Get Real! wrote:Paphitis wrote:Get Real! wrote:But all these NATO “world class” military vehicles you’re boasting are failing miserably in the Ukraine, so what gives Paphitis?

Thta's not true. Ruzzia is bringing out its 1960s stockpiles because everything else is practically destroyed.
Ours are seruously kicking ass.
Ruzzia has nothing like the Bushmasters. They use junk BMP
You have to admit that for almost a year the West has poured countless military vehicles and weaponry into the Ukraine, as well as training, embedded guides/helpers, mercenaries, intel, money, aid, satellites and I don’t know what else, but…
It’s not working!
What now Paphitis?

And virtually wiped out Ruzzias entire Tank and Armoured capability, and Air Force and deplted their Cruise Missiles which proved to be useless anyway, and has Ruzzia on its knees.
It's working alright. Ruzzia is being fucked up big time and its entire weapons industry is virtually wiped out as they can't even get proper computer chips and boards.
What now? More of the same for the next 10 years if necessary until Ruzzia becomes akin to Somalia.
This is the best message to send to Chy-na. Fuick with the west, and there will be cuccumbers up your asses. Your nuclear threats hold no sway. Merika just surfaced 3 ICBM Submarines in Meditteranean just to show its ICBMs are on your doorstep with a flight time of 25 minutes.
I mean seriously. Do you think Pootin is the only one able to make threats of this kind. Western politicians just know to never stoop to similar rhetoric, but when the pride of the US Sub Fleet starts calling into European ports, just for a show, then the message is very clear.