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Ukrainian Issue

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Sat Sep 17, 2022 7:07 pm

Since Feb 25th you've posted nothing but good news about the Russian invasion of Ukraine and it's fallout. Clearly, after 7 months, and given the current situation, that has a considerable element of bollocks about it. There's never been a shred of objectivity about your posts - they've been relentlessly and rabidly pro-Russian - and you're insistence that the entirety of the West's media is "corrupt" and "criminal" whilst accepting the output of Russian state media as a font of truthful revelation is risible. Despite that I don't believe you've ever rejected an article from any western MSM source which supports your agenda. I appreciate you have your supporters in that respect among the huge membership of this forum. It's a mystery to me why people who are obviously quite savvy should ignore the more lunatic of your posts. Are they frightened of you? :?

Eastern markets aren't larger than the West. by a very long measure. Repetition's a relentless characteristic on this forum regarding discussion about this issue but - to repeat - if you think Russia's well established economic ties with the West - a billion of the richest people in the world - can be shrugged off and simply replaced overnight with Chinese and Indian trade then you're delusional. Although - I appreciate that's stating the obvious. :lol:

You should try reading your own stuff:

Russia’s Largest Oil Producer Boosts Profits Despite Sanctions ... tions.html

"While Russian production and exports have proven resilient since the invasion of Ukraine in February, analysts and top forecasting organizations expect a deep decline in Russian oil supply to the global market in just a few months’ time."

Putin has played his last - and what he hopes is - trump card. If the West gets through this winter OK without fragmenting on its support for the Ukrainians he's screwed. That's the case anyway long term as people have learned the hard way that Russia is not a reliable supplier. The move to alternatives will be gradual but relentless. Ultimately, the effects upon the Russian economy dire. Putin's clock is ticking. Basically, he seems to be a dead man walkin'.

"Bi-lateral talks" between India and Russia don't actually seem to indicate anything. Modi's just publicly told Putin he's a twat. China has said they sympathise and offer him heartfelt support but have basically asked him what the fuck he thinks he's up to and requested he send them a postcard about how it goes. As anybody who has had dealings with China knows it's all about money and their trade with the west vastly exceeds that with Russia, They will bend over backwards not to attract the sort of sanctions being inflicted on the (booming! :lol: :lol: :lol: ) Russian economy. Notwithstanding thank yous from them both for the cheap oil of course.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sat Sep 17, 2022 8:12 pm

Criticism against Russian officials from Russian channel in Telegram for the statement concerning UAVs saying "we have them in abundance and they are the best in the world."
[Forwarded from NerV]
The topic of UAVs was raised again, moreover, it was raised by an official-head of one of the Federal Services with the same stupid distortion of the facts "we have them in abundance and they are the best in the world ..", .. how it is already zae .. tired. Learn to speak as it is and, most importantly, to do, do what will correct the situation .. Perhaps the person is not in the subject (well, why then speak! it is not clear why - both the enemy and we are well aware of the real state of affairs > ..), perhaps such people live in some kind of their own world (where we mass-produce strike UAVs with an extensive range of guided equipment and upgrade kits that turn ordinary cast iron in PLAB .. and fighting unicorns are in reserve) .. in general, the reason for such statements is not clear, but I would love to see such a report somewhere on the front line ..

It is quite certain that this official is also a wonderful person .. like other gentlemen like him, but there is no such position as a "good guy", there is an official who must understand what and when he says .. and especially if he reports the "real state of affairs" top management..

Meanwhile, over the past months, the effectiveness of the "UAV-artillery" and "reconnaissance-loitering ammunition" bundles has been repeatedly confirmed, this has already been said and written many times .. Vladlen and RSOTM have a lot of videos of the successful operation of artillery when adjusted from a drone (and on many other resources), KUBs and Lancets were also effectively used and are being used (I would like more massive purchases from ZALA AERO by the Moscow Region and VNG of this targeted and effective tool and continued development in this direction by both ZALA itself and other domestic companies), BUT. .

The problem is not only a small number of technical means, the problem is the need to reduce the time it takes to make a decision to hit a detected target ("stay on the line, your call is very important to us, .. now we’ll ask the general", "are you sure that this is HIMARS Wait, we’ll check it now .."), it is undeniable that sometimes identification and confirmation are needed, but not to the point of insanity> .. commanders of reconnaissance groups working with reconnaissance drones should have more independence in deciding to hit the target with those the Lancet, which they have at their disposal, or work directly in the interests of the artillery battery (or several in the sector) according to the principle discovered-pointed-corrected-forgotten. In general, there are enough organizational moments, we will not change - the enemy will change us .. along with the surrounding landscape!
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Sat Sep 17, 2022 8:13 pm

Londonrake wrote:There's never been a shred of objectivity about your posts…

Yet, I’m the only one posting links to back what I’m saying.

So how should readers take your totally unsupported emotional ramblings then? :)

Londonrake wrote:Eastern markets aren't larger than the West. by a very long measure.

I guess basic arithmetic was never your strong point because you can easily add the populations of India and China and then compare it to that of the West!

Londonrake wrote:"While Russian production and exports have proven resilient since the invasion of Ukraine in February, analysts and top forecasting organizations expect a deep decline in Russian oil supply to the global market in just a few months’ time."

So my links aren’t so biased after all then! :)

But anyway, it’ll only be news when it actually happens…

Londonrake wrote:Modi's just publicly told Putin he's a twat.

It’s pointless in asking you to back that with a link, because you and Paphitis are exempt from posting evidence... what you say goes, right? :)
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sat Sep 17, 2022 8:25 pm

Londonrake wrote:A)
I appreciate you have your supporters in that respect among the huge membership of this forum. It's a mystery to me why people who are obviously quite savvy should ignore the more lunatic of your posts. Are they frightened of you? :?
If the West gets through this winter OK without fragmenting on its support for the Ukrainians he's screwed. .

A) Stop the tricks LR. you sound like a granny looking for support.
B) Like I said before, If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, it would be Christmas every day! :lol:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Sep 17, 2022 8:42 pm

...indeed, Russia has been left behind when it comes to the real war Mankind is up against. This is Putin's biggest problem and for which he remains in denial.

"Russia" offers nothing toward a new technological frontier beyond oil as an energy source. Both China and India are leaders in that regard, first world.

While Russians culturally have a lot to offer, Putin's "Russia" has left Russians in this Age of Information without the Freedom to exchange socially (or to change themselves), now isolated from what progress others seek as well.

...Putin is fighting old wars, (in old ways), about "oil"; and having made this choice he is just a wannabe.

The first world is beyond that. It may struggle with their mission to save the very planet on which we live from our own plunder; to make this change (like China and India): it seems he is not.

This makes "him" unequal, inferior, not first world, not second world, i dare say something below third world.

...Europe will no longer have a dependence on fossil fuels that much sooner because of this war; i fear it will be Russians, in the end, who will find themselves shivering, cold and alone.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Sat Sep 17, 2022 8:46 pm

Thanks for posting your 2c worth, Repulse!

Unfortunately I find that it’s not even worth 1c so you may proceed to flush the toilet now... thanks! :lol:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Sat Sep 17, 2022 8:50 pm

Back what you're saying? :?

I would have thought a man as savvy in IT as yourself would acknowledge that you can post links which back up anything. The world's flat. The US never landed on the Moon. 9/11 was an Israeli nuclear attack, etc, etc. Unarguable proof provided, as well. :eyecrazy:

Rational opinions aren't "emotional ramblings". What are we to do? Throw countless links at each other? Who believes other members links it they disagree with their position? And when it comes to emotional ramblings - you're without doubt King of the coop on this forum. Some of your stuff must make it hard for you to type, due to the froth (I love your 1 - 4am stuff :wink: ).

Since when has population translated into economic strength? And give it a rest "arithmetic isn't your strong point"? Your bully boy shit seems to work on some but not me. I've been blocked....................... twice! :lol:

FWIW, you can look up the figures for other countries (Heaven forbid! :lol:) but India's trade with the US lately has been $157 billion. It's largest export market. Russia $3.2 billion. China's trade with the US $435 billion. Russia $7 billion. It's "basic arithmetic". Your idea that these countries are going to throw their lot in with Putin's grandiose empire building scheme at the expense of their largest export market is ................... lunatic. A word you're very familiar with. :wink: :lol:

As far as Modi calling Putin a twat's concerned. Well, that's rhetorical of course - did you think he actually said it? :eyecrazy: What he did say was “Today’s era is not an era of war, and I have spoken to you on the phone about this.” That was a - very - public rebuke and Putin clearly didn't know which way to look on hearing it. If you don't think the Chinese weren't ambivalent and non-committal at the recent meeting then you aren't watching the ball.

Back to the drawing board.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Sat Sep 17, 2022 8:57 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:A) Stop the tricks LR. you sound like a granny looking for support.
B) Like I said before, If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, it would be Christmas every day! :lol:

Well, I really don't know what you mean by "tricks".

It's quite simple. When the man talks - as he frequently has - about his earnest desire to see millions killed in an apparently one way nuclear exchange and you say SFA then to me it's a lack of backbone.

I also don't understand the candy and nuts stuff but I'm sure that's me and it's very clever.

I really couldn't give a flying fuck about "support" and given your daily enthusiastic likewise for the killing of many thousands of Ukrainain people wouldn't expect any. I just think allowing the man to spout that psychotic shite without comment is gutless. Then again, I'm not looking to pop around to his place for a coffee and to sort out my PC problems.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Sat Sep 17, 2022 9:02 pm

Londonrake wrote:Back to the drawing board.

You can say that again!

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Sat Sep 17, 2022 9:04 pm

Londonrake wrote:...the killing of many thousands of Ukrainain people wouldn't expect any.

Did you hear the (rather tall) story about some poor guy who inadvertently found himself on Ascension Island crying over lost Argentinean souls… presumably as the British army’s protestant vicar?

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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