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Re: Money

Postby Lordo » Thu May 04, 2023 7:09 pm

RH my response was for LRs comment about how mobiles will be far worse.

At which point, I imagine having a phone nicked, or falling prey to a North Korean, zillion password stealing hacker, will see some of us up the proverbial creek, without.

In fact stolen and cloned cards are far easier targets than mobiles. Mobiles have face recognition as added security.

I do agree with you regarding taking the posts to the gutter but Bafidi is not the only one, LR and Max are just as assholes as Bafidi.

If they post shit shit is what they are going to get whether I become one of them or not.
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Re: Money

Postby Pyrpolizer » Thu May 04, 2023 10:28 pm

Londonrake wrote:Another small step on what appears a relentless road: destination - making fiat currency redundant? ... 4000-fine/


The article says:
"The tax department carries out continuous checks ..."

In reality they do very little. For example the vast majority of car mechanics, tell you one price and when you ask for a receipt, tell you they will add 19% VAT over and above. Same happens if you ask to pay with a card.They do add 19% VAT.
Others simply don't have a card machines, never issue receipts, and only accept cash payments.
Same happens with other technicians e.g. plumbers, gardeners etc.
None of those working in the tax department come across such cases?
Then how come a simple citizen like myself, saw it happening 3 times last week?
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Re: Money

Postby Lordo » Thu May 04, 2023 11:56 pm

The situation is very simple. If a tradesman refuses to give a receipt, it means they are not declaring the earning to VAT and the chances are they are also not declaring to Tax either.

All this is saying is a business must offer the choice of cash or card. If they say they have no card facility, that is telling tax office that they are not declaring earnings. You do not even have to use a card facility, today, internet banking does the same. Internet facility is preferred as it is cheaper than a card facility.

When the tax office says they are continually doing checks but declare what this checks are. For all you know they have Maxi boy checking there is toilet paper in the loo in the office.

Another important aspect is the fact that Tax office have very few people checking what business people do where as they have 10 times as many people checking on the unemployed.

Having said all that, there are now places where they will no longer accept cash. This has no ulterior motive. They are tired of being robbed all the time.
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