Pyrpolizer wrote:So you keep a record, but not the full story, only some part that's good for your purpose of Divide and Rule. At the same time you pretend you haven't heard anything of other records that would suit your purpose of Divide and Rule, by pushing us to repeat them ad nauseam.
This proves what a cunt you are. Your tricks have been exposed.
That's confusing
but as I said, no, I don't keep records but if I did, so what? And WTF does it have to do with you?
On one occasion, where somebody who can't control himself and keep his efforts on the net, where they belong, tried and still does (tic toc mate
) to vindictively cause me problems off-forum, I've kept a copy of exchanges. That, upon taking legal advice.
What's happening in Ukraine, despite Mr Putin's semantics, is obviously a war, something about as divisive as it can get. People take sides. There's no "divide and rule". Do you really believe anybody has any expectation of "dividing" the sides in here?
Pointing out, and in some cases reposting, people's past views isn't a "trick", nor is it "shit stirring". You've done it yourself upon occasions. That's particular relevant when the poster of absolute lunacy is the principle exponent of one side and his supporters say absolutely nothing in response. What does it say about the man's mental state and sense of judgement and those who clearly admire and support his efforts?
As far as being a "cunt" is concerned. Rich stuff, from the man who talked about the citizens of Mariupol, 400,000 of them, whose city was raised to the ground by the Russian army, rushing out to meet their "liberators" with flowers and begging them not to leave? When they weren't it seems enjoying themselves at the local cinemas.
Plus, apparently Ukraine was planning to invade Russia.
Lots more "records" but that will do for now.
I can be as cuntish as you mate. Your choice.