Lordo wrote:There is no place today in this world for the bible or the kuran or any other religous book. They are thousands of years old and out of date. And thats where they belong in a museum.
And you quote from it saying god said this and god said that. First you have to establois that there is a god and then you hsave to prove that it is indeed what he said thousands of years ago after so many generations put their slant on it.
You are wasting your time and every body else's time too.
You’re getting senile mate!!!

Regardless of anyones religious persuasion, it’s impact on peoples psyche is relevant even if they call themselves atheist or whatever… That impact is shown in Protestant countries in that the idea of patriarchy exists.. and it has led Protestant countries to easily embrace transgendered kids, the idea of multiple genders and the absurd notion of toxic masculinity, just to name a few… that’s the point of this thread… illusions passed down from one evangelical Protestant pastor to their congregation for the past 600 years