The classic definition of “democracy” will have you believe that the “demos” or the public, partakes in the decision making during the course of running a country, but nothing could be further from the truth for not a single nation on the planet practices democracy!
Instead what nations actually practice is a most deceitful and conniving system that can only be described as an “Ape-ocracy”!
The Apeocratic scam is meant to work something like this...
The major political parties select an APE to represent them which they then nominate as their leading APE to compete against the APE of the other political party, and sometimes if you’re lucky you’ll have three APES to choose from, albeit quite rare.
So not even the QUALITY of the nominated APES are the public’s decision but the choice of political parties!
The public is then expected to vote for one of the two APES to represent them and conduct all decision making for them for the next four or five years, and if they made a bad mistake well that’s just too bad… you’re stuck with the bad APE!
Of course, common sense dictates that choosing between two pre-nominated APES carries a probability of failure that is very close to 100%, so nobody can ever have their hopes up high anyway.
So the only time the demos participates in a Apeocracy is once every 4-5 years to simply “pick an ape” and is then required to steer clear and remain silent until the next vote for a leading APE again!
So there you have it... “Democracy” is quite possibly the world’s most misconstrued and abused word fooling the masses the world around, to the point where some will even swear by Apeocracy, kill for Apeocracy, cry over Apeocracy, and even die for Apeocracy!

Yes you guessed right, the world is totally mad.
Now pick an APE and be quiet...