Pyrpolizer wrote:The problem with all these rallies is that the people are protesting for the unbearable increase in prices but at the same time do support the sanctions, or don't even know what caused it. Of course there are educated people who do know the reasons, but they get absolute minimal or no access to the media to enlighten the herd. In Cyprus the vast majority think the cause is the war in Ukraine as such. And since there's nothing we can do about it, they don't even protest.
People are aware what is contributing to inflation and there are multiple factors. We had inflation since before the war started.
But irrespective of the fact that the war could be making it worse, people in western countries who are informed of the root causes, understand that the war is a case of illegal invasion and annexation by a tyrant who poses a threat to European security and they also understand that this threat has never been seen before since NAZI Germany and WW2. They understand, that Ukraine is in a fight to defend their homeland and they also understand that if Ruzzia isn't stopped, they and other countries will be next - Poland, Georgia, Moldova, Latvia. Lithuania, Estonia or even Finland.
Europeans have seen far worse. Paying more for things is nothing compared to 7.5 million refugees, and hundreds of thousands being killed. Europeans are big enough to understand they have it very good compared to Ukrainians who are suffering more than high prices.
People (the majority) are thankful for what they have which is peace in their countries, and paying more for things is a very small price to pay compared to the alternative.
It seems Cypriots like you, have forgotten what invasion is like.