Lordo wrote:I don't think you fully understand how the law of the sea works. It gives fuck all to anybody. It proposes a formula and when there is a dispute, it suggests the disputing parties sort their dispute out. 97% is the Greek claim, it is what they have calculated, disputing country being Turkey, till she agrees to Greece's claim Greece gets fuck all and with that mentality that's all she is going to ever get.
BTW Greece can get what ever agreement she likes with any other country, She still needs the agreement of Turkey in the Aegean sea. Good luck to her with the 97% claim. You can see what she has had so far and you can be sure she will get 100% of exactly the same in the future too. In Cyprus we call that goullouri.
Its you that doesnt understand how the law of the sea works. Its a law, it proposes a formula to eliminate countries EEZ's. Turkey cant take it to court, because the court will recognize the law of the sea and judge in favor of Greece and Cyprus, who are abiding by it. But this is the problem isn't it Bordo! Turkey is trying to take the law in to her own hands and refuses to go to arbitration because she knows her claim is as solid as the fluff wedged between your sweaty arse crack.
But, lets say the stench coming out of your mouth is the truth. You need to go and brush your rotten teeth by the way and stop reading those Turkish comic books. Greece can get whatever agreement she likes with any other country, like Cyprus and Egypt, then why is Turkey searching for gas in her exclusive economic zone?
In fact, Greece isnt searching for any gas. Is she? The only country that has been sailing up and down the med trying to extract gas are the Turks. So whatever is applicable to one must be applicable to the other. And if the neighboring countries dont agree, then turkey should stop immediately.
Do you see how you still manage to stick that goullouri up your jack side?