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Refugees are about to be sent to Rwanda

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Re: Refugees are about to be sent to Rwanda

Postby Kikapu » Mon May 16, 2022 9:29 pm

Maximus wrote:
Kikapu wrote:Then again, this is nothing new for the British government. Didn’t they also send thousands of prisoners on a one way ticket to Australia back when?

Is this a case of either rotting in a rat infested English jail and sleeping in your own piss, versus being shipped off to start a new life in sunny Australia.

I wonder what offers less human rights. No, I know what option I would take....

Today, people from all over the world are trying to go live with those "convicts".

Well, Paphitis packed up his family and shipped out to the USA! :wink: :D
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Re: Refugees are about to be sent to Rwanda

Postby Paphitis » Fri May 20, 2022 3:59 pm

Lordo wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Maximus wrote:Why is it going to get ugly in the courts? What is illegal about sending refugees to Rwanda for processing?

Most probably their Human Rights won’t be protected there and subject to abuse.

I expect you to be better informed Kikapu. The reason is their Human Rights are abused before they even get there. UK has no legal right to take them to another country. Which is why no other country would accept them. Rwanda extracted a heavy price to accept them. But of course accepting them is not a crime, only forcing them to go there is.

Of course the real issue is that they are only getting a one way ticket there and will not be able to return to the UK even if their applications are successful. Statistically 80% are successful. And of course even if they are taken there, they will make their way back at a huge risk to their lives far worse than they took first time round.

But the real downer is how much it costs. Australia has been doing it for some time. They too about 3500 people to Neru Island and it cost the Ausies a cool 3.5 billion dollars so far. Not million, I am talking about billion. They could have given them 100,000 dollars and they would have returned to their homes to make a living. Stupidity has no limits but I guess they were descended from common criminal.

The whole policy acts as a deterrance and it has been extremely successful for Australia.

Some years ago, there were hundreds, if not thosaands of boat loads of illegal immigrants trying to make the journey across treacherous seas to Australia. The idea was to seek asylum. In which case Australian Courts would be clogged for decades. Not to mention the fact that it is estimated that 50,000 illegal immigrants perished at sea, never to be seen again.

Then, AUSGOV decided to take drastic action. Mandatory detention was bought in. Anyone who was caught breaking Federal Laws and Australian Borders, would be sent into detention centres in Darwin and Port Hedland. More action from AUSGOV was to take place in order to stop the illegal human trafficking. Illegal boats would be intercepted in International Waters by the RAAF, RAN, Customs, Federal Police, and Surveillance Australia. Various technologies would be used, from military ships, patrol boats, Army units, helicopters, drones, satellites, JORN Radar facilities, and Coastwatch.

Australia now possesed one of the most advance surveillance umbrellas known to mankind - multilayered and cutting edge.

The idea that every boat would be intercepted and taken to overseas processing facilities in other countries. 99.9% would be deported back to their last point of departure. Those who applied for asylum, had an onus of proof on them to prove their claims. They would end up in prisons for many years before accepting deportation. The hardliners, were sent to USA who granted them asylum, but they are not allowewd to come to Australia even as a tourist as they are convicted felons. It is actually amazing that Trump, yes trump, allowed them into the USA.

But this hardline approach stopped illegal immigration.

Mission accomplished.

The same policies exist to this day. And there is widespread support from the Australian electorate. Any Government that departs from such policy will result in ballot defeat.

These policies have already been tested in Australian Courts and the general result was that the AUSGOV was acting lawfully.

Even if that was not the case, AUSGOV can invoke anti terrorism laws and also national security to bypass the Federal Courts.

The very same policies were used for the last 2 years against civilian cruise ships. Under the Emergency Act, AUSGOV would use military ships, and even board cruise ships with tourists from around the world, to forcefully turn around ships that were prohibited from entering Australian Waters and docking at Australian Ports. These ships would even declare an SOS, in order to obligate Australia to allow these ships into Australia, but to no avail. Sick passengers were evacuated by military helicopters, but the ships were turned around. Only 2 or 3 ships made it through and each time, no passengers were allowed to disembark. Even if they were critically ill.

In the end, our country, and we decide who comes in and who doesn't.
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Re: Refugees are about to be sent to Rwanda

Postby Paphitis » Fri May 20, 2022 4:13 pm

The UK is actually introducing similar policies.

The UKG has Abbott, Australia's former PM working for them.

The alternative is accepting EU Bordello policies that have caused massive issues in Greece, Italy and Western Europe.

You can hardly blame the UK.
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Re: Refugees are about to be sent to Rwanda

Postby Maximus » Fri May 20, 2022 9:33 pm

Some people just fail to comprehend the many reasons why illegal (irregular donkey) migration is bad Paphitis. :roll:

These people are lick Turkeys voting for Christmas.
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Re: Refugees are about to be sent to Rwanda

Postby Lordo » Fri May 20, 2022 10:21 pm

This is very interesting.

This is for the rea 2020

Country Name.......Refugees Granted Asylum
United States........340,881
United Kingdom.....132,349
South Korea.............3,498
Trinidad and Tobago...3,224
Czech Republic.........1,959
New Zealand...........1,808
Slovak Republic........1,036
Saudi Arabia.............340
Hong Kong...............266
Cayman Islands..........43
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)...10
Turks and Caicos Islands.......8

So whatever it means, the Germans don't get it either.
Last edited by Lordo on Fri May 20, 2022 11:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Refugees are about to be sent to Rwanda

Postby Lordo » Fri May 20, 2022 10:33 pm

This is even more interesting statistic.

In the year ending March 2020:
715,000 people migrated into the UK and
403,000 people emigrated from it,
leaving a net migration figure of 313,000.
And idiots are worried about a few thousand who arrived by boat.
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Re: Refugees are about to be sent to Rwanda

Postby Paphitis » Sun May 22, 2022 1:34 am

Lordo wrote:This is even more interesting statistic.

In the year ending March 2020:
715,000 people migrated into the UK and
403,000 people emigrated from it,
leaving a net migration figure of 313,000.
And idiots are worried about a few thousand who arrived by boat.

None of these countries are anti migration. The UK and Australia and others like Canada and US like migration and want net migration.

The difference though is that we all want to choose who comes in. When we accept migrants from overseas, we are typically looking for certain kinds of people. If they meet our criteria, they have an easier road and more success in getting to migrate over. What are these criteria? Well there are hundreds of factors. I don't know all of them and there are too many to list here.

Firstly, we sell golden visas. If you are a Billionaire with a massive corporation that you own, then you can pack your bags and come. A Chginese Billionaire from Hong Kong wanting to come to Australia will have a much easier pathway than a normal person would from let's say Cyprus. Why? Because of MONEY! That's why.

If you are a qualified person in any number of qualifications such as you are a Doctor, Scientist, Mechanic, Electrician, Builder, Engineer or have some other aspect that is attractive, then chances are you will be allowed to come. If you are sponsored by a company or business, then you are likely to be allowed in on a work visa.

If you are a dead beat, with no qualifications, no money, have a criminal record of any kind, then it's no cigar. No country wants you.

So we use our net migration to further our country by giving VISAS to people we want and need. The general idea is to get people who would be net contributors to our society and economy, and be nice people who would integrate into our society, start and raise a family, start a business or work, pay tax and not be a burden on our social security.

A certain small portion would be given out to asylum seekers. But you need to apply for asylum from overseas and verify and prove that you are actually a refugee otherwise the application would be declines.
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Re: Refugees are about to be sent to Rwanda

Postby Paphitis » Sun May 22, 2022 1:54 am

Even when selecting asylum seekers we can be very selective.

I'll provide you all with examples. Australia has a massive Arms Industry worth many billions of Dollars. There are many Russians, Syrians, Iraqis and who knows what else who are working in these firms, with very high levels of security vetting working on highly secretive projects for the Australian Defence Forces. In firms that are Australian, British, American, French and even Israeli.

When individuals claim asylum from these countries, have worked on let's say Suddham Hussein's Chemical Labs, or Iran's or Russia's weapons industry, these people tend to grab our attention. And they get their wish and get to come to Australia. They'll probably be tagged for 3 years by ASIO, but they would be allowed in.

Another example, a Syrian Mig Pilot flew into Israel, nearly got shot down by the Israeli's but managed to land at an Israeli Air Base. Israelis were pretty edgy when he flew into Israeli Air Space.

The Syrian requested asylum from Israeli. They couldn't have him in Israel because they were actually concerned about his safety. So Australia immediately put its hand up and wanted the Syrian Mig Pilot.

This MIG Pilot ended up working for Surveillance Australia - with security clearances and all. He was flying Surveillance Aircraft for AUSGOV for many years.
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Re: Refugees are about to be sent to Rwanda

Postby Paphitis » Sun May 22, 2022 2:43 am

Also, Australia and US are extremely expensive places. More so Australia than in US as in the US you can still go to certain parts like and regional areas where cost of living is manageable but certainly not manageable in most of the big cities like New York for instance.

Your groceries, fuel and clothing are cheap in the US. So too is the fast food if you want to live an unhealthy lifestyle. Some people have no choice. But your life expectancy would be lower I’m sure.

But the point is, if you are on the bones of your ass, Australia and US are not good countries to come to. It would be much easier to live in Cyprus than to live in Australia. It’s just too hard to get a good footing in Australia or US. Property is out of control.

I mean just do a comparison. You can buy a house in Cyprus or Greece for what, about 150 to 200k? 3 bedrooms too. Can’t do that in any Australian or US city.

Try 1 million to buy a wreck now.

If you got money to buy a house at least, then by all means, go to UK, Australia or US. That’s when it’s good. Yes you will find work quicker. Life would be easier but still expensive. But you are not in a situation where you have to save to buy a house or apartment. Half the battle is already won.

Bottom line people, UK, Australia and US are not the utopia’s people expect. Don’t get me wrong though. They are great places, have great cities, great infrastructure and people are nice, but it’s mega expensive. Much more expensive than Cyprus. So much so, we have so many homeless people too. There is a lot of poverty. If you get left behind in America or Australia, you are in a lot of trouble.

Both have good welfare. But it doesn’t pay for much. Lucky to be able to pay for food. Try living in Australia or US on $400 per week. It’s impossible. You would have to move to the regional areas. But you can dig yourself out of a hole in Australia or America. So many jobs even as a waiter, hospitality, or driving trucks or taxis until you sort yourself out.

I would rather be in Cyprus if I was down and out. Australia and America not the place to be that’s for sure.
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Re: Refugees are about to be sent to Rwanda

Postby Lordo » Sun May 22, 2022 11:19 am

Here is a very good example of a young refugee who could have ended up in Rwanda if it ever gets off the ground. They are now talking about a million pound per refugee that would be paid to the Rwandans.

Surely it is cheaper to let them in and let them work to pay their way and pay taxes too just like this good Doctor.

Lunatics have certainly taken over the asylum. Send in the men with white coats FFS.
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