well my english is not that good to understand if this discussion is serious anymore.
in scrable ??!!
with a z around ten points, and y another...6 (?), and considering it is a 10-word letter word...that would mean a whole lot of points
i dont know... if google recognises it does that make it a real word ?
if yes, you can use it. no intellectual righs will be claimed.
actually i will then become a word-makes
even though, words should mean sth shouldnt they ?
for music... i tried to follow those legends, who ARE legends indeed, but then got dissapointed. people get rich and loose their feeling. besides rock is a music filled with the energy of being young. when they grow older they run out of energy imho. when they grow old their inspiration expires. while some jazz musicians or the sweet buena vista grandfathers, the more they grew up the more they were getting better -just like wine.
as for the original quesstion... after speaking to a couple of people (absolutely NOT a representative sample of the gcs ) they said they would be willing to apply to the trnc courts for compensation and they would be really happy about it... so i was just wondering who is buying of who in our case