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Ukrainian Issue

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Lordo » Sun Mar 06, 2022 2:09 pm

Incredible that this crisis is turning into the Cyprus situation.

First start the problem and when you face a force you cannot defeat call the world to come to your help.

As to how long it wil last, how long is a piece of string. How about 50 or 60 years. When the Yanks and the russians are involved it stay as an open sore. And of course the local people pay the price of it all.

The west don't really give a shit so long as they put the fear of god into everybody else so they can buy arms from them. So fucking easy ain it?
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Sun Mar 06, 2022 2:21 pm

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Lordo » Sun Mar 06, 2022 2:23 pm

How many people realise here that back in 1964 UN pased a resolution that there should be no arms supplied to Cyprus. And then UN agreed to be allowed no access to the ports while the arms were being brought in and if they wanted to check some areas where these arms were taken to, they had to ask for permission to be allowed in.

You wonder about the sanity of the people who agreed to this. Of course the role of the permanent security members has to be understood.

But hat was ok because it gave GRoC a chance to kill a few TCs so that was no big deal.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Kikapu » Sun Mar 06, 2022 2:29 pm

Maximus wrote:Right Kiks, the chronological order of their story just doesn't stack up.

Generally speaking, humanitarian help is delivered by Commercial cargo planes and people airlifted by passenger planes when there are no military issues. On the other hand, UAV’s would most likely delivered by giant military transport planes. :wink:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Sun Mar 06, 2022 2:37 pm

Maximus wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Get Real! wrote:What’s good for the goose is good for the gander…

Russia, having witnessed the criminal Wests’ systematic campaign of personal property theft and harassment against Russian-born individuals living in the US and the EU, has now embarked on its own version of the same prompting this warning from the US State Department…

But it’s too late and too hard to escape because all the previous shortsighted travel and money-accessing sanctions imposed by the West are now hurting citizens scrambling for cover from both sides.

There are now some arrests of US, Brit and EU citizens inside of Russia and the shit is about to hit the fan!

Meanwhile a jewish cross-dressing freak hiding inside a Polish bunker (the mouthpiece of the foolish West?) is still shouting MORE! MORE! MORE! …as his thirst for worldwide calamity cannot be easily quenched!

the west is doing the right thing and fighting Russia economically.

As for the property "theft". There are laws in the west which stipulate that the proceeds of crime can be confiscated by the state. Most of these Oligarchs are Russian mafia and political scoundrels and criminals much like Pootin with his 200 billion personal fortune. These proceeds were plundered from the Russian people during the Soviet collapse whilst others made their fortunes from the seedy Russian Mafia undeworld.

It's only fitting they all be dispossessed!

As for American, British and EU assets in Russia, it's onlt fitting they too suffer for being stupid enough to invest in a shit hole like Russia, ruled by a tyrant. Let's just call it the stupidity tax. Well deserved.

I mean what were they thinking? Why would anyone want to invest in Russia when you can invest in USA, Canada, Australia, Switzerland, UK or any of the Scandinavians.

Do you remember the Cypriot haircut? They stole money from depositors because Cyprus was apparently a laundromat for dirty Russian money. But this was nothing in comparison to what the accusers were doing. The rich Russians were investing in London and cleaning money through German banks to the tune of hundreds of billions. But now, they have decided to seize this dirty money.

Where have the proceeds of these crimes and plunder of the Russian people gone do you think? Back to the Russian people or in the pockets of the people that accepted the dirty money in the first place? :roll:

Where is the evidence that these assets are the proceeds of crime anyway? Do you see how "we" just believe anything the media tells us.....

I have no reason to doubt that Russians laundered Billions through major EU financial institutions.

Switzerland, is also world renowned for it.

But it's not just dirty Russian money being laundered. the West has its very own mafia like crime syndicates that do the same, sometimes with impunity. The Italian Mafia is very active in both Australia and USA.

But this is political now with regard to the Oligarchs. Russia has invaded another sovereign state. As such, sanctions have been declared and that has implications on the financial fortunes of the richest Oligarchs who are linked to Pootin.

As for the haircut in Cyprus. That was because your major banks had collapsed, and a haricut was necessary to bail them out.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Sun Mar 06, 2022 2:45 pm

Londonrake wrote:My understanding, pre-dating this conflict, was that Putin’s relationship with his post-Soviet asset-stripping billionaires was based primarily upon 2 tenets.

As long as they stayed away from the political arena (that including any overt criticism of him) he would leave them to get on with their wealth-accumulating affairs.

Secondly, they would channel state money through their links with the West/Asia as and when required. The current asset freezing activity is motivated by the second. Whether you agree with that or not is a debatable matter.

The subject of Putin’s wealth is something we only get the occasional glimpse of. The principal reason for eliminating Litivenko was his revelations about Putin’s affairs.

Those who promote the idea that Putin walks to work with holes in his shoes are fucking idiots. Of which there’s no shortage.

Whether people believe all they’re told is a matter for individual judgement but the idea that the likes of RT Sputnik are a font of truth and justice whilst outfits such as the BBC are State mouthpieces is, IMHO. a load of bollocks. I would like to see what would happen if RT tried to run a “Partygate” type expose on Putin. You can just imagine but of course it does exactly as it’s told. No prizes for guessing who by.

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Sun Mar 06, 2022 2:48 pm

Maximus wrote:
DT. wrote:
What theft in cyprus? The banks were under capitalized due to the npl exposure in the market that was due to amateur banking. The haircut was a simple waterfall where the equity and debt instruments couldn’t cover the capitalization and deposits where next. Tip for the future when you’re offered 6% interest on a euro account and Frankfurt has the rate set at 1% then you’re being paid for risk.

Exactly DT, exactly.

Apparently, Cyprus was laundering dirty Russian money and this was a reason given as an excuse for the haircut and the economic disaster.

They are accusing Cyprus of the same now, only 4 days ago, the Telepgraph published an article about why Cyprus is a Russian bank with dirty money posing as an EU state.

Can you explain this to me, why is Cyprus on the receiving end of western media propaganda?

To be fair, you have harboured thousands of these Russians and become reliant on them.

It's not even discreet anymore.

But to be fair again, Cyprus has declared sanctions on Russia and that's the right thing to do.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Sun Mar 06, 2022 2:52 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Maximus wrote:Right Kiks, the chronological order of their story just doesn't stack up.

Generally speaking, humanitarian help is delivered by Commercial cargo planes and people airlifted by passenger planes when there are no military issues. On the other hand, UAV’s would most likely delivered by giant military transport planes. :wink:

There are reports that the Ukrainian Military is causing quite some damage to the Russian column due to drone strikes.

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Kikapu » Sun Mar 06, 2022 2:58 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Maximus wrote:Right Kiks, the chronological order of their story just doesn't stack up.

Generally speaking, humanitarian help is delivered by Commercial cargo planes and people airlifted by passenger planes when there are no military issues. On the other hand, UAV’s would most likely delivered by giant military transport planes. :wink:

There are reports that the Ukrainian Military is causing quite some damage to the Russian column due to drone strikes.


I have learned long time ago not to pay too much attention to non independent news. To boost moral, governments make many claims which are at best exaggerated and worse, they are lies. :wink:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Maximus » Sun Mar 06, 2022 3:02 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Maximus wrote:
DT. wrote:
What theft in cyprus? The banks were under capitalized due to the npl exposure in the market that was due to amateur banking. The haircut was a simple waterfall where the equity and debt instruments couldn’t cover the capitalization and deposits where next. Tip for the future when you’re offered 6% interest on a euro account and Frankfurt has the rate set at 1% then you’re being paid for risk.

Exactly DT, exactly.

Apparently, Cyprus was laundering dirty Russian money and this was a reason given as an excuse for the haircut and the economic disaster.

They are accusing Cyprus of the same now, only 4 days ago, the Telepgraph published an article about why Cyprus is a Russian bank with dirty money posing as an EU state.

Can you explain this to me, why is Cyprus on the receiving end of western media propaganda?

To be fair, you have harboured thousands of these Russians and become reliant on them.

It's not even discreet anymore.

But to be fair again, Cyprus has declared sanctions on Russia and that's the right thing to do.

That was not my question but since you want to be fair,

about one in 7 euros deposited in a Cypriot bank belongs to a Russian.

How much of that is Russian oligarchy, criminal and terrorist financing money do you think?

None of it, because moneyval in their latest report says that Cyprus has no non-compliant issues with money deposited in their banks.

You have to be fair, you are linking all Russians and Russian money to the invasion of Ukraine.
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