Get Real! wrote:Londonrake wrote:
Hold your horses right there!
For over 6 months I posted countless videos of American and Ukrainian military equipment being abandoned and ceased/captured by the Russians (thousands of tons worth), yet you had no interest and were even complaining about my links… and now all of a sudden you take an interest in abandoned equipment?
You filthy little two-bit slut!
Hey! Less of the two-bit.

Yes, you've posted many thousands of links since Feb. I don't usually bother. There seems little point. I do look at the links which sound interesting. I suspect that's more than some. Even members of your fan club perhaps. TBH they usually aren't very illuminating. Vehicles on a road, weapons being fired, aircraft/helicopters flying. Scenes which could be any number of things but are titled to suit your agenda. You recently posted the same video clip with two different titles. Neither of which bore any relationship at all to the content. What appeared to be a couple of light Russian armoured vehicles running along a dirt track, they stop, raise their guns to maximum elevation and fire a couple of shells. The titles suggested it was a curtains level event for the Ukrainian army though.
Your links have always tended to be in two categories. Great daily news for the Russian army/economy, or how the Ukrainian Armed Forces are being devastated by the hour. 7 months of it - relentlessly. Clearly, you're a fanatical idoliser of all things Russian, a characteristic which, to anyone with a shred of discerning rationality, lost you any credibility as a reasoned supplier of relevant news months ago. Your output could be taken directly from the sort of dirge Russian people get fed on their State Media every day. In fact I suspect it basically is. As far as the Russian economy goes, to suggest losing trade with your major customer, basically a billion of the richest people in the world, is an irrelevance is patently risible bollocks. More! It's actually a benefit you tell us. ROTFLMAO stuff. Please, don't ever stop.

Clearly, there's been a major military setback for the Russians in the past week. No matter how you spin it (and boy, do you spin!). And, yet again - here we are - 7 months into this conflict with the Russian army struggling to make significant progress against the Ukrainians. In fact, retreating in disarray in some areas. And we read the regular bollox. Now the kid gloves will come off - you'll be sorry! That, whilst they continue to fling munitions often randomly at civilian targets.