My generous peace offer to Miltiades early this morning:
Here’s a non-negotiable peace deal for you:
Henceforth, you are to steer clear from *anything* I post in the political threads and keep your stupid repetitive one-liners of personal attacks, to yourself!
So if I ever see another of your daft posts; whether it’s a direct quote to one of my posts or independent post, or even implied against me further down or elsewhere, I *will* consider it a violation of this agreement and will bring up your mother’s thread and drug your mother and/or other rellies into the mud as I see fit, and for as long as I see fit.
So this is where YOU now get to decide if you give precedence to your childish ego over your dead mother’s honor by responding with an “I don’t accept” or “I accept”.
So make your move…
And his response to it:
Stick your " agreement" up your arse Psycho. You are finished on this forum, just fuck off and stay away from little girls you dirty pervert.
This shallow immature clown has such a MASSIVE EGO to feed, that NOTHING can possibly get in its way... not even “dear” old dead mother he is so often sulking about!

But Mother's honor is in fact WORTHLESS as far as narcissistic Miltiades is concerned and has proven!
For he is a classic con-artist and braggart who even considers himself a “charmer”; as nauseating as this sounds to those of us who know him better, his existence on the forum has served nothing more than a continuous sinister pattern of vile personal attacks against anti-US individuals, for he’s utterly incapable of countering their views with any level of objective civility or decency… but with the usual repetitive one-line “mantra” you are all so familiar with!
And who can ever forget his “I can buy you and sell you!” aggressive attempts to dominate individuals he was at loggerheads with on the CF in the early years, when all the while he was worth a whopping 170m², and probably even less back then! <--

Also, who can forget this cheapskate’s never-ending boasting of making a one-off $200? donation to some TC charity organization, after he was no doubt foolishly bragging about his nonexistent wealth again but this time had his bluff called when the group he was in the company of were; unbeknownst to him, collecting donations… and I can almost see the horror on his ugly face thinking “Uh Oh! I’ve fucked up big time, this is gonna cost me heaps!”. <--

I swear he must’ve posted the news of the donation over 100 times on the CF over time just in case there was still a soul out there that hadn’t heard about his “generosity”, and I’d cringe for just as many times seeing it!
But anyway, I have proven beyond any reasonable doubt that this fraudster doesn't care one iota for his dead mother, and simply uses her death as and when required, to gain sympathy and attention!
So to close this off, you are so FULL of shit Miltiades and fully exposed to the public!
