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Postby miltiades » Mon Oct 10, 2022 4:50 pm

My mother was killed in the earthquake , Cyprus's most catastrophic in modern times, of September 10 1953.
She left behind four children, the oldest 13 the youngest 5. I was 7 yo. Her last words according to eye witnesses were Ta more mou.
Her memory remains with me and my remaining sibling.
This disgusting piece of shit that I vehemently hate has chosen to insult her memory in the most filthy vulgar language. A woman he has NEVER met and know nothing about. He could have chosen to insult me just as I rightfully insult him. He is a Psychopath, a Pervert, a Child Molester.i fucking hate his guts and nothing would please me more to see him hunged. I ask you all to ignore this sick bastard and refrain from any interaction with him. He is a sick bastard and must be ignored.
Finally, I say to him, pervert you will, legally, when the time is right, pay for this. You are a disgusting piece of shit and deserves no pity.
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Postby Get Real! » Mon Oct 10, 2022 5:20 pm

Only you forgot to mention that you’re over 75 with the IQ of an 8 year old, and have a long history of being in and out of mental institutions!

Oh and your mother did NOT die in the 1953 Paphos earthquake for her name is not on the list of victims which I’ve finally found! <--- :lol:

That makes you a psychopathic LIAR!

And not to mention that those who respect their family members don’t drug them in the mud all day, as you do!

All your online antics are sinister attention seeking maneuvers very typical of a fucking narcissistic psychopathic shit-for-brains!

You are a total fucking loser who deserves nothing but our contempt... so FUCK OFF the forum!
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Postby miltiades » Mon Oct 10, 2022 5:51 pm

miltiades wrote:My mother was killed in the earthquake , Cyprus's most catastrophic in modern times, of September 10 1953.
She left behind four children, the oldest 13 the youngest 5. I was 7 yo. Her last words according to eye witnesses were Ta more mou.
Her memory remains with me and my remaining sibling.
This disgusting piece of shit that I vehemently hate has chosen to insult her memory in the most filthy vulgar language. A woman he has NEVER met and know nothing about. He could have chosen to insult me just as I rightfully insult him. He is a Psychopath, a Pervert, a Child Molester.i fucking hate his guts and nothing would please me more to see him hunged. I ask you all to ignore this sick bastard and refrain from any interaction with him. He is a sick bastard and must be ignored.
Finally, I say to him, pervert you will, legally, when the time is right, pay for this. You are a disgusting piece of shit and deserves no pity.

You are a sick bastard that doesn't deserve to breath. You are a confirmed fucking psychopath and a yellow belly. Meet me if you are just a tiny bit of a man. You are a coward and a child molester. I hate you filthy guts and I will legally make you pay. You stupid cunt, you have no list of the 3arthquake victims, if you had had you would knowothers name its on it
You disgust me beyond bounds, I never in my lif3 wish3d anyone dead but I wish you, I hate you so much you filthy disgusting fucking PEADOPHILE.
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Postby Get Real! » Mon Oct 10, 2022 5:55 pm

You’re so fucking stupid you’ve quoted yourself! :lol:

But anyway, even if she had died in that earthquake (and she didn’t)…


That’s YOUR problem! Everyone's got his own.

So take your stupid personal problems to a psychologist where they belong, and hopefully they’ll shut you in permanently this time!

FUCK OFF the forum loser!
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Postby miltiades » Mon Oct 10, 2022 5:59 pm

Get Real! wrote:You’re so fucking stupid you’ve quoted yourself! :lol:

But anyway, even if she had died in that earthquake (and she didn’t)…


That’s YOUR problem! Everyone's got his own.

So take your stupid personal problems to a psychologist where they belong, and hopefully they’ll shut you in permanently this time!

FUCK OFF the forum loser!

I think by now All on the forum have firmed an opinion of you in that you ar3 a fuck8ng Psychopath, a Pervert, a Child Molester and a complete and utter fuck8ng maniac. A coward too. You also call ypur self a .....Christian .my ars3. You are 5he d3vil 8n disguis3. Just stay a3ay from little girls you fuck8ng pervert. I will catch up with sooner than you 5hink !!
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Postby Get Real! » Mon Oct 10, 2022 6:05 pm

Dude… give up the stupidities because you’ve found the wrong person to fuck with! :wink:

There’s more IQ in my little pinkie than your entire Paphian clan put together, so take your problematic baggage and all the ghosts that seem to be following you around… and FUCK OFF the forum, because we are only interested in politics here.

Nobody is interested in YOU and you’d better believe it! :|
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Postby Get Real! » Mon Oct 10, 2022 6:12 pm

And in case you still don’t get it…

No SALE, no DEAL, just FUCK OFF!

This conversation is over!
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Postby miltiades » Mon Oct 10, 2022 6:13 pm

Get Real! wrote:Dude… give up the stupidities because you’ve found the wrong person to fuck with! :wink:

There’s more IQ in my little pinkie than your entire Paphian clan put together, so take your problematic baggage and all the ghosts that seem to be following you around… and FUCK OFF the forum, because we are only interested in politics here.

Nobody is interested in YOU and you’d better believe it! :|

You have an IQ ? :lol: Dont you realize that you are a sick pervert and a child molester? Your intelligence matches that of a .. Paphian rut. You are a filthy dirty bastard that had no scrubkes. Listen you sick bastard. Did I ever insult a member of your family? Did I ever post just one word about your fam8ly. Do realize that you are a sick bastard and you need sorting out and you have found the man to do it, legally of course. Now take your disgusting fikth6 self and fuck off the forum 5hat you ate killing wi5h 5he shit 5hat you so incessantly post. FUCK OFF PERVERT.
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Postby miltiades » Mon Oct 10, 2022 6:18 pm ... Y4QgGvfc_O
The above is the link that shows the names of the earthquake victims. My mother is the filth name diwn the list.
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Postby miltiades » Mon Oct 10, 2022 6:20 pm

The Pervert lied when he said he found the list of the victim's names. All that one can expect from a derranged psychopath.
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