Russian gas supply to Europe suspended indefinitely!So how’s that price-cap working out for the G7 now?
Even an 8 year old could’ve predicted the outcome of the foolhardy decisions of the G7’s incompetent baboons!
By now I doubt there are still people out there who haven’t figured out the sheer incompetence of the West’s leadership (with the exception of Repulse and Paphitis) so there’s no need for us to repeat the obvious, so now I’m just gonna get straight into how it will affect us all, in a nutshell...
When there’s insufficient energy in a given community the authority has to eventually impose an
energy consumption cap, so both businesses and households will have to learn to make do with a fixed maximum number of energy units they can consume, in a given time period.
Households will be mostly inconvenienced with the exception of those that contain people with special health needs that are reliant on energy consuming technologies. So those in need of special equipment 24/7 to stay alive will be hit the hardest.
Factories on the other hand, will have no option but to downscale/downsize by laying people off and reducing output, and the sum of all the factories reducing output will lead to product shortages.
Far fewer goods will be available in retail stores without a change in demand, leading to the infamous state of...
“too much money chasing too few goods” ...which leads to INFLATION that ultimately deteriorates to HYPERINFLATION, when you also add the formerly inflated energy costs that got everything started!
Since the goods are still highly demanded but there’s not enough of them, it’ll drive up their price to outrageous levels ensuring that only the wealthiest among us can afford them.
In turn, all European governments will have a significant decrease in their annual income leading to a significant reduction of the EU’s global power and influence.
However, the cure for all these problems is actually very simple... as it is none other than reinstating the relationship with Russia as it was pre-September this year, but that would mean that the West has to swallow its pride, admit to its total foreign policy failure, abandon the Ukraine, and bow down to the global significance of the Sino-Russian alliance.
But anyone who knows anything about the West should confirm that the West would rather cut its nose to spite its face into oblivion, than admit failure!