Get Real! wrote:Londonrake wrote:Get Real! wrote:Londonrake wrote:Get Real! wrote:A legalized racist excuse to prosecute all forms of Jewish criticism so as to elevate Jewry above all else.
You're right.
Let's gas the fuckers.
Well it’s not like they wouldn’t deserve it considering their incessant criminal acts against their neighbors.
You're right. Let's kill 'em all this time. Finish the job. Every man, woman and child. We can set up better factories and do it more efficiently these days. Not to mention humanely.
When we've finished we could kill a few hundred million others with nukes. Only those who clearly have it coming of course.
Then we can all celebrate. Like never before.
Anybody got any problems with that?
You’ll have to do better than feeble sarcasm to whitewash an arch-criminal entity like Israel.
NO! It's not "feeble sarcasm". Nor whitewash. It seems you really do believe the Jews deserve to be exterminated. Just as you do the US and UK should be vaporised with nuclear weapons. One has to admire that sort of fanaticism. Others might be unkind and call it the thoughts of a lunatic. Hey, I'm just going on stuff you've posted many times before. Have I got it wrong?

Anyway. I thought the Yid fuckers were playing the Ukraine thing neutral. They seem to have a sort of "understanding" with Russia. No? Well, except when the serial liar Lavrov said that Hitler was actually a Yid. That being a way of getting around the awkward fact that Zelenskly's Jewish, some of his family fought with the Red Army against the Nazis and others were taken in the holocaust. The profile not fitting in with the "de-Nazification" bollocks. Putin seemed to rush in and cancel that though it seemed. So, given Putin's Messiah status I guess Hitler wasn't a Jew after all.