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Refugee vs Asylum vs Migrant

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Refugee vs Asylum vs Migrant

Postby Lordo » Sun Apr 24, 2022 10:02 pm

Refugee: a person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster.

Asylum: the protection granted by a state to someone who has left their home country as a political refugee.

Migrant: a person who moves from one place to another, especially in order to find work or better living conditions.

So lets not confuse the three when discussing the merits of people who come knocking at our door asking for help.

Lets knock out the word migrant first. For somebody that is a migrant I would say they must come from a country where there is no war or civil war. If the conditions are as "normal", they they can be considered to be a migrant.
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Re: Refugee vs Asylum vs Migrant

Postby Maximus » Sun Apr 24, 2022 10:25 pm

Irregular (illegal) migration :

> a person who is undocumented and has paid smugglers or traffickers to get in to a country
> a "tourist" who tries to force their way in to a neighboring country to claim asylum or refuge and ends up abusing the system.

when seeking refuge or asylum, these statuses are usually temporary and you are expected to return as soon as it is safe to do so.

A migrant can have a temporary status or they can be naturalized after a long period of time of living and working in the host country.
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Re: Refugee vs Asylum vs Migrant

Postby Lordo » Mon Apr 25, 2022 10:34 am

Lets take a Libyan young man. His country has been destroyed by the west. It is now in two parts and not functioning. There is no rule of law where one can feel safe and there is no functioning economy so jobs can be created for the young.

Is this young man a migrant or a refugee.

Lets take another individual.
There is a judge in Afghanistan who put away Taliban in his courts while the West was there. Now that the west has gone and Taliban is in trying to find him and he is going from place to place to evade them, he has applied to come to Britain with political asylum. Is he an asylum seeker? Why is he not been allowed to come here?

And yet their cases have been put back to the back of the que and the Ukrainians have been put in front. Not that they are allowing that many Ukrainians to come to the UK.

There are thousands of people in this position from mainly countries the west has fucked up. Yet, they are about to be shipped on a one way ticket to Rwanda where their case will be looked at and if successful they will be forced to stay there and have no right to come to the UK.
Is Rwanda not a country where just a few years ago over a million people were killed? Is it now a stable country able to afford refugees or any other people. Clearly UK has paid up a sweetener for Rwanda to sign the deal and will be paying 10s of thousands of pound per person they take. So at the root of this affair is actually corruption itself. Are we really surprised any more how the west behaves?
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Re: Refugee vs Asylum vs Migrant

Postby Maximus » Mon Apr 25, 2022 11:45 am

On the positive side of that deal,

Rwanda needs opportunities, an income and help to rebuild the country.

Mass migration of any kind, to a select few countries is a major problem in and of itself, that needs to be recognized as such and solutions for it found so it stops.

these "fcked up" countries need fixing and rebuilding. these "fcked up" countries that lack opportunity need to start providing opportunities.

European countries do not have infinite capacity to absorb and support mass migration of any kind from all over the world.
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Re: Refugee vs Asylum vs Migrant

Postby miltiades » Mon Apr 25, 2022 11:55 am

If the West opened its borders to anyone wishing to enter there would be a massive exodus jostling to get to get away from the third world..The West its attractive to mostly muslims because of the standards of living, the freedoms as well as Lordo's Halal Pork Kebabs :x :lol:
I have nothing against immigration but I believe that " immigrants".ought to adapt to the country's culture and not wanting their medieval culture to take roots in the West.
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Re: Refugee vs Asylum vs Migrant

Postby Maximus » Mon Apr 25, 2022 11:59 am

Here is the thing that unrestrained liberal left leaning thinking achieves.

These migrants are being put up in five star hotels now because there isn't sufficient housing for them.

So the problem has been passed to the tax payer. While many struggle to earn a living wage, or afford their own accommodation, their taxes are paying for migrants of all statuses to live in luxury accommodation. Full bed and board...

How does that make sense? How is this feasible or even a solution for someone else's problem half way across the globe? How does lowering other peoples standard of living not create a bigger problem over the long term?

What then when these people cant find opportunity to earn a living wage because they don't have the skills to compete in such an economy as Britain's?
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Re: Refugee vs Asylum vs Migrant

Postby Lordo » Mon Apr 25, 2022 12:10 pm

miltiades wrote:If the West opened its borders to anyone wishing to enter there would be a massive exodus jostling to get to get away from the third world..The West its attractive to mostly muslims because of the standards of living, the freedoms as well as Lordo's Halal Pork Kebabs :x :lol:
I have nothing against immigration but I believe that " immigrants".ought to adapt to the country's culture and not wanting their medieval culture to take roots in the West.

You remind me of the parrot in the Monty Python sketch.

Who said anything about opening the borders to anyone wishing to enter?

Funny enough that was exact phrase used by BoZo who claimed that if we stay in the EU 80 million Turks would be at our doors. So I am glad you have shown your true colours finally where you stand in politics and that is shoulder to shoulder.

Now that's make this a little more personal. We migrated from the same island to the same country and city. You left about a decade or so before me.

Tell us why you left Cyprus? Now why should you be given such an opportunity and the same not offered to others.

So why did you leave Cyprus?
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Re: Refugee vs Asylum vs Migrant

Postby miltiades » Mon Apr 25, 2022 12:24 pm

Since you asked I left for the same reason that you and thousands of othet Cypriots did. The difference however between you and I is that.the minute I set foot in the UK I was not under any illusion that I was in....Cyprus. I adapted and embraced England as my own. I respected the English culture and considered my self rather lucky to have the opportunity to better my self. I grew up in London, married and had children, I also had same freedoms and opportunities as the natives had.Unlike you I love the West and appreciate the opportunities given to me. I also appreciated the Halal Pork widely available in the UK. I always maintained that if one doesn't like and respect the country he is in then " FUCK OFF " where one came from. Criticize of course.but show respect for the country's customs and culture in general. I have now been living in Cyprus for 5 years and again , if I don't like it I too can fuck off .
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Re: Refugee vs Asylum vs Migrant

Postby Lordo » Mon Apr 25, 2022 12:38 pm

miltiades wrote:Since you asked I left for the same reason that you and thousands of othet Cypriots did. The difference however between you and I is that.the minute I set foot in the UK I was not under any illusion that I was in....Cyprus. I adapted and embraced England as my own. I respected the English culture and considered my self rather lucky to have the opportunity to better my self. I grew up in London, married and had children, I also had same freedoms and opportunities as the natives had.Unlike you I love the West and appreciate the opportunities given to me. I also appreciated the Halal Pork widely available in the UK. I always maintained that if one doesn't like and respect the country he is in then " FUCK OFF " where one came from. Criticize of course.but show respect for the country's customs and culture in general. I have now been living in Cyprus for 5 years and again , if I don't like it I too can fuck off .

Naaaaa you could not have left for the same reason, TCs had another reason why they left.
Why did you leave?

After all you took part in the liberation and you were liberated and in control of the government in Cyprus except of course TCs had the right of veto so you could not take action against their interests.

As to respecting the customs of the country, so did I. I anglicized my name and never so much as prayed to god never mind other nasty habits the Muslims got up to. The only difference between us is the fact that I criticize the west for what they are doing to the rest of the world and you are turning a blind eye.

So I ask again, why did you leave Cyprus? Walk me through it. One minute you are helping liberate your country and the next you decide to leave and go to the very country you fought against. Why oh why oh why?
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Re: Refugee vs Asylum vs Migrant

Postby Lordo » Mon Apr 25, 2022 12:57 pm

I can tell you why I left. I had no intention of settling in the UK. My intention was to get educated and return to my country. But an interesting event happened in the very month I was coming to the UK.

A relative of mine returned from London after getting a degree from London University. He was having no luck with that in the TC sector as well as the GC sector. He came to my father for advice and my father advised him that even if he could get a job in the GC sector, things were very uncertain and civil war can break out any moment and the first victims will be the TCs working in the GC sector, that the best thing to do was to return to London. Soon after 1974 coup, We could not even send a letter to Cyprus direct never mind travel here. So returning back after 1974 was out of the question for me.
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