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Ukrainian Issue

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Mon Jan 23, 2023 1:26 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
I got no issue with not agreeing with people. But Scott Ritter is a very unhinged idiot, who spouts a lot of nonsense but at least he draws a wage from Russia Today and has found refuge in Russia as a paid agent of that country and propagandist and is well known to law enforcement.

I know all his lifetime story and you are miles away for the truth.
FYI he was working for Fox news too, before that he was working for the UN.

And no, he doesn't write articles on demand. His major income is from books. He writes whatever he thinks could be worth reading and the majority of his articles are published in the US. He ONLY gets paid when the article gets published. He also sends some articles to RT, but there is no guarantee they will be published. So far I 've seen only 3. As you know RT is under sanctions and one would wonder how he gets paid. He said it's done by Swift transfer in US$ but the money gets stack for about a week despite the fact that the Bank already has a copy of his contract. He also said one would be laughing learning the exact amounts he gets, they don't worth the time he spends. Regardless those money are declared in his tax form...

If he were a paid Russian propagandist, how on earth are his views IDENTICAL with General MacGregor's analyses, whose pension is 3 times your salary?

Some time ago I posted links to various "analysts" for comparison purposes, most of them Pro-Ukrainian.
The most convincing of them was Ex head of Cia David Petraeus. Go ahead make a search in Youtube and watch what he says. I am ready to answer ANY of his arguments. Notice his latest videos were titled like 30 days left, 15 days left..... when the Ukrainians will start a new counter offensive and "Russia will be terrified". Problem is his deadline predictions already expired, and the exact opposite is happening.

He got convicted in 2011 for 5.5 years in prison on sex offences - then released on parole after that.

It was a jury that convicted him. FACT.

Not only that, but he was associated with a foreign spy agency as a serving member of the US Military and of all things was not getting along with General Norman Schwarzkopf - megalomaniac that he was. The guy can't even speak without stuttering.

The guy is a convicted criminal and registered with the authorities as a sex offender which is very serious in the USA.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Pyrpolizer » Mon Jan 23, 2023 1:35 am

Paphitis wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
You got any evidence to prove the US ordered Suddam to invade Kuwait? No I didn't think so, aside from the fact it wouldn't make any sense because Kuwait was a major US Supplier of Oil.

This is a great article if you read it from start to finish on how the US gave it’s tacit approval for the Kuwait invasion by Iraq.

Soon thereafter and several years since the end of the Gulf War, Ambassador Glaspie was widely blamed for allowing or even encouraging an Iraqi invasion. The New York Times on September 23, 1990 quotes Glaspie as saying, “We have no opinion on the Arab-Arab conflicts, like your border disagreement with Kuwait. ... -iraq-war/

Problem is, the guy is a sex offender so no, his articles are t6otal crap.

There are hundreds of journalists in Merika who right anti Gulf War 2 and 3 articles and even go to the extent of calling senate inquiries and impeaching George Bush. These are serious journalists in the NYT and WP.

Scott Ritter is not a journalist or in any way shape or form a serious commentator and he is a sex offender and was court-martialed as well.

Do you know of what kind of sex offensive he was accused of?
Read it here. I personally find it ridiculous
Not difficult for someone who became a "threat" to Marika the bitch, to get monitored/trapped and then accused and convicted.

He was never court martialed, and never spied for any foreign agency. There was official ongoing cooperation with the British MI6, both before he took over, and after he resigned.
Last edited by Pyrpolizer on Mon Jan 23, 2023 1:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Mon Jan 23, 2023 1:40 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
You got any evidence to prove the US ordered Suddam to invade Kuwait? No I didn't think so, aside from the fact it wouldn't make any sense because Kuwait was a major US Supplier of Oil.

This is a great article if you read it from start to finish on how the US gave it’s tacit approval for the Kuwait invasion by Iraq.

Soon thereafter and several years since the end of the Gulf War, Ambassador Glaspie was widely blamed for allowing or even encouraging an Iraqi invasion. The New York Times on September 23, 1990 quotes Glaspie as saying, “We have no opinion on the Arab-Arab conflicts, like your border disagreement with Kuwait. ... -iraq-war/

Problem is, the guy is a sex offender so no, his articles are t6otal crap.

There are hundreds of journalists in Merika who right anti Gulf War 2 and 3 articles and even go to the extent of calling senate inquiries and impeaching George Bush. These are serious journalists in the NYT and WP.

Scott Ritter is not a journalist or in any way shape or form a serious commentator and he is a sex offender and was court-martialed as well.

Do you know of what kind of sex offensive he was accused of?
Read it here. I personally find it ridiculous
Not difficult for someone who became a "threat" to Marika the bitch, to get monitored/trapped and then accused and convicted.

He was never court martialed..

Yes I know - he was grooming a 16 year old for sex who was communicating with him online. Pedophilia with minors under age. He endangered the welfare of a minor (16 years of age)

A sex predator to say the least.

Guys like him should be castrated.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Pyrpolizer » Mon Jan 23, 2023 1:52 am

What peadophilia? On the internet? The girl was a policewoman and clearly well over 18.... Did he really deserve 5 years for entering a porn site??

Laws have changed ever since, any woman who appears on porn sites has to sign a contact, with all her details ID etc. Visa, Mastercard etc may sue the site with millions if anything like what happened to Ritter happens today.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Mon Jan 23, 2023 2:06 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:What peadophilia? On the internet? The girl was a policewoman and clearly well over 18.... Did he really deserve 5 years for entering a porn site??

Laws have changed ever since, any woman who appears on porn sites has to sign a contact, with all her details ID etc. Visa, Mastercard etc may sue the site with millions if anything like what happened to Ritter happens today.

It's illegal to be grooming young minors for sex on the internet or social media or any other means in both the USA and Australia.

You can even get done in the USA and Australia if the authorities get your metadata and you look at under age porn or sex of minors not of legal age and also other soft porn. The reason for that is because the porn industry takes advantage of young minors and abuses them especially if they are from poor and impoverished nations, bringing about a sex slave industry. This is highly illegal activity.

Yes you can get convicted and go to jail. And many have been convicted too. Happens all the time, especially among people of trust such as police, teachers, priests, and social workers.

People with security clearances and serving their country are vetted continuously by the authorities (every year in fact) - from law enforcement and even espionage agencies like CIA and NSA. This can include phone tapping and other nefarious means at their disposal and they can get very creative. These authorities also take a keen interest in your sex life. For instance, if you are a closeted homosexual who is married, or bisexual. The reason is, you are vulnerable to foreign actors and not about your sexuality per se. Being homosexual or bi though is ok and allowed, if in the open and everyone is aware of it and don't pose a potential security risk to the country.

He got done with grooming minors for sex which is very serious.

That makes Scott Ritter not terribly bright because every officer and service man or woman is vetted by CIA and NSA - down to your family and associates.

It's not just service personnel who cop this. Parliamentarians get it as well - because of their high level security clearances. Even Presidents and Prime Ministers are not immune or out of their reach.

These espionage agencies like the CIA and NSA and FBI have a lot of power and sometimes more power than the President. Their job is to protect the nation from idiots.
Last edited by Paphitis on Mon Jan 23, 2023 2:41 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Kikapu » Mon Jan 23, 2023 2:33 am

Paphitis wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
You got any evidence to prove the US ordered Suddam to invade Kuwait? No I didn't think so, aside from the fact it wouldn't make any sense because Kuwait was a major US Supplier of Oil.

This is a great article if you read it from start to finish on how the US gave it’s tacit approval for the Kuwait invasion by Iraq.

Soon thereafter and several years since the end of the Gulf War, Ambassador Glaspie was widely blamed for allowing or even encouraging an Iraqi invasion. The New York Times on September 23, 1990 quotes Glaspie as saying, “We have no opinion on the Arab-Arab conflicts, like your border disagreement with Kuwait. ... -iraq-war/

Problem is, the guy is a sex offender so no, his articles are t6otal crap.

There are hundreds of journalists in Merika who right anti Gulf War 2 and 3 articles and even go to the extent of calling senate inquiries and impeaching George Bush. These are serious journalists in the NYT and WP.

Scott Ritter is not a journalist or in any way shape or form a serious commentator and he is a sex offender and was court-martialed as well.

You are a little confused, Paphitis. :shock:

The above article was not written by Scott Ritter. :roll:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Mon Jan 23, 2023 2:35 am

Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
You got any evidence to prove the US ordered Suddam to invade Kuwait? No I didn't think so, aside from the fact it wouldn't make any sense because Kuwait was a major US Supplier of Oil.

This is a great article if you read it from start to finish on how the US gave it’s tacit approval for the Kuwait invasion by Iraq.

Soon thereafter and several years since the end of the Gulf War, Ambassador Glaspie was widely blamed for allowing or even encouraging an Iraqi invasion. The New York Times on September 23, 1990 quotes Glaspie as saying, “We have no opinion on the Arab-Arab conflicts, like your border disagreement with Kuwait. ... -iraq-war/

Problem is, the guy is a sex offender so no, his articles are t6otal crap.

There are hundreds of journalists in Merika who right anti Gulf War 2 and 3 articles and even go to the extent of calling senate inquiries and impeaching George Bush. These are serious journalists in the NYT and WP.

Scott Ritter is not a journalist or in any way shape or form a serious commentator and he is a sex offender and was court-martialed as well.

You are a little confused, Paphitis. :shock:

The above article was not written by Scott Ritter. :roll:

Oh my mistake then. I might read it then.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Pyrpolizer » Mon Jan 23, 2023 3:55 pm

Very interesting article about NYT turning to yellow press.
Arestovich is the latest add on, in Ukraine's hit list. :lol: :lol: :lol:
and much more...
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Jan 23, 2023 3:57 pm

Special edition for Paphitis .............

You are now looking at the same information the Russians would have been following very closely leading up to their special military operation in Ukraine. I asked a couple of question which no one has replied to but, the answers to them are:

Although it had been planned and building up prior to the start date from Mid/Late 2021 ......The civil conflict was escalated by the US backed, Ultra-Nationalist Regime in Kyiv, and was manifest to observers on the 15th/16th Feb 2022, when shelling almost stopped for 48hrs as Kyiv regrouped, and then rapidly escalated by orders of magnitude from the 17th Feb until the OSCE stopped monitoring on the 24th Feb, when the Russians responded to Kyiv’s aggression. Most of the shells/missiles/rockets as a result of the escalation, fell to the South/East of the Minsk LoC.

That Russia took this decision probably prevented the genocide of tens of thousands of the Russian speaking Ukrainian minority in Donbas. In the preceding eight years 14,000 people died in the civil conflict ...... but the US et al didn’t notice, they just kept sending the Kyiv Regime more weapons for their genocidal war!

The following extracts from the OSCE reports over that period show that statement to be factually correct. The OSCE only collect facts. The following is taken from the report for each 24hr dated period ........ from the 10th Feb to the 24th Feb 2022. You can access all the full reports and computer generated maps from here:


I will start from the moment the ‘normal’ TIT-for-TAT artillery exchange pattern changed.
OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM) Daily Report 35/2022 issued on 15 February 2022
A. In Donetsk region, the Mission recorded 17 ceasefire violations, including 1 explosion.
B. In Luhansk region, the SMM recorded 157 ceasefire violations, including 40 explosions
According to the map on page 2, explosions generally distributed to the South of the Line of Contact between A and B.

OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM) Daily Report 36/2022 issued on 16 February 2022
A. In Donetsk region, the SMM recorded 24 ceasefire violations, including 5 explosions.
B. In Luhansk region, the Mission recorded 129 ceasefire violations, including 71 explosions.
According to the map on page 2, explosions generally distributed evenly each side of the Line of Contact between A and B.

OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM) Daily Report 37/2022 issued on 17 February 2022
A. In Donetsk region, the SMM recorded 189 ceasefire violations, including 128 explosions.
B. In Luhansk region, the Mission recorded 402 ceasefire violations, including 188 explosions.
According to the map on page 2, explosions distributed in the main on and to the south side of the Line of Contact between A and B.

OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM) Daily Report 38/2022 issued on 18 February 2022
A. In Donetsk region, the SMM recorded 222 ceasefire violations, including 135 explosions
B. In Luhansk region, the Mission recorded 648 ceasefire violations, including 519 explosions.
According to the map on page 2, explosions are mainly South of the Line of Contact and a few ON the Line of Contact between A and B

OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM) Daily Report 39/2022 issued on 19 February 2022
A. In Donetsk region, the SMM recorded 591 ceasefire violations, including 553 explosions.
B. In Luhansk region, the Mission recorded 975 ceasefire violations, including 860 explosions.
According to the map on page 2, explosions are mainly South of the Line of Contact and a few ON the Line of Contact between A and B.

OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM) Daily Report 40/2022 issued on 20 February 2022 (Note this report covers a 48hr period.)
A. In Donetsk region, between the evenings of 18 and 20 February, the SMM recorded 2,158 ceasefire violations, including 1,100 explosions.
B. In Luhansk region, between the evenings of 18 and 20 February, the Mission recorded 1,073 ceasefire violations, including 926 explosions.
According to the map on page 2, explosions are 90%+ South of the Line of Contact, deeper into Resistance held territory and further South of the Line of Contact between A and B than previously.

OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM) Daily Report 41/2022 issued on 22 February 2022
A. In Donetsk region, the SMM recorded 703 ceasefire violations, including 332 explosions.
B. In Luhansk region, the Mission recorded 1,224 ceasefire violations, including 1,149 explosions.
According to the map on page 2, explosions are 95%+ South of the Line of Contact and deeper into Resistance held territory and further South of the Line of Contact between A and B than previously.

So the claim that this was a ”.....completely unprovoked and illegal attack on a peaceful Sovereign State and without any justification” as pronounced by the Western Alliance of US/UK/NATO etc was very far from the true picture of the event. Nobody told you the full story!

Russias actions were also NOT illegal! (Same justification as NATO used for the Serbia attacks but legal. Kosovo was recognised only after the US/UK intervention.) Within the period from 17th to the 23rd Feb, Luhansk and Donetsk declared UDI’s because they were being attacked by their government ....... the Russian Duma recognised both as independent states ...... a responsibility to protect was established between both States and the Russian Federation ..... a request for protection under the R2P was made ....... and at 05:00 hrs on the 24th Feb the Russian Federation responded to Kyiv’s aggression and implemented their Special Military Operation.

Russia was not the aggressor ..... the US backed Regime in Kyiv was. That is a whole different ball game to the one the Western Alliance of deceivers would have you believe. :roll:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Pyrpolizer » Mon Jan 23, 2023 5:03 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:What peadophilia? On the internet? The girl was a policewoman and clearly well over 18.... Did he really deserve 5 years for entering a porn site??

Laws have changed ever since, any woman who appears on porn sites has to sign a contact, with all her details ID etc. Visa, Mastercard etc may sue the site with millions if anything like what happened to Ritter happens today.

It's illegal to be grooming young minors for sex on the internet or social media or any other means in both the USA and Australia.

You can even get done in the USA and Australia if the authorities get your metadata and you look at under age porn or sex of minors not of legal age and also other soft porn. The reason for that is because the porn industry takes advantage of young minors and abuses them especially if they are from poor and impoverished nations, bringing about a sex slave industry. This is highly illegal activity.

Yes you can get convicted and go to jail. And many have been convicted too. Happens all the time, especially among people of trust such as police, teachers, priests, and social workers.

People with security clearances and serving their country are vetted continuously by the authorities (every year in fact) - from law enforcement and even espionage agencies like CIA and NSA. This can include phone tapping and other nefarious means at their disposal and they can get very creative. These authorities also take a keen interest in your sex life. For instance, if you are a closeted homosexual who is married, or bisexual. The reason is, you are vulnerable to foreign actors and not about your sexuality per se. Being homosexual or bi though is ok and allowed, if in the open and everyone is aware of it and don't pose a potential security risk to the country.

He got done with grooming minors for sex which is very serious.

That makes Scott Ritter not terribly bright because every officer and service man or woman is vetted by CIA and NSA - down to your family and associates.

It's not just service personnel who cop this. Parliamentarians get it as well - because of their high level security clearances. Even Presidents and Prime Ministers are not immune or out of their reach.

These espionage agencies like the CIA and NSA and FBI have a lot of power and sometimes more power than the President. Their job is to protect the nation from idiots.

There was absolutely no crime because the girl was an undercover police woman of at least 20 y.o.
That was a clear trap set by the Police, targeting Ritter for political reasons.

Did you know that at the time he was convicted his wife was shouting in the court room to keep his head up high and never bow to those crooks? He is still married and lives with his wife while his 2 grown up daughters adore him, and help him do his internet stuff as he is almost clueless.

Whose wife or daughters would ever stand by like that to a real child molester?
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