miltiades wrote:Just a quick update on my health issues more so on the Covid which is still hanging around. On January 11th I had completed my radiotherapy and chemo. Four days later I was diagnosed with Covid. Initial symptoms were a runny nose and extreme shivering. My doctor considered the onset of pneumoniae and I was taken by ambulance to the Limassol Gen. Hospital .
The covid ward , understandably, is a secure unit which I considered more Like a prison cell.. I had all the required tests, luckily no pneumoniae present. I went in on Wednesday 25th I think, and 6 days later , this last Tuesday, I discharged my self. For a day or so I couldn't walk, my son arrived from the UK on Thursday and by then I begun to gain a little energy. On the same day I had another positive Covid test. My son's visit lifted my by then almost deplete spirits and although only seeing him from a distance, I begun to slowly gain a little strength. The support I have received and still receive from family and friends have helped me enormously. I'm on the mend now and hope by this coming Tuesday when I will have a test I shall be negative. All in all the last 6 months ordeal has taken its toll on me bodily but not mentally.
Lordo wrote:This should keep your spirits high
miltiades wrote:Just a quick update , my personal experience with Covid might be of interest to some. I was first diagnosed positive on Jan 15th, 4 days after finishing my radio therapies and chemothetapies. Initial symptoms were a runny nose and shivers. The doctor adviced calling an ambulance so I ended up in the LGH Covid Ward. Stayed 6 days and signed my s4lf out as I felt like a prisoner.
Two days later my son arrived from the UK as he was concerned about my health. On February 15th aftet a month the Covid had gone. In spite of being extremely weak initially Im now recovering slowly but surely. Have realized how important health is, when faced with deteriorating health nothing else in the world matters.
I haven't had a glass of wine for just over a year now, I started fancying a glass which is a good sign, still.not blondes with...big bristles....
miltiades wrote:Its been some time since i posted on Cyprus forum but i thought i would post an update on my health.
I wish i could say that my jealtj has improved alas it jas deteriorated witj the cancer spreading to the lungs. Im still undergoing chemothetapy a punishing occurrence weekly, but its not the cancer that causes me discomfort but the 24/7 constant pain that it is treated with Morphine. Although the body is unhealthy i have thus far managed to keep positive and stress free im spite og excruciating pain . Perhaps fir the first time in my life i have fully realized how potent , above all else, are two things. First health, not money or so called luxury possessions, secondly Love, the love surrounding me from my family both jere and in the UK. Have had so mucj care and support from my immediate and extended family that has touched my heart and filled it with gratitude a true antidote to the pain. Im utterly satisfied with the excellent care i receive from the Limassol General Hospital and lucky to be facing this hete in Cyprus and not in the UK.
Love that your family when you are young comes back to you at times of need. Ovetall i consider my self, inspite of my illness, to be the happiest man on earth.
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