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Ukrainian Issue

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Wed Sep 07, 2022 5:47 pm

Get Real! wrote:When Biden delivers to the Ukraine the technology to reach Moscow (and he will), it’s hasta la vista America!

Wonderful news.

If Russians attack Ukraine, then Moscow is surely fair game too.

You even steal famous American movie quotes. Can it get any worse?

America even pollutes the minds of Pootin wannabes. The power of America is just far reaching and all seeing.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Wed Sep 07, 2022 5:51 pm

So that’s your sign right there Paphitis, of when you need to rush to the nearest store to buy Pampers! :lol:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Wed Sep 07, 2022 5:52 pm

VU day is going to be very sweet and will rival VE Day.

It should be inaugurated as a global public holiday to mark the victory of good over evil.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Wed Sep 07, 2022 5:53 pm

Get Real! wrote:So that’s your sign right there Paphitis, of when you need to rush to the nearest store to buy Pampers! :lol:

We have plenty on US supermarket shelves.

Russian soldiers apparently still don’t have toilets and sewerage and poop into holes in the ground.

Sone super power they are. V :lol:

So how is the S500 holding up against 3rd tier US weaponry? Don’t look so impressive now.

Face it get real. Russia is now America’s little bitch!

Last edited by Paphitis on Wed Sep 07, 2022 5:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Wed Sep 07, 2022 5:56 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:In case the US install nukes in Finland, the later will simply turn itself to a target, together with Incirlik.

For half a century now anywhere in the world is within the reach of their adversaries nuclear weapons. The idea of "installing" them in this or that country is really just PR.

A Russian Typhoon or US Ohio class submarine can attack from any ocean location within 10000 miles of its targets. The 2 anytime on-station Ohios can launch missiles with almost 2000 warheads. If they don't get regular VLF broadcasts from their US control centres they're programmed to assume the transmitters destruction and carry out their attack briefs. Russian subs will have similar plans. If you think any sort of "hypersonic" bullshite weapon can stop that then you are a fucking idiot. That's how tenuous our existence has been for decades.

GR's idea of the US being destroyed without consequence is a total fantasy. Hundreds of millions would die and billions starve in the aftermath. How come nobody challenges that? Bizarre. You come across as a bunch of frightened sheep. :?
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Wed Sep 07, 2022 5:58 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:In case the US install nukes in Finland, the later will simply turn itself to a target, together with Incirlik.

For half a century now anywhere in the world is within the reach of their adversaries nuclear weapons. The idea of "installing" them in this or that country is really just PR.

A Russian Typhoon or US Ohio class submarine can attack from any ocean location within 10000 miles of its targets. The 2 anytime on-station Ohios can launch missiles with almost 2000 warheads. If they don't get regular VLF broadcasts from their US control centres they're programmed to assume the transmitters destruction and carry out their attack briefs. Russian subs will have similar plans. If you think any sort of "hypersonic" bullshite weapon can stop that then you are a fucking idiot. That's how tenuous our existence has been for decades.

GR's idea of the US being destroyed without consequence is a total fantasy. Hundreds of millions would die and billions starve in the aftermath. How come nobody challenges that? Bizarre. You come across as a bunch of frightened sheep. :?

VLF stations are located at Learl Harbour and Harold E Holt in Western Australia’s Ningaloo reef Western Cape.

Been there. That is the location of where the world sees it’s end. .

That’s where the launch codes from the POTUS are sent to the US Submarine fleet.
Last edited by Paphitis on Wed Sep 07, 2022 6:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Wed Sep 07, 2022 6:07 pm

Bloody idiotic Get Real wants to see US cities nuked.

And he calls the US as being somehow SATAN influenced. I mean gee.

So get real so how thinks the death of 5 billion people all over the world as something to be celebrated.

Well life will not be pleasant for any survivors neither.

But this is the logic of Pootin’s nasty apologists. Such blatant disregard for human life.

This is the poison that exists in the brains of those who support Pootin.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Wed Sep 07, 2022 6:10 pm

Speaking of the north west cape, I nearly crashed there too, about 30 miles offshore in the Indian Ocean not far from Harold E Holt. My closest call with the grim reaper.

I flew into a microburst.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Pyrpolizer » Wed Sep 07, 2022 6:29 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:In the meantime the Russians seem totally absent from the area.

:roll: Oh Pyro, you never learn... how do you suppose the Kherson corridor trap was created?

It's exactly the same Russian tactic of withdrawing from little settlements to suck in the happy Ukie forces deep into captured territory and then close off the top and incinerate them! :lol:

No the Russians didn't plan any trap in Kherson , nor did they plan anything in the Izyum area.
They certainly didn't plan losing an SU-25 there in just 24 hours, nor did they plan blowing up all bridges to Balakliya town of 25K which is now encircled and isolated from 3 sides... The situation in Izyum is serious, trust my words...

Oh, so the delusions are withering.

Welcome to the real world.

You better believe the situation is serious. And maybe one day we will welcome you with a softer side and sympathy towards the plight of the Ukrainians in their own country.

Any updates on the fall of Bakhmout? How is that going for the Russians? Surely they must be getting close?

No delusions at all. I always knew there was a problem concerning the number of Russian troops.
I always knew that massive artillery strikes are not enough Vs an enemy who has a million+ to spare.
Having completed my military service, I know damn well that Artillery and Air strikes should be followed by tanks and then infantry. The Russians (and the Americans in other places as e.g. in Iraq) don't do that. They instead use their superiority in the air, or artillery to "fight" safely. I also know that taking towns means street fighting which is extremely difficult especially when the enemy hides inside the buildings just like what the Ukrainians do.
What we are now witnessing in Izyum is the result of all that Russian deficiency in personnel...

I was always in favor of the Russians. I will never feel sympathy for the Ukrainians, having developed a Nazi state that was attacking, torturing, raping, robbing and suppressing the Russian majority in the East and South to the point of even getting punished of speaking their own language. I do hope the Ukrainians will lose all territory which was never theirs on the first place.

The Ukrainians ARE NOT FIGHTING for their lands, they are fighting for lands that were never theirs. They are not fighting for their freedom or civil liberties either as the Russians did not expel any minority of Ukrainians from the East. The worst advice any one could give to the Russians would be to take the whole of Ukraine. They won't. They will take only as much as they need.

Do you know anything of Greek History Paphitis? Where did the Greek revolution start from? Didn't the "Filiki Etaireia" start in Odessa by Greek-Russians? Did it ever start in "Ukraine" for Christ sake????
Was Mariupol, Melitoupol, Odessa, Sevastoupol, Oleksandrivka (Μαριουπολη, Μελιτουπολη, Οδησσος, Σεβαστουπολη, Αλεξανδρουπολη) ever Ukrainian just to name a few? Were they always Russian towns with Greek Russian speakers yes or no?

Ukrainian imish... Really?
Last edited by Pyrpolizer on Wed Sep 07, 2022 6:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Wed Sep 07, 2022 6:31 pm

Paphitis wrote:Speaking of the north west cape, I nearly crashed there too, about 30 miles offshore in the Indian Ocean not far from Harold E Holt. My closest call with the grim reaper.

I flew into a microburst.

In April 1990 I took some leave to take my kids to Disney. Whilst I was away my 8 Sqn Shackleton AEW crew flew into the ground in cloud on Harris in Scotland. All killed. On another occasion my crew were flying in Afghanistan when, after an air-to-air refuelling, a leak in the system sprayed fuel onto the engines and the aircraft exploded.

I've been very lucky but have lost a lot of friends over the years.
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