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Why these gender wars?

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Re: Why these gender wars?

Postby Oceanside50 » Sun Jul 10, 2022 9:03 pm

This feminism nonsense is ingrained in the Anglo Saxon Protestant brain.. Feminism first began in Anglo Saxon Protestant countries and has mostly stayed there.. Catholic an led Eastern a orthodox countries its mostly nonexistent
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Re: Why these gender wars?

Postby Lordo » Sun Jul 10, 2022 11:45 pm

Here is the Finland PM. Enjoy.
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Re: Why these gender wars?

Postby Lordo » Sun Jul 10, 2022 11:50 pm

This one goes back to 61AD long before Christianity arrived in these shores.

Boudicca, warrior queen of the ancient Iceni tribe and certainly one of the 10 greatest women in British history having led a rebellion that nearly ended Roman rule in Britain. When the Romans plundered the tribe’s lands in modern-day Norfolk, Cambridgeshire and Suffolk, flogged Boudicca and raped her two daughters, the Iceni rose up.

With other tribes, they wiped out the Romans’ Ninth Legion and sacked their strongholds at Colchester, London and St Albans, taking no prisoners (according to Roman historians) and massacring at least 70,000. But it is Boudicca alone, standing tall and Titian-haired in her chariot, who is remembered among the freedom fighters, and honoured with a dramatic statue, arms raised, by Thomas Thornycroft, near London’s Westminster Pier.
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Re: Why these gender wars?

Postby Lordo » Sun Jul 10, 2022 11:52 pm

Elizabeth I

is the most famous in more recent history. She is also the first of three queens not born to rule but nonetheless outstanding monarchs. She escaped the disgrace of her mother, Queen Anne Boleyn (executed by Elizabeth’s father, King Henry VIII), then survived the politically dangerous reigns of her brother, King Edward VI, and her sister Queen Mary. Eventually inheriting the throne herself, she emerged a powerful ruler, adept at boosting her popularity by ‘progressing’ around the country and playing up her image as “the Virgin Queen” – ¨though her closeness to her “sweet Robin”, Lord Leicester, might suggest otherwise.

While many see in her a charismatic queen addressing her troops as they awaited the Spanish Armada, to others she is the evil executioner of Mary Queen of Scots, the woman who should have ruled England, rather than Elizabeth, merely the daughter of the king’s former mistress.
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Re: Why these gender wars?

Postby Oceanside50 » Wed Jul 13, 2022 10:10 pm

This British journalist Kathy Newman, notice the intensity in her assertion that women are being oppressed..even though she’s at the top of her profession… solo scriptura embedded in her dna, 600 years in the it possible that a misinterpretation of a religion could eventually destroy a civilization or even the world?

Another British female journalist, going after Jordan Peterson..
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Re: Why these gender wars?

Postby Lordo » Wed Jul 13, 2022 11:38 pm

You can't just look at her and say what ever she has all other women have. Read and learn.

This also makes interesting. The only females allowed are chicken.
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Re: Why these gender wars?

Postby Oceanside50 » Thu Jul 14, 2022 6:11 pm

Concerning pay gap… at the lowest spectrum women are more inclined for less physically demanding jobs.. a man will get a job as a painter, construction worker or mover.. which pay a lot more then cleaning houses or receptionist. At the higher spectrum where there’s more education needed, women still fall behind but it’s not because of discrimination, but because they need to be more assertive in asking for raises.. Men at the higher spectrum tend to also lie a lot more on their resume then women do.. about 80% to 20%.. with assertive training women eventually catch up to men..

Rape…. Weak men tend to rape. Oddly enough this wholeness in the west is trying to promote weak men..

As for Mt Athos, yes women are forbidden because, from my understanding, the male monks will get sidetracked and bothered.. I’m sure there are female monasteries where men are not allowed but I’m not sure

As for type of jobs, as Peterson stated in the above video, the more the playing field is even the more males and females show their differences….

Solo Scriptura and the defense mechanism created by feminist, in my opinion has destroyed many women.. women can easily be manipulated more so then men. They easily fall for the bullshit of your goal is to be a career woman rather then a housewife.. Many are in their 70’s before they realize their mistake..
Last edited by Oceanside50 on Thu Jul 14, 2022 6:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Why these gender wars?

Postby Oceanside50 » Thu Jul 14, 2022 6:15 pm

Here’s another British female journalist asking the taliban about womens rights and vote

Notice them laughing at her ..

Show me an Irish, Spanish, Greek or Portuguese female reporter asking the same question
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Re: Why these gender wars?

Postby Get Real! » Thu Jul 14, 2022 7:06 pm

Oceanside50 wrote:Here’s another British female journalist asking the taliban about womens rights and vote

Typical British arrogance unable to accept different cultures, always assuming they’ve got everything figured out!

It’s a pity the Taliban aren’t smart enough to counter-question British pedo-tendencies, to put her in her place!

Oceanside50 wrote:Notice them laughing at her ..

Yeah, that's expected...

Oceanside50 wrote:Show me an Irish, Spanish, Greek or Portuguese female reporter asking the same question

And why should they dear Ocean?

Do you honestly think the Brits are in a position to judge other cultures? :)
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Re: Why these gender wars?

Postby Lordo » Thu Jul 14, 2022 8:43 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Oceanside50 wrote:Here’s another British female journalist asking the taliban about womens rights and vote

Typical British arrogance unable to accept different cultures, always assuming they’ve got everything figured out!

It’s a pity the Taliban aren’t smart enough to counter-question British pedo-tendencies, to put her in her place!

Oceanside50 wrote:Notice them laughing at her ..

Yeah, that's expected...

Oceanside50 wrote:Show me an Irish, Spanish, Greek or Portuguese female reporter asking the same question

And why should they dear Ocean?

Do you honestly think the Brits are in a position to judge other cultures? :)

No GR the differences are not to do with culture.

In the UK when people have "pedo- tendencies" it is not law. It is actually a crime and certainly some swine will cover for them but that is not normal. Where as the towel heads have decreed that girls do not need to go to school beyond primary school. Its not even tradition in Taliban country. If it was there would be no need to enforce it and people would do it out of choice. Far from that, it is forced upon them.

The question is how did we get here. America set Taliban on the socialist Afghan government and fought them till they finally won with the American weapons, and training. While the fighting was going on, a lot of young boys were taken to Pakistan and schooled there in the madrasas run by backward clerics who wish ro live like in 500 AD. Of course when the war ended these young boys were now young men and when they returned they forced their beliefs an all. I would say 99% of Muslims on earth do not think like that at all.

The issue of Taliban is an American creation.
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