Zelensky walks a dangerous tightrope…Zelensky, the hideous Jewish cross-dressing freak; currently hiding inside a Polish bunker, has managed to pull off a most unpredictable stunt with his gay antics and America’s need for a pawn-fool, that has sent Israel fuming!
He has managed to upstage Israel; the TRUE guardians of the REAL Holy-land, by manufacturing an alternative “holyland” at a place he paints as the “Heart of Europe” and even managed to garner more financial and military support than Israel has managed in the last 10 years!
This has not gone by unnoticed by Israel and they do NOT appreciate the audacious violation of their precious monopoly, so Israel has now scrambled for an emergency meeting with Russia.
I now wonder what lies ahead for Zelensky and who will get to him first… the Russian Secret Service or Mossad?