Kikapu wrote:As an executive CF member, I agree to abide by the rules set forth to get back on track to debate topics at hand rather than distrupt them. Respecting views of others is a must, even when not agreeing with them. It will be the duty of those with opposing views to convince the member with counter views respectfully.
Very diplomatic.
I can be less so, having nothing to lose.
What you surely mean is "I agree to abide by the rules set forth.............." by GR?
We've just had two days of the man, striding across multiple threads, inflicting absolutely disgusting posts upon everybody. Like some petulant kid, having a hissy fit because he can't get his way.
I'm not sure what I've done to deserve his particular attention which has consisted the likes of:
Get Real! wrote:Shut the fuck up you brainless filthy faggot!

Get Real! wrote:That’s right, shove it up your arse all the way like you deserve, and ta-ta!
Get Real! wrote:Wipe the cum off the sides of your mouth faggot!
Get Real! wrote:Hey! I thought I told you already to wipe your mouth!

Not the first time I've been on the receiving end of his particular brand of filth. Although, what I've done to deserve it escapes me. I've never spoken in such appalling terms about any other member of this forum. Even the great man himself.
As far as Milti's exchanges are concerned. Sorry Milti but it does get a bit boring. Nevertheless, given what's been said about his family in the past couple of days. Particularly his long dead Mother. Is there anyone who doesn't understand his hatred?
So, what's the "problem"?
The problem is........that I tend to have one with somebody who posts stuff like - his earnest desire for a nuclear war. One in his mind that sees
"shit stain" US cities incinerated upon which "
the world will celebrate like never before". One in which, when thousands are being killed, cities levelled and millions fleeing their country, due to an invasion by a powerful neighbour, posts "
Why should I care about them" and repeatedly refers to Ukrainians as
"Baboons" being "
Bitch slapped". One who talks about the Russians dropping a 60 megaton "Tsar" hydrogen bomb on Kiev. "
To teach them a lesson". Somebody who says that Russia should attack and obliterate the west with hypersonic nuclear weapons, whilst they have an advantage. In some posts referring to other members being demonically possessed by Satan and of excorcising them. Posting about his part in fulfilling God's righteous, wrathful plan, through his instrument on Earth, Vladimir Putin. (this apparently is a piously religious person). A man who parrots every propaganda utterance emanating from Russian state media whilst telling us the whole diverse spectrum of Western information sources has been taken over and is the instrument of the much hated USA. Whilst of course continually linking to posts from Western media sources to support and amplify his views.
That's the problem. Does anybody not get it?
As far as Ad Hominem (personal attacks) are concerned Mr GR must surely be at the top of that particular tree? Total hypocrisy. On my part I will continue to call him out when he posts the like of the above.
Frankly GR, you can shove your "conditions for a return to normality" where the sun doesn't shine. I for one couldn't care less.
The true reason for it of course is - having spent virtually every day now for 6 weeks surfing and absolutely interminably posting on his much beloved war in the Ukraine - he's suffering from withdrawal symptoms and wants to get back to parroting the Russian line.
You are not a well man GR. That's not a personal attack. It's a fact.