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A temporary goodbye from me

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Re: A temporary goodbye from me

Postby miltiades » Wed Feb 01, 2023 12:29 pm

miltiades wrote:I have had some serious health issues over the last couple of last opetation was just over a month ago. Unfortunately i need another op and all the pre op tests are happening allready. I have complete faith in my medical team. I need to rest for now so this is for now my last post.

Just an update on my health.i completed 30 Radiotherapies and about 80 hours of chemotherapy. Just when I begun to feel that ALL was going well I was struck doin with the dreaded Covid. Was taken by ambulance to the hospital and placed in the Covid ward more like a prison cell. Went in last Wednesday and discharged my self yesterday. I just coudnt cope I had so much blood take with so much pain. I thought I was going. The experience was horrendous to say the least. I couldn't eat, I just laid in bed feeling sorry for my self. Although I still have the Covid I felt that I would rather be at home than the taking medicine as well as energy drinks having lost so much weight. I'm by nature a positive guy but this time I feel as if ....
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Re: A temporary goodbye from me

Postby Lordo » Wed Feb 01, 2023 12:33 pm

Get better soon Milti. Hope the worst is over and you recover fully.
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Re: A temporary goodbye from me

Postby Londonrake » Wed Feb 01, 2023 1:39 pm

Sorry to hear how you’v been struggling Milti. Thanks for keeping in touch.

Like you I was hoping when your treatment finished last month you’d be out of the tunnel. Stay positive and wishing you all the best.
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Re: A temporary goodbye from me

Postby Pyrpolizer » Wed Feb 01, 2023 5:52 pm

miltiades wrote:
miltiades wrote:I have had some serious health issues over the last couple of last opetation was just over a month ago. Unfortunately i need another op and all the pre op tests are happening allready. I have complete faith in my medical team. I need to rest for now so this is for now my last post.

Just an update on my health.i completed 30 Radiotherapies and about 80 hours of chemotherapy. Just when I begun to feel that ALL was going well I was struck doin with the dreaded Covid. Was taken by ambulance to the hospital and placed in the Covid ward more like a prison cell. Went in last Wednesday and discharged my self yesterday. I just coudnt cope I had so much blood take with so much pain. I thought I was going. The experience was horrendous to say the least. I couldn't eat, I just laid in bed feeling sorry for my self. Although I still have the Covid I felt that I would rather be at home than the taking medicine as well as energy drinks having lost so much weight. I'm by nature a positive guy but this time I feel as if ....

As long as the brain and psyche of a human are strong, nothing can beat him/her Milti.
I am sure everything will be over soon.

I am curious about this Covid thing though, how many vaccine doses did you have, and when was the last one? Also did they connect you to the oxygen respirator at the hospital ?
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Re: A temporary goodbye from me

Postby Lordo » Wed Feb 01, 2023 6:27 pm

Having the vaccine does not stop an induvial catching it or spreading it. The claim is it lessens the effect it has on the body.
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Re: A temporary goodbye from me

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Feb 01, 2023 9:02 pm

...thanks milti for keeping in touch, get better soon.
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Re: A temporary goodbye from me

Postby Zenon33 » Wed Feb 01, 2023 9:17 pm

Get better soon my buddy!.
My best wishes for a speedy recovery.
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Re: A temporary goodbye from me

Postby miltiades » Thu Feb 02, 2023 12:17 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:
miltiades wrote:
miltiades wrote:I have had some serious health issues over the last couple of last opetation was just over a month ago. Unfortunately i need another op and all the pre op tests are happening allready. I have complete faith in my medical team. I need to rest for now so this is for now my last post.

Just an update on my health.i completed 30 Radiotherapies and about 80 hours of chemotherapy. Just when I begun to feel that ALL was going well I was struck doin with the dreaded Covid. Was taken by ambulance to the hospital and placed in the Covid ward more like a prison cell. Went in last Wednesday and discharged my self yesterday. I just coudnt cope I had so much blood take with so much pain. I thought I was going. The experience was horrendous to say the least. I couldn't eat, I just laid in bed feeling sorry for my self. Although I still have the Covid I felt that I would rather be at home than the taking medicine as well as energy drinks having lost so much weight. I'm by nature a positive guy but this time I feel as if ....

As long as the brain and psyche of a human are strong, nothing can beat him/her Milti.
I am sure everything will be over soon.

I am curious about this Covid thing though, how many vaccine doses did you have, and when was the last one? Also did they connect you to the oxygen respirator at the hospital ?

My sincere thanks for your get well wishes.
On the advice of my GP I did not have any vaccines due to chronic allergies on many drugs. The first sign I expirienced was a rathet constant runny nose. Subsequently I got checked and was positive. Symptoms were not harsh although before hospitalization I developed hot and cold shivers that my doctor considered that pneumonia could be present. I had little or no temperature . My doctor adviced to call an ambulance. I was taken to the LGH straight into the Covid ward " prison cell" more like it , and was immediately given x rays, heart check and so much blood taken. I found the whole experience rather horrid. I was given a drip as well as one unit of blood transfusion. I entered on Wednesday 24th and discharged my self on Monday 30th. I just couldn't take it any more , could not eat anything and was void of any energy, it seemed that my time was up and I did not wish to kick the bucket in hospital. I came home yesterday, Tuesday 31st and felt elated. I managed to force my self with my family's encouragement to eat a little. I have a 74 year old brother who lives nearby who has been an absolute angel to me. Also my daughter and all my close family. Death does not inject fear in me, being a realist I understand this inevitability, besides I do have an irrevocable ....contract that will expire in 2043, I shall then be ....97 yo.... Much of my low energy is also due to the cancer treatment I completed about 2 weeks ago. Today is my second day at home and feel a little better , I couldn't walk in the Covid ward, as when trying to get to the toilet I fell down. What I found particularly unpleasant is that I had lost my self respect. I hope that day by day I shall recover. My son is arriving from the UK tomorrow, I think someone must have told him that my days are up... There is plenty of life in this young ...boy. I shall rise soon, can't wait to go ....disco dancing...
By the way I have always supported the anti Covid vaccination , in spite of my mate Tim Drayton's reservations
Scientists had to come up with something after all we couldn't rely on mythological miracles. Good health everyone , the most fundamental possession anyone can have. FUCK money, fuck assets, nothing compares to good health.
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Re: A temporary goodbye from me

Postby Pyrpolizer » Thu Feb 02, 2023 12:34 pm

Thanks for the detailed explanation Milti.
I am sure, you will soon start providing us, your always interesting and enjoyable, happy life stories. Take care. 8)
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Re: A temporary goodbye from me

Postby Lordo » Thu Feb 02, 2023 12:50 pm

This one is for Milti. Umut - Hope.

Hope is the strongest weapon mankind have and cannot be defeated. This guys have been struggling against the fascist regimes of Turkey since mid 80s and survive to this day.

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