I can understand that an overheating economy with too much money causing inflation can be dealt with by increasing Interest rates to dampen down demand and reduce inflation.
However, the inflation is now being caused by many reasons none of which is in the control of the public. So, when the working class is already squeezed to mere existence with fuel bills going up, food bills going up and some people having to choose whether to heat their homes or eat. Some people can now only eat one meal a day. It will not be long before it drops down to every other day. Old age pensioners unable to heat their homes are getting on busses as it is free and staying on them all day for warmth.
There are 10 million people in UK that either are unemployed, or they earn such low wages that they claim Universal Credit to survive as well as visit food banks.
How has one of the world's richest economies reached this low level? Not that we are alone, America is not far behind in every respect. At least we still have the NHS, they do not have even that.
In the meantime, the energy companies and supermarkets are declaring triple profits. Surely the obvious thing to do is to tax their extra profits and distribute them to those in most need. Or even cap their profits so they do not make excess profits which would be cheaper organisational wise.
What other ways are there to reduce inflation without increasing intersect rates.