Lordo wrote:Tergy is not pleading ignorance you stupid kant she has not ratified it. Do you even understand the difference? I suspect not.Maximus wrote:You imbecile, turkey is the one feigning ignorance regarding the UN law of the sea and you are the plonker that says it doesnt apply.![]()
its a law,
Trying to infringe on someone elses sovereign rights and stealing is a crime, if that involves violence an gunboat diplomacy as well.
Turkey may or may not get away with it if she perpetrates the crime. Its still a crime and Turkey is acting illegally.
Go and tell your neighbour you dont like the fence where it is and he should agree to move it more in to his garden to win your friendship, or else. Come and tell us how that goes.
How many times has Erdo & Co gone on record stating Turkey has rights under international law, when she dosnt?
How can Turkey have right under international law when she hasnt "ratified" it?
if that is not ignorance (lack of knowledge or information) I dont know what is....

So if she hasnt ratified the law, she has no right under the law nor is she lawful in her actions. case closed.
You should know better but you persist in reincarnating yourself as Erdo of the forum.
which leaves me no other choice but to tell you to go and change your profile picture!