Londonrake wrote:Lordo wrote: Imagine a castle with a swimming pool and fruits of Cyprus growing, all around.
That's what we have here. I confess, the pool takes up a lot of my time cleaning it. Not exactly a labour of love. I had it installed originally with the grandkids in mind. I suspect, if you look at the cost/use ratio it would show that I spent X thousand Euros for every hour they've actually been in it.
We have grapefruit/orange/tangerine/apricot trees. Enough to ensure daily, freshly juiced vitamin C throughout the winters.
As far as the rest of your post is concerned. I fail to understand why you spend so much time every day frothing at the mouth about the Tories. It's not your country. Spend some time - as I have - in places like rural India and SE Asia to get a real perspective on "poverty".
Same advice. Go home. Be happy. Maybe one day then, when the acrimony settles down, you might actually get to buy me that Zivania.

How very interesting you should look at the demise of the SE Asia. here is a very interesting fact about India.
From the 1st century CE to the start of British colonisation in India in the 17th century, India's GDP was between about 25 and 35% of the world's total GDP, which dropped to 2% by Independence of India in 1947.
I wonder who was responsible for this and how did it happen?
Never mind 3 Million Churchill starved to death during WW2.