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Re: Bank Interest Rates

Postby Lordo » Sat May 07, 2022 5:23 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Lordo wrote:Interestingly the "leftist claptrap" he refers to are the very people that created everything that is envied worldwide about UK.

NHS, Free Education, Free Dentistry, Free Eye Care and Free Prescriptions

And the very party he supports has been trying to destroy them ever since with sum measure of success. All but NHS is no longer free but reduced prices under NHS for treatment. Prescriptions are also free for those who are in receipt of Universal Credit employed or unemployed. Interestingly over 60s also have have free prescriptions but I wonder for how long.

FWIW, I’m not particularly a Tory supporter and indeed have applauded some of the achievements you champion. As a child, living in a post-war shit hole East London ghetto, I’d go so far as to say Aneurin Bevan probably saved my life. On more than one occasion. Moreover, I’ve no time for Johnson (for reasons which will differ to yours - those seeming to me to be in the main dogma based) and would be quite happy to see the buffoon go. Although, given the total dearth of political talent at present a good replacement seems problematic. As with Trump though, that doesn’t seem a consideration, and look where it’s led us all.

Lordo. You’re a man perennially in search of an argument. Although, being in the political wilderness, after such a long and spirited campaign in support of Corbyn, I can understand how difficult it must have been for you. If you switch to even the faintest hint of right-of-centre though you’ll find on most forums they’ll be queuing up to have a pop at you.

How very interesting. So the very people who saved your life several times you refer to as leftist claptrap.

Don't you dare call the East End shithole. Milti will not like it one bit. This is the west we are talking about.

Why do I get a feeling you are Jewish. Not that I am against Jewish people in general. My grievance is the with Israelis government, their policies and their supporters and the jewish boys and girls in London who decided to join on the attack and accuse a man of anti-semitism when he was the least anti-sematic person on earth. In fact so is the Labour party for that matter. Party had over 500,000 members and about 600 complaints half of which came from the witch Hodge.

But that's another story.

What other ways can there be to reduce inflation.

Perhaps rationing will dampen demand and reduce inflation and intern reduce interest rates.
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Re: Bank Interest Rates

Postby Maximus » Sat May 07, 2022 5:44 pm

Lordo wrote:
NHS, Free Education, Free Dentistry, Free Eye Care and Free Prescriptions

Why not extend that to include free food, free housing, free petrol.

Because there is no such thing as "free", people are taxed to pay for it.

what planet does this guy live on?
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Re: Bank Interest Rates

Postby Lordo » Sat May 07, 2022 8:16 pm

Here is a letter posted in the FT.

Andrew Bailey, the Bank of England governor, simply hasn’t gone far enough. He needs to introduce rationing. That is a far more direct and effective way to cool demand and so reduce inflationary pressures (“Bailey accused of pay-rise hypocrisy”, Report, February 5).
Moreover, this would be excellent preparation for coping with the effects of climate change which every government in the world is resolutely failing to mitigate.
As crops fail and unpredictable weather impacts transport routes, so supplies will dwindle and rationing will be the only way to manage their equitable distribution.

You can reduce inflation and help with the climate change.
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Re: Bank Interest Rates

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sat May 07, 2022 11:56 pm

Maximus wrote:
Lordo wrote:
NHS, Free Education, Free Dentistry, Free Eye Care and Free Prescriptions

Why not extend that to include free food, free housing, free petrol.

Because there is no such thing as "free", people are taxed to pay for it.

what planet does this guy live on?

I guess Lordo is advocating a fairer taxation system where almost everything is free via taxation.
In Sweden every person may pay up to 90% but they keep Corporate tax to normal about 20% to keep business growing. Most Swedish business owners just return money to charities or their employees after making their fortunes. It just doesn't make sense piling up money when everything is free.
Funny thing the system there does work!!

In the UK just like Cyprus, it makes sense to pile up money and do tax evasion...
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Re: Bank Interest Rates

Postby Lordo » Sun May 08, 2022 12:03 am

I cannot believe that there are idiots that actually interpret my words of free NHS as we do not have to pay for it. Do I really need to explain that we actually pay for but fairly in that everybody pays for it and some people use it.

This of course works in the private world too. Everybody pays insurance but not everybody claims. I accept that there is an excess charge for those who claim but it is a small amount.

Some people are just so idiotic there no point posting to them if every time we post we have to go back to 1 plus 1 makes 2 ffs.
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Re: Bank Interest Rates

Postby Londonrake » Sun May 08, 2022 8:40 pm

Lordo wrote:
Londonrake wrote:
Lordo wrote:Interestingly the "leftist claptrap" he refers to are the very people that created everything that is envied worldwide about UK.

NHS, Free Education, Free Dentistry, Free Eye Care and Free Prescriptions

And the very party he supports has been trying to destroy them ever since with sum measure of success. All but NHS is no longer free but reduced prices under NHS for treatment. Prescriptions are also free for those who are in receipt of Universal Credit employed or unemployed. Interestingly over 60s also have have free prescriptions but I wonder for how long.

FWIW, I’m not particularly a Tory supporter and indeed have applauded some of the achievements you champion. As a child, living in a post-war shit hole East London ghetto, I’d go so far as to say Aneurin Bevan probably saved my life. On more than one occasion. Moreover, I’ve no time for Johnson (for reasons which will differ to yours - those seeming to me to be in the main dogma based) and would be quite happy to see the buffoon go. Although, given the total dearth of political talent at present a good replacement seems problematic. As with Trump though, that doesn’t seem a consideration, and look where it’s led us all.

Lordo. You’re a man perennially in search of an argument. Although, being in the political wilderness, after such a long and spirited campaign in support of Corbyn, I can understand how difficult it must have been for you. If you switch to even the faintest hint of right-of-centre though you’ll find on most forums they’ll be queuing up to have a pop at you.

How very interesting. So the very people who saved your life several times you refer to as leftist claptrap.

Don't you dare call the East End shithole. Milti will not like it one bit. This is the west we are talking about.

Why do I get a feeling you are Jewish. Not that I am against Jewish people in general. My grievance is the with Israelis government, their policies and their supporters and the jewish boys and girls in London who decided to join on the attack and accuse a man of anti-semitism when he was the least anti-sematic person on earth. In fact so is the Labour party for that matter. Party had over 500,000 members and about 600 complaints half of which came from the witch Hodge.

But that's another story.

What other ways can there be to reduce inflation.

Perhaps rationing will dampen demand and reduce inflation and intern reduce interest rates.

I'm catching up - or at least trying to. I will of course miss many interesting (that usually meaning insulting) posts. Apologies. :lol: :wink:

One of the leftist clap-trap characteristics is cherry picking a few words and then interpreting them in a manner which suits their particular agenda. Usually, strong on stereotyping. Where did I in anyway say that things like the NHS - et al were such? It merely suits you to make such a claim and attempt to tar with that brush. To great applause from the usual sycophants I'm sure. Clearly though, it's actually a claim without substance here.

From what I recall of our conversation on that one evening, after his Mother died in an earthquake Milti grew up here in a Limassol orphanage. One he seemed to have a very low opinion of. I don't know exactly when he moved to London but I'm pretty sure it was long after childhood and then not to the East End.

Shalom! :lol:

No, I'm not Jewish. Although, being such I don't think has any bearing on the discussion. Nice try though. It seems to be a bit of a cliché. In 1930's Germany. "I have nothing against the Jews. Some of my friends at school were Jewish." :lol:

My recollection is not of Corbyn being accused of anti-semitism but of the Labour Party under his leadership lacking the motivation to restrain and punish those within their ranks who felt that way. IIRC, the EHRC came down heavily in favour of that. Their first such pronouncement on a UK political party since the BNP investigation. Moreover, as comforting as it perhaps might be to think that Jeremy's appalling effect on his party (their worst electoral defeat in almost a century) came down to nothing more than such accusations it is of course a load of bollocks. The man was perceived by even long-standing staunch Labour supporting constituencies for what he was. The most unsuitable candidate for PM of the UK in living history. The rest of course being just that. Then you disappeared for a year. :(

Inflation is of course a global phenomena right now. The solution always painful, as anyone who lived through the wonderful 1970s decade will probably still starkly recall. Generally the cure always tends to be painful.
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Re: Bank Interest Rates

Postby Lordo » Sun May 08, 2022 9:42 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Lordo wrote:
Londonrake wrote:
Lordo wrote:Interestingly the "leftist claptrap" he refers to are the very people that created everything that is envied worldwide about UK.

NHS, Free Education, Free Dentistry, Free Eye Care and Free Prescriptions

And the very party he supports has been trying to destroy them ever since with sum measure of success. All but NHS is no longer free but reduced prices under NHS for treatment. Prescriptions are also free for those who are in receipt of Universal Credit employed or unemployed. Interestingly over 60s also have have free prescriptions but I wonder for how long.

FWIW, I’m not particularly a Tory supporter and indeed have applauded some of the achievements you champion. As a child, living in a post-war shit hole East London ghetto, I’d go so far as to say Aneurin Bevan probably saved my life. On more than one occasion. Moreover, I’ve no time for Johnson (for reasons which will differ to yours - those seeming to me to be in the main dogma based) and would be quite happy to see the buffoon go. Although, given the total dearth of political talent at present a good replacement seems problematic. As with Trump though, that doesn’t seem a consideration, and look where it’s led us all.

Lordo. You’re a man perennially in search of an argument. Although, being in the political wilderness, after such a long and spirited campaign in support of Corbyn, I can understand how difficult it must have been for you. If you switch to even the faintest hint of right-of-centre though you’ll find on most forums they’ll be queuing up to have a pop at you.

How very interesting. So the very people who saved your life several times you refer to as leftist claptrap.

Don't you dare call the East End shithole. Milti will not like it one bit. This is the west we are talking about.

Why do I get a feeling you are Jewish. Not that I am against Jewish people in general. My grievance is the with Israelis government, their policies and their supporters and the jewish boys and girls in London who decided to join on the attack and accuse a man of anti-semitism when he was the least anti-sematic person on earth. In fact so is the Labour party for that matter. Party had over 500,000 members and about 600 complaints half of which came from the witch Hodge.

But that's another story.

What other ways can there be to reduce inflation.

Perhaps rationing will dampen demand and reduce inflation and intern reduce interest rates.

I'm catching up - or at least trying to. I will of course miss many interesting (that usually meaning insulting) posts. Apologies. :lol: :wink:

One of the leftist clap-trap characteristics is cherry picking a few words and then interpreting them in a manner which suits their particular agenda. Usually, strong on stereotyping. Where did I in anyway say that things like the NHS - et al were such? It merely suits you to make such a claim and attempt to tar with that brush. To great applause from the usual sycophants I'm sure. Clearly though, it's actually a claim without substance here.

From what I recall of our conversation on that one evening, after his Mother died in an earthquake Milti grew up here in a Limassol orphanage. One he seemed to have a very low opinion of. I don't know exactly when he moved to London but I'm pretty sure it was long after childhood and then not to the East End.

Shalom! :lol:

No, I'm not Jewish. Although, being such I don't think has any bearing on the discussion. Nice try though. It seems to be a bit of a cliché. In 1930's Germany. "I have nothing against the Jews. Some of my friends at school were Jewish." :lol:

My recollection is not of Corbyn being accused of anti-semitism but of the Labour Party under his leadership lacking the motivation to restrain and punish those within their ranks who felt that way. IIRC, the EHRC came down heavily in favour of that. Their first such pronouncement on a UK political party since the BNP investigation. Moreover, as comforting as it perhaps might be to think that Jeremy's appalling effect on his party (their worst electoral defeat in almost a century) came down to nothing more than such accusations it is of course a load of bollocks. The man was perceived by even long-standing staunch Labour supporting constituencies for what he was. The most unsuitable candidate for PM of the UK in living history. The rest of course being just that. Then you disappeared for a year. :(

Inflation is of course a global phenomena right now. The solution always painful, as anyone who lived through the wonderful 1970s decade will probably still starkly recall. Generally the cure always tends to be painful.

Now that's very interesting thing you said. So you clearly did read the 860 page report that came out of that little enquiry.
Two complaints were upheld against him which both claimed Corbyn interfered with the process and had no right to do so. I don't suppose you read the report You are just posting what you have read in the shit press.
Ironically the report brought out the facts on how Blairites in the party held up the process deliberately to delay to make Corbyn look ineffective so he can be attacked.
But that's another story.
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Re: Bank Interest Rates

Postby Lordo » Fri May 13, 2022 9:21 am

Clearly things are not going well at the Animal Farm. The pigs are running around like a headless chicken.

Boris Johnson could cut up to 91,000 civil service jobs

Or is this to get them to shut up perhaps.
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Re: Bank Interest Rates

Postby Lordo » Fri May 13, 2022 9:23 am

So much for this new money. Down by 99%? WTF?
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Re: Bank Interest Rates

Postby Lordo » Fri May 13, 2022 9:26 am

Did somebody say the only solution for inflation was interest rate rising?

UK economy shrank by 0.1% in March as cost-of-living crisis bites
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