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Ukrainian Issue

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Fri Sep 09, 2022 1:32 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Clasping at straws.

Russia has lost more than 20 villages and towns.

Is this a few barnyards again? Apparently that is your great victory?

BTW, Izyum looks like it may fall within the next month as well.

I actually watch the videos of this guy because he is telling the truth, in the best way he can as a Ukrainian, despite using lot of ketchup to dress it up.
Now let's see how accurate he is. He claims his video is the latest update at 07 Sept.Let's check if it is:

--At 2:26 timeline he says the Ukrainians just took Novovoznesenske in Kherson area.
The truth is they did get that village at 04 or 05 Sept. Refer to my post dated 05 Sept, where I did point that out:

--- At 5:00 timeline he boasts the Ukrainians in the Izyum area advanced 19 Km from the front line. I said 25 Km from Pryshyb which was their last position so we are both right, and I also said that's IMPRESSIVE.
Here's my post:
Problem is that's yesterday morning's latest update. The situation has changed over the day like I said here:

---At 5:12 timeline he says the Ukrainians took back Husarivka in the Izyum area. That's a lie!. They never lost it on the first place. All you have to do to confirm it, is just use a Google Earth .All area to the East and West of the river is full of forests, the Russians hold all area to the East of the river and the Ukrainians all area to the West. Husarivka, Krynychne, Protopopivka, were always under Ukrainian control at the West side of the river, so how can anyone take back something he never lost? :lol:

-- At 6:30 he spoils his credibility with lots of dreams and fantasies, including IFS and BUTS about taking back Balakliya (a 25K population town). It ain't going to happen my friend, sorry. Nobody can take such big town so easily.

Yes he is Ukrainian and obviously supports Ukraine.

But he does not produce propaganda. He tries very hard and only disseminates the truth - even when it's bad for Ukraine, he will just report it.

He is a lot more happier these days. But he always believed Ukraine will win the war. In fact, most Ukrainians believe they will win. I also believe they will win. The feeling and morale of the Ukrainian People and the military is for a fact, sky high. They are not just saying it for propaganda. They truly believe they will win.

Hence, it's very difficult to fight against such a people, as Russia is starting to find out.

It's not a lie about Husarivka. It's been taken. It's been confirmed by a number of analysts from the material being posted on the internet. It may not have been confirmed yet by the Ukrainian Government. The pattern seems to be that when Ukraine takes a town, village or city, they confirm it between 48 to 72 hours after the fact to not jeopardize operational security.

As for the farmers in the area, they are all on Ukraine's side and report the positions of the Russians. Even the Russian speaking ones are on Ukrainians side.

Those who are not, mysteriously get murdered or go missing - probably from Ukrainian Secret Services who are very active in killing any civilians that are collaborating with Russia. The hits on these people resemble mafia hit jobs - car bombings or mysterious disappearances. Ukrainian Secret Services have been very active and quite prolific. Reminds me of Mossad. Bless their cotton socks for serving Ukraine.

The other phenomena is that Ukraine has now very well developed Guerilla Militia's in the occupied zones, collaborating with the Ukrainian Secret Services and many of them are Russian Speaking Ukrainians. Any pro Russian separatists are as a result trying to distance themselves from the Russians because anyone seen to be working for Russia seems to get murdered.

Basically Pyro, Russia is in deep shit now.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Fri Sep 09, 2022 1:40 am

Paphitis wrote:But he always believed Ukraine will win the war. In fact, most Ukrainians believe they will win. I also believe they will win. The feeling and morale of the Ukrainian People and the military is for a fact, sky high. They are not just saying it for propaganda. They truly believe they will win.

Hence, it's very difficult to fight against such a people, as Russia is starting to find out.

Paphitis, quit posting childish trash and start using your daft head... if Cyprus had 40 countries supporting them militarily, financially, and in every other way imaginable they too would feel they can beat Turkey!

So quit trying to paint this daft picture of the stupid Ukrainians being something “super-human” or special and try to understand the dynamics at play here.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Fri Sep 09, 2022 1:42 am

Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:But he always believed Ukraine will win the war. In fact, most Ukrainians believe they will win. I also believe they will win. The feeling and morale of the Ukrainian People and the military is for a fact, sky high. They are not just saying it for propaganda. They truly believe they will win.

Hence, it's very difficult to fight against such a people, as Russia is starting to find out.

Paphitis, quit posting childish trash and start using your daft head... if Cyprus had 40 countries supporting them militarily, financially, and in every other way imaginable they too would feel they can beat Turkey!

So quit trying to paint this daft picture of the stupid Ukrainians being something “super-human” or special and the dynamics at play here.

It's not childish at all.

Ukrainians have been resolute from day one till now, and now everything is swinging in their favour like they always believed and just like I always believed from Feb 24.

Ukraine military is mopping the shit stains that invaded their country. Russians couldn't run away any faster.

It's not that the Ukrainians are super human. Russia's entire operations have been a disaster and they have heavy losses that no country has seen before since WW2

You are losing!
Last edited by Paphitis on Fri Sep 09, 2022 1:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Fri Sep 09, 2022 1:44 am

Paphitis wrote:Ukrainians have been resolute from day one till now, and now everything is swinging in their favour like they always believed and just like I always believed from Feb 24.

Read the above again and quit posting stupidities! :lol:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Fri Sep 09, 2022 1:45 am

Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Ukrainians have been resolute from day one till now, and now everything is swinging in their favour like they always believed and just like I always believed from Feb 24.

Read the above again and quit posting stupidities! :lol:

Read what?

The reason why Cyprus had no one supporting them is because we are cowards compared to Ukraine. If Cypriots picked up their weapons and wouldn't abandon their cities (Famagustans are cowards) then Cyprus may have had 40 countries come and help.

no one will come and help unless you are willing to do the heavy lifting.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Fri Sep 09, 2022 1:48 am

I told you before, if you don't stop fighting, then you don't lose the war.

You don't lose the war till the day you suddenly stop. Ukrainians are not stopping.

And now, Ukrainians can smell Russian blood and see their cowardry.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Fri Sep 09, 2022 1:50 am

Paphitis wrote:I told you before, if you don't stop fighting, then you don't lose the war.

You don't lose the war till the day you suddenly stop. Ukrainians are not stopping.

And now, Ukrainians can smell Russian blood and see their cowardry.

There is NOTHING special about the Ukrainians; they’re just normal people who are enjoying unprecedented favoritism due to shortsighted Western policies.

But unfortunately for them, they are dealing with a superpower that can and will always have the last laugh.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Fri Sep 09, 2022 1:52 am

Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:I told you before, if you don't stop fighting, then you don't lose the war.

You don't lose the war till the day you suddenly stop. Ukrainians are not stopping.

And now, Ukrainians can smell Russian blood and see their cowardry.

There is NOTHING special about the Ukrainians; they’re just normal people who are enjoying unprecedented favoritism due to shortsighted Western policies.

But unfortunately for them, they are dealing with a superpower that can and will always have the last laugh.

Yes there is Get Real.

What's special about Ukrainians is the fact they are fighting for their country and independence.

Therefore, they are driven to succeed and sacrifice for their country. Russian soldiers not so much.

Which is why Russia is now getting raped.

And quite with the delusions Russia is a superpower. That horse bolted long time ago.

What we are seeing is no evidence at all that Russia is a superpower. Laughing stock yes. Superpower, no.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Fri Sep 09, 2022 1:57 am

Here is another example of how bad things are for Russia now. Russia is losing ground all around Kharkiv. It's not just in Kherson and Donbass. Reports are that Ukrainian Forces will push the Russian Forces to the border within days.

Ukrainian Military is conducting multiple offensives at the same time and all of them are successful so far. Russian Troops are abandoning their trenches and even leaving behind their Tanks and Artillery.

There is currently no Russian offensive except from the Wagner group that moved 500m closer to Bakhmout. They are on borrowed time here as well.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Fri Sep 09, 2022 1:59 am

Again you’re talking total childish TRASH!

If left to their own devices from the onset, the Ukrainians would’ve surrendered by the end of the first month, if not sooner.

That’s how far their entire military hardware and ammunition had lasted.
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