposite, not me.
It's upto you to believe or discard the video testimony posted in Slavyangrad. The only channel I ever claimed to be "a famously objective source" was RYBAR!
I think you better stick to BBC, CNN, Reuters, Washington Post, the Gurdian etc.
In any case the activities of that Dutch, organs merchant, have been known a long ago.
Pyrpolizer wrote:I would say post them and we will judge for ourselves.
The first question anyone should ask is whether anyone benefits from spreading lies.
I don't see any benefit for the Russian state out of Slavyangrad's video testimony. Even if there is a Dutch State investigation against the Dutch woman transplanter who reportedly was extracting kidneys within 7-10 minutes, the only one who will benefit is still not the Russian State. Notice her real name was reported.
Londonrake wrote:Pyrpolizer wrote:said the man who likes to complain of "whataboutism"![]()
Not at all. You’ve misunderstood. Both are related in context.
RH has been a long term, enthusiastic supporter of nations with repressive police/military organisations. Countries where they’re an intrinsic part of the State’s security apparatus. He then complains about a CM report on the possible extension of police powers here (trivial in comparison) which could impinge upon his own freedoms.
Unlike - say - bringing up what the US did in Vietnam 50 years ago, or Churchill in India 60, as a countering, supportive argument for Russia’s current activities in Ukraine. That’s more a case of Whataboutism
Oops, nearly forgot to add![]()
Which always adds weight to a post.
BTW. Thought your Slavyangrad (a famously objective source) report on the organ harvesting scandal was interesting. Looking forward to the one where Ukrainians, dressed up in SS regalia, are seen bayoneting Russian babies.![]()
Robin Hood wrote:You have spent most of your life in the RAF? They have their own police force that maintain discipline, Law and order and are as much a ‘repressive police/military organisations’ as any Police Force, far more so than the civilian police. But they have a chain of command that ensures those powers are not abused.
The Russian police are no different. You are just automatically programmed to see everything Russian as evil! They have laws and the police enforce them ........ look at the UK and you can see what happens when the BLM, Stop Oil, Trans rights, LGBTQRST etc have their say ...... everything goes downhill for the majority. That will not happen in Russia as they have no tolerance for the WOKE society that Western countries so readily embrace.
As for violenc? Compare the French police dealing with demonstrators and the Russian method. I would suggest the French are far more aggressive and repressive than the Russian equivalent.
I am all in favour of a strong police force with the power to do their job! Any society requires discipline, social order and compliance with the Law to function for the benefit of ALL the people. If you enable the police powers without a need to comply with their own Code of Conduct .......... you have a police State and that leads to abuse!
By all means penalise people for wasting police time with trivial complaints by imposing fines. But to make it a criminal offence to complain in Cyprus would be a grave mistake as the self serving corruption is endemic.
It must be 20 years ago when the police authorities found out that many of those in the Police Academy passed the exams with flying colours ....... because they knew the questions in advance. I don’t remember all the details but the authorities admitted they had no idea how long this had been going on for or how many had got into the police by cheating. Many of these are now ‘the management’ of the police service. I could tell you a few stories I have heard from Cypriots about police corruption and how many abuse their powers!
Another problem in Cyprus is that because of strong union control promotion in the Police is not on merit! It is like school teachers ...... they get promoted when their name gets to the top of the list.
You are just expressing your opinions which are heavily biased and anti everything and everyone, who happens to disagree with you.
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