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Ukrainian Issue

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Thu Sep 29, 2022 1:00 am

Deplorable terrorist attack against Europe by Russia people.

See how disgusting Ruzzians are?
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Thu Sep 29, 2022 1:05 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
It had nothing to do with Ruzzia declaring war. The Japanese probably would have destroyed the red army. I also believe they probably would have beat the Americans as well if the allies invaded actually. That's how much I rate the Japanese and their motivation.

A similar motivation that you see from the Ukrainian Military which is difficult to harness - which is why Ruzzia will lose the war in Ukraine.

Greece declared war on Japan too. The Japanese feared the Americans most, but yes, I take your point that the Japanese would 100% rather surrender to America than to Ruzzia. That goes without saying. I think surrendering to America would be preferred by anyone rather than Ruzzia. Germany preferred to surrender to America instead of Ruzzia as well. No one likes Ruzzians. The Americans would be a lot better to submit to and eventually, Japan will be sovereign again like before, and being under American hegemony is a lot better than Ruzzian as Americans a probably a great deal more soft and fairer, as well as forgiving, with the passage of time.

And that has proven to be the case. Japan today is a great friend and ally. America, and Australia have a great friendly relationship with Japan as an equal partner and ally. Almost like WW2 never even happened. Japan is a very trusted and likable partner and I don't think that will ever change. As a people they are very good, clean and just 100% fabulous and a net contributor to global peace and stability. Very advance industry as well, probably second to none and we are talking high quality industry as well, on par to Europe and North America.

They are a good country.

Unlike Ruzzia and Ruzzians which are the scum of earth. Japanese, just like virtually every country on earth don't like Ruzzians. Germans don't like them either. Ruzzians are just beyond the pale for most. Now I got to qualify that I am not talking about Russians as a whole, just Ruzzians and their political leadership and their seemingly existing mindset. It's literally filthy and criminal. I have met many great Russians and yes, nice people and all that. I'm not racist against Russians, just Ruzzians. And there are millions of Russians who don't like what Ruzzia is doing and they even feel embarrassed and many of them are on the streets demonstrating and getting arrested.

I even find Russian women extremely attractive and all that. But not Ruzzians.

It doesn't matter what you believe. What matters is what historians say...
A lot of people consider the Americans criminals and scum and the Germans racist to the bone, with a lot of inherited fascist mentality still prevailing. The truth is the majority of the World considers those generalized views idiotic, just like your own generalized view.

Who? The Americans criminals?

That's news to me! :shock:

The pnly ones to consider Americans criminals are the: Ruzzians, Iranians, Taliban, Syrians, North Koreans.

Basically, all the real criminals think Merika is criminal. Go figure! :lol:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Thu Sep 29, 2022 1:09 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Paphitis wrote:My friggin ass they were Greek. I know what Greeks are like and what they look like, talk like and the way they behave.

These were not Greek. Maybe claiming so, but they looked very Ruzzian to me. Usually, you can't smell Greeks. And Greeks don't have that tell tale stony and cold face with cringy evil looking beady eyes. Greeks also usually smile and are a happy people.

Sorry, nothing Greek about them.

Oh yeah "They were not Greek". You are very good in throwing denials silly boy, regardless of how much out of reality you are.
No matter how loud you bark, and how forcibly you twist, do digest it. The Pontians ARE ETNHIC GREEKS. The looks on their face and their mentality is absolutely irrelevant. Have you ever seen Greeks from Lebanon? They look like Lebanse and they speak perfect French like the Lebanese! Greeks from Egypt? They look like Egyptian. Greeks from Turkey? They look and behave like Turkish "yavrim". Russian citizens of the far East? They look like Chinese. It's the local micro-climate that changes the facial looks of humans. And the environment they live that underlines their behavior. Even Greeks from England look and behave like British over the years...

More about the Pontian ETHNIC GREEKS here.

I have met Greeks from Lebanon and also from Egypt and they were nothing like the Russo-"Pontians". Even Lebanese proper were nothing like that. They too, are a happy people

I also know many Greeks from Asia Minor and many Pontian Greeks and they were nothing like what I saw in that bus with evil beady eyes and speaking Ruzzian too, smelling like they just came out of the sewer.

I have never in my lifetime been able to to smell Lebanese and you are talking to someone who shops at Lebanese, and Afghan shops. Never been able to smell Afghans either.

Sorry, but in all my life, I never met any Greeks who were similar to them. If they were Greek, I'll eat my hat.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Thu Sep 29, 2022 1:17 am


DING DONG bitches! :lol:

Paphitis is in da house! :lol:

How is the war effort going bitches? Any news from the front lines? How are the Ruzzians going? Have they taken Bakhmout yet? :lol:

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Thu Sep 29, 2022 1:20 am

And from our favourite Ukraine War analyst bitches: Denys Davidov. 8)

You get facts from this guy, nothing more.

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Thu Sep 29, 2022 1:30 am

Get Real! wrote:Stupidity is incurable so the likes of Paphitis, Repulse and LondonFail, will remain so throughout their existence.

At a time when the leadership of the West has reached its most dangerous totalitarian level against its own citizens with...

* The hijacking of all mass media.
* The suppression of opposing websites/views.
* The dissolution and absorption of opposition parties.
* The mass promotion of all things decadent.
* The blatant discrimination of Russians, Chinese and other non western cultures.
* The elevation and unconditional support of criminal Zionism.

...and so forth, you’d think a reasonable mind would be alarmed at all that is happening and be tempted to react against such regimes, but no!

These clowns offer unconditional love to TOTAL TRASH even at their peril!

Such self-harming individuals cannot possibly be of sound mind.

Media is a free market business and the reason why our media do well is because people trust our media more than Ruzzian State sponsored and influenced propaganda media.

Although, we do have an appetite for Russian state sponsored propaganda media in the west just to see how delusional it is and just for laughs looking at Russians explode on State TV. It's quite hilarious. :lol:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Thu Sep 29, 2022 1:41 am

Anyway bitches. I have been analysing and trying to figure out the Wests most likely response if Ruzzia use a Tactical Nuclear Weapon on Ukraine and came up with the following after some research and studying of the most credible and balanced analysts globally:

1) NATO will enter the war on Ukraine's side with boots on the ground and destroy the Black Sea Fleet,
2) A US Tactical Nuclear response of similar proportion in Crimea or Ruzzia proper.

I think the likely scenario is option 1 and the Ruzzian Forces will be destroyed within 96 hours and Ukraine will be liberated in that time, including Crimea.

If it escalates to full on Nuclear war, Ruzzia is finished. And it makes sense to me that US is giving Ukraine NASSAMs Air Defence System. Probably the m ost advance Air Defence on the planet. So the west is already responding to the threat. :D

Meanwhile, Ukraine needs to go on a full on offensive and liberate Luhansk asap.

South Korea is sending Ukraine 1600 Tanks bitches :shock:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Thu Sep 29, 2022 8:35 am

I suspect, of equal or even greater concern to Putin will be the likely response of other countries. Most notably both China and India expressed their concerns about the way the war was going at the recent SCO meeting. Modi very publicly so.

In the event of Russia using WMD in Ukraine I believe it would probably be a case of their saying “we didn’t sign up to this”. It wouldn’t simply be a matter of Russia’s virtual complete global isolation. If India and China stopped trading in the Rouble for instance. The country would virtually become a de facto North Korea. The population are not going to put up with that in the name of Putin’s grandiose imperial ambitions.

It’s a poker game of course (Putin’s clearly a gambler) but that’s why I doubt Russia are going to live up to their frequent nuclear blustering.

Then again, what goes on in the minds of megalomaniac Dictators with their backs to the wall? :?
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Thu Sep 29, 2022 9:16 am


The Insanity That Grips Washington ... ashington/

Concerns Grow Over Political Stability in Europe Related to Ukraine Crisis. ... in-prague/

Germany and EU Have Been Handed Over a Declaration of War ... on-of-war/

Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines SABOTAGED as third world war looms ... war-looms/

US #1 Suspect for Nord Stream Pipelines Sabotage; Multiple Pretexts Cited ... xts-cited/

EU Leaders Keep Beating War Drums, Ignoring What Europeans Really Want ... ally-want/
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Thu Sep 29, 2022 10:43 am

Impressive FOX news tells it like it is... ... H81DU9.mp4
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