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Re: Paphitis

Postby Pyrpolizer » Thu Jan 27, 2022 7:15 pm

Charlie's Country is a great movie about the aboriginals in Australia.
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Re: Paphitis

Postby Londonrake » Thu Jan 27, 2022 7:39 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:Charlie's Country is a great movie about the aboriginals in Australia.

Sadly, he died just a few weeks ago: ... l-obituary

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Re: Paphitis

Postby Pyrpolizer » Thu Jan 27, 2022 9:23 pm

May he RIP. I always respect people who leave something eternal behind after their death.
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Re: Paphitis

Postby Paphitis » Thu Jan 27, 2022 11:22 pm

Londonrake wrote:

Thanks mate.

Sorry for late response, just had an epic couple of days and miss the Australian Summer and lifestyle already.
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Re: Paphitis

Postby Paphitis » Thu Jan 27, 2022 11:29 pm

Lordo wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Lordo wrote:Was this the day they invaded and started slaughtering the natives and pushing them over cliffs and such?

If you toss a beer can down a cliff abos will happily jump after it.

Now you are being racist. If you were put in a reservation unable to fend for yourself but got given just enough money to survive in your oen land you would be driven to drink too. Wait a minute, you are not in that position but I suspect you like your drink too.

It's the easiest thing in the world to be racist towards Aborigines. They are just not normal to any other human being in Australia, no matter which race or country you wish to compare them to, they are just....different and not in a good way.

Very unhygienic, violent towards each other, drunk most of the time, and just vulgar.

And it's not anything we have done to them either. They are the only race of 'people' to get free housing from the AUSGov and better ABSTUDY and Unemployment allowances, completely free health care and many more billions worth of perks from the taxpayer.

There are however a few remarkable exceptions among them who have become successful in sports, business, and have educated themselves. So they are not all the same, but the vast majority are certainty dead beats to say the least.
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Re: Paphitis

Postby Paphitis » Thu Jan 27, 2022 11:38 pm

Lordo wrote:Was this the day they invaded and started slaughtering the natives and pushing them over cliffs and such?

That never happened. When Captain Cook landed in Australia and when the first fleet came, with British Soldiers, there were very clear and direct orders that the natives would not be harmed in any way other than in self defence.

The British already had loads of experience with native peoples and the general policy was always to leave them be. And it is said, Aboriginals did come out of the forests and were face to face with the Brits.

The only people in chains and bondage from the first fleet were the convicts. The Aborigines would have seen them and thought to themselves WTF.
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Re: Paphitis

Postby Paphitis » Thu Jan 27, 2022 11:43 pm

Get Real! wrote:There’s a lot of violence in this territory, probably because it goes unchecked and they do whatever they like… especially under the influence of alcohol. ... -violence/ ... rnhem-land

It will never change.

Domestic violence and rape is through the roof in their community. And yes, you could have a murder and the police may not even bother.

You see them move around in groups, sleeping and living on the streets, they harrass white people too, including school kids. They just don't know what they are doing because they are just so drunk or drugged out. You can smell them a mile away.

It's quite awful.

It's also hard to explain to someone who hasn't been to Australia. They think we exaggerate. But you have seen it for yourself and know.
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Re: Paphitis

Postby Paphitis » Thu Jan 27, 2022 11:44 pm

Get Real! wrote:When abos kill each other within this “self-administered” area; or whatever the hell it is… aussie cops don’t even bother entering to investigate as nobody gives a shit when they whack each other over the head… probably during those beer crate scuffles!

If I remember well, I think there are warning signs that read something like… “Enter at your own risk…” to anyone dumb enough to stray from the highways that cut through this area.

You don't go into any of their communities as a white person if you know what's good for you.
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Re: Paphitis

Postby Paphitis » Thu Jan 27, 2022 11:50 pm

Lordo wrote:You have to watch this. This will give you some idea what the white Australians have destroyed in the native people.

3 Australian airmen crashed and were about to kill themselves after 20 or so days because they could not go on and unable feed themselves in an area where natives live all year round with food all around them. Naturally the airmen were rescued by a native.

The white Australians should kiss their ass is a saying in Cyprus. White man will destroy themselves and natives will survive all over the world. Darwinism see.

That's mostly all made up.

Firstly, that aircraft is most likely to have crashed in Far Northern Australia where most of Australia's military activity is active and along the coastal fringes. Water is quite abundant and so too food.

In addition to that, Australian Airmen are armed with guns, have ration packs, and medicine, and are able to survive long periods and are extensively trained to find water and food very easily. Getting food is easy. They would just kill a roo, rabbit or Wild Turkey or something. And Australia has a lot of wildlife. Getting water is easy too.

And Aussie Airmen of the RAAF or Navy are trained to survive and evade behind enemy lines. So many were shot down behind enemy lines in Europe trying to evade Germans or Japs in Asia and Pacific, so surviving in Australia would be a breeze.

Along with all the survival equipment that is issued, guns, medicine, food and water, there was also the option of suicide. Australian Airmen would be issued with cyanide capsules and needles as well to avoid capture, especially with regard to the Japanese.
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Re: Paphitis

Postby Lordo » Thu Jan 27, 2022 11:54 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Lordo wrote:You have to watch this. This will give you some idea what the white Australians have destroyed in the native people.

3 Australian airmen crashed and were about to kill themselves after 20 or so days because they could not go on and unable feed themselves in an area where natives live all year round with food all around them. Naturally the airmen were rescued by a native.

The white Australians should kiss their ass is a saying in Cyprus. White man will destroy themselves and natives will survive all over the world. Darwinism see.

That's mostly all made up.

Firstly, that aircraft is most likely to have crashed in Far Northern Australia where most of Australia's military activity is active and along the coastal fringes. Water is quite abundant and so too food.

In addition to that, Australian Airmen are armed with guns, have ration packs, and medicine, and are able to survive long periods and are extensively trained to find water and food very easily. Getting food is easy. They would just kill a roo, rabbit or Wild Turkey or something. And Australia has a lot of wildlife. Getting water is easy too.

And Aussie Airmen of the RAAF or Navy are trained to survive and evade behind enemy lines. So many were shot down behind enemy lines in Europe trying to evade Germans or Japs in Asia and Pacific, so surviving in Australia would be a breeze.

Along with all the survival equipment that is issued, guns, medicine, food and water, there was also the option of suicide. Australian Airmen would be issued with cyanide capsules and needles as well to avoid capture, especially with regard to the Japanese.

You stupid cunt. If you bothered to listen to what they said, there was no real training given to them at that time. They explain what training was given to them. It is them that wrote the book on how to survive in remote areas.
So according the idiot of the forum Phil Bronk who was the medical officer on board when the plane crash landed is just makaing it up. What the fuck evidence do you have to say such a thing for fuck sake

Interestingly the crash is listed in this website 19th of may 1942.
Last edited by Lordo on Fri Jan 28, 2022 12:14 am, edited 3 times in total.
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