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Ukrainian Issue

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Mon Sep 05, 2022 7:54 pm

Lordo wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Russian gas supply to Europe suspended indefinitely!

So how’s that price-cap working out for the G7 now? :roll:

Even an 8 year old could’ve predicted the outcome of the foolhardy decisions of the G7’s incompetent baboons!

Whatever these G7 +EU idiots might decide the end result would be cutting themselves off from Russian Oil and gas. Their extremely FALLACIOUS assumption is that Russia will yield to the price cap and continue delivering oil based on their artificial price cap. Russia already said NIET. :lol:
What will happen is simple: Ships will change flags (Greek tankers will all be gone), Insurance and Finance will be provided by Russia itself, so bye bye London brokers. see you next century.
In the meantime prices of oil will skyrocket.

Its interesting that "Niyet" in Turkish means intention.

No in Russian is “нет” which is pronounced “nyet” so the latter is not an actual Russian word.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Pyrpolizer » Mon Sep 05, 2022 9:22 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:...this is Russia.

...and if the "Russians" are not careful they will lose it.

(Turkey too is tearing apart, but because of "Turkishness"; let's remember.)

...such ventures like in the Ukraine can only lead to questions, if the roads crack and the trains cease to run on time.

If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, it would be Xmas every day. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Tue Sep 06, 2022 4:55 pm

Putin and Co in some kind of command & control center... ... CN6Fy2.mp4

Russians distribute aid to a village that's under a constant shelling... ... l9EGtZ.mp4

Ukrainian Army Atrocities: 'Torture, rape, extrajudicial killings, robberies, looting'... ... X3BKqe.mp4

Trench Ukie trying to take a piss... ... hRvWW2.mp4

Trench Ukie hoping for 100k TikTok subs while shells fall all around him... ... xWuT3J.mp4

A Russian Kornet wallops a Ukie observation post from many kilometers away... ... 8CrnOc.mp4

Ukies retreating on foot from Kherson Offensive... ... tPxUKF.mp4

More Georgians headed to the front, impervious to the previous 300 that are no longer with us... ... lxhe04.mp4

The sad story of a bunch of Ukies who crossed to "capture" some abandoned settlement and paid the ultimate price... ... gTys7x.mp4
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Tue Sep 06, 2022 10:51 pm

A protagonist Ukie propagandist admitted the failure of the "counterattack" of the Armed Forces of Ukraine...

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Pyrpolizer » Tue Sep 06, 2022 11:20 pm

Have you noticed that the world is gradually turning into one big Latin America?

Only if in my favorite region riots and protests are almost a national pastime that rarely attracts the attention of the international community, then the once prosperous Europe is a completely different matter.

I present to your attention a brief summary of the protests of the Old World:

On September 2, demonstrations began in Germany.
Mass riots took place in Kassel, the participants of which demanded to stop arms supplies to Ukraine. Also, the protesters temporarily blocked the passage to the Rheinmetall plant, a concern that produces military equipment and weapons.
On September 4, residents of Cologne took to the streets.
September 5 99-629341) - Leipzig.
By the end of September 6, there were reports of protests in Berlin, Magdeburg and Miltenberg.

On September 3, demonstrations took place in Prague ( against the current government. According to some data, from 70 thousand to 100 thousand people came to Wenceslas Square. The protesters demanded that the authorities remain neutral in the Ukrainian crisis, as well as ensure direct gas supplies from Russia. Pro-Russian forces were immediately accused of organizing demonstrations by the Czech authorities.

September 5-6, rallies were held in Chisinau demanding the resignation of the government and the president of Moldova.

On September 3, a rally was held in Paris demanding the resignation of President Emmanuel Macron. Experts report ( that so far the controlled opposition has taken to the streets, but the situation will change very soon.

In the UK, protests continued with varying degrees of intensity throughout the summer. ( In September, police services prepare for rising crime and riots amid the economic crisis.

In the Netherlands, farmers have been protesting against the green agenda of the European Union for several months now.

It was also restless all summer in Italy. Protests of varying intensity were held in Rome, in the north and south of the country. The reasons for dissatisfaction are the same - the behavior of the Italian authorities in the situation around Ukraine, as well as the worsening economic crisis. The situation is heated up by the upcoming parliamentary elections.

Since March, Spain has been marked by massive protests against rising energy prices. Spanish farmers also took to the streets in early summer. By September, the situation was relatively stable, but a couple of days ago, the UN said that the Spanish authorities had violated the rights of the leaders of the Catalan separatists. Such a decision has no real consequences for official Madrid, but it can be used to incite unrest in some cities.

In Belgium, Austria and Switzerland, there are signs of dissatisfaction with the current economic problems that the COVID restrictions once warmed up. Police in Switzerland are preparing for riots and looting over impending power shortages, industrialists in Austria are demanding compensation from the government, and in Belgium trade union activists who protested earlier in the summer are threatening to return to the streets.

And it hasn't even gotten cold yet.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Pyrpolizer » Tue Sep 06, 2022 11:24 pm

Get Real! wrote:A protagonist Ukie propagandist admitted the failure of the "counterattack" of the Armed Forces of Ukraine...


But the Ukrainians entered Kherson within a week as promised to them didn't they?

.....As POWs. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Wed Sep 07, 2022 12:02 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:Have you noticed that the world is gradually turning into one big Latin America?

The West’s citizens are in the unfortunate position whereby the major media networks have been hijacked by Brussels and Washington, so all these demonstrations are barely mentioned in major networks and even then they’re always watered down.

So they’ve got the handful of media magnates on their side controlling hundreds of news networks across the West, they’ve got big tech on their side controlling the Internet, and they’ve even got the “opposition” parties on their side who offer no government criticism whatsoever these days!

On top of that we have countless idiots the likes of Paphitis and other clowns in their millions all over the West, who are too dumb to see what’s being done to the citizens of the West, and they just voluntarily act like Internet soldiers defending these criminal regimes 24/7!

As of late, I have also seen the criminal West manufacturing consent for their Ukraine debacle by circulating the results of BOGUS surveys which indicate overwhelming citizen support of what the West is doing in Ukraine, showing a citizen’s total lack of concern for their own depreciating livelihoods!

Unfortunately, we have well and truly entered a state of totalitarianism for which there are only two solutions:

1. Citizens somehow rise by their millions and takeover their corrupt governments; something that is very hard to do given they have no control over any form of media.

2. Russia nukes America to kingdom come, thus saving us.

I suspect that in time, pretty much everyone will have realised how much trouble we are in and be begging for Russia to strike Satan’s lair... even you Pyro!
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Wed Sep 07, 2022 12:11 pm

I spoke about bogus surveys used to manufacture consent for the West's failed policies, so I wanted to post one such example so you can see for yourselves.

Who believes these figures?

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Pyrpolizer » Wed Sep 07, 2022 2:01 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:Have you noticed that the world is gradually turning into one big Latin America?

The West’s citizens are in the unfortunate position whereby the major media networks have been hijacked by Brussels and Washington, so all these demonstrations are barely mentioned in major networks and even then they’re always watered down.

So they’ve got the handful of media magnates on their side controlling hundreds of news networks across the West, they’ve got big tech on their side controlling the Internet, and they’ve even got the “opposition” parties on their side who offer no government criticism whatsoever these days!

On top of that we have countless idiots the likes of Paphitis and other clowns in their millions all over the West, who are too dumb to see what’s being done to the citizens of the West, and they just voluntarily act like Internet soldiers defending these criminal regimes 24/7!

As of late, I have also seen the criminal West manufacturing consent for their Ukraine debacle by circulating the results of BOGUS surveys which indicate overwhelming citizen support of what the West is doing in Ukraine, showing a citizen’s total lack of concern for their own depreciating livelihoods!

Unfortunately, we have well and truly entered a state of totalitarianism for which there are only two solutions:

1. Citizens somehow rise by their millions and takeover their corrupt governments; something that is very hard to do given they have no control over any form of media.

2. Russia nukes America to kingdom come, thus saving us.

I suspect that in time, pretty much everyone will have realised how much trouble we are in and be begging for Russia to strike Satan’s lair... even you Pyro!

I personally believe the is NO DEMOCRACY anywhere in the world, all there is is ELITISM.
It's Elitism that rules, elites interconnect, and always search for ways to become financially and politically stronger. For example it's elites that grabbed the chance to push Sweden and Norway into Nato, basically to get commission from armaments. The interconnection between the local and foreign Industrial military complex Elites. The masses also think they got security, so everybody gets along happily.
The masses only revolt when their pockets start getting empty...

No I don't believe a nuclear Armageddon is the solution. The permanent solution in minimizing the power of the Elites, is to abolish inheritance. Non permanent solutions include conditions for the masses to revolt. This is what Russia is trying to do now in Europe by cutting the gas supplies, and this is what the western sanctions aim at Russia:To turn the masses against their Elites.

The million dollar question is how to turn the masses against the Elites in the US, when they earn $30 per hour on average, while the upper middle class may earn 5-6 times that much. For the moment they have no reason to do so. They will, when the US hegemony that generates easy money at the expense of the whole world, collapses. And it WILL collapse, the war in Ukraine already created the conditions. I can't wait to see it happening. :wink:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Pyrpolizer » Wed Sep 07, 2022 2:16 pm

Really bad news for Russia. Another Ukrainian counter attack in the Izium area turned out amazingly successful. The Russians are inexcusable as they knew something would happen there and got absolutely no precaution.
So far the Ukrainians have taken two villages Verbivka and Yakovenkove and are currently attacking Balakliya which is a big town with 25K population.

the distance between their previous positions and Yakovenkove is about 11 Km

Izyum front: situation near Balakleya
by the end of September 6, 2022

Today, the Armed Forces of Ukraine, after a long artillery preparation along Balakleya, Izyum, logistics routes and warehouses of the RF Armed Forces, launched an attack on Balakleya from the west from Andreevka.

Due to its geographical position, without control over Balakliya, it is difficult to secure the northwestern flank of the group based in Izyum. In addition, if someday the Russian Armed Forces again pay attention to Kharkov itself, a convenient route runs from Balakliya through Zmiev to the Slobodskoy and Industrialny districts of the regional center.

After inflicting massive fire damage on mobilized militiamen from the DPR, who were on the defensive in the nearby forests, the Armed Forces of Ukraine entered the village of Verbovka.

From there, the only route to the territory of the 65th arsenal and Balakleya itself through the Srednyaya Balakleyka River is still preserved. The bridge across the river is intact, fighting is going on for control over it.

From Recruitment, the Armed Forces of Ukraine developed success towards the village of Yakovenkovo, trying to move towards Volokhov Yar and completely block Balakleya from the north.

Now the road Volokhov Yar - Balakleya is under the fire control of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Bridges located to the south across the rivers Balakleyka and Extreme Balakleyka: undermined, so communication with the central regions of Balakleya is now interrupted.

The Ukrainian formations did not enter the Camp area located on the western bank of the Balakleyka River to the north of its tributary (the Lyakhovaya River). There is also no confirmation of the presence of the RF Armed Forces in this area.

Reports have been received about the advance of the Russian Armed Forces south of the village of Bayrak and the expansion of the control zone towards Gusarovka. But so far there are no facts that could confirm this.

At the moment, Balakliya is in the operational encirclement and in the zone of fire destruction of Ukrainian artillery. All entrances are cut by fire.

Another article: ... r_pto=wapp
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