The Pervert fucking psychopath is at it again with more shit. Did you to earlier? I hope you confessed and asked for forgiveness. You disgusting stupid bastard. Now go and FUCK YOUR SELF PERVERT
The Psychopath is on form today. His necrophilia perversion is beyond comparison unless his paedophilia perversion 're surfaces. Pervert Go FUCK YOUR SELF YOU PIECE OF GARBAGE.
Let's get this fucking psychopath off the Cyprus forum. For starters he is a Pervert, a child molester, an advocator of Nuclear war. A thouroughly perverted piece of garbage who should be locked up or even.... What a filthy bastard.
My solicitor had more than enough material submitted by the PERVERT to present a solid case against the Psychopath. His fascination with the dead is indicative of his perverted mind. Psycho, you are digging your own grave If I was you I would top my self. Go on pervert, you will be doing your self a favour.Before you do that go for confession as you are Defo destined for Help