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Ukrainian Issue

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Lordo » Fri Sep 02, 2022 7:59 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:...they may be working on that precisely; these three men.

No one can deny that in their own way each is a great Statesman, and this is the moment they have all waited for, to live as Heroes in Fame, and not in infamy.

It is the Problem, the problem they must solve, for "Them" and the rest of us; intentions count.

...what other solution is there as it is but more war.

A "cease fire" like in Cyprus is not a solution; as 'we' have seen, where the rights of Cypriots have been usurped and replaced by the hateful dogmas of "Greeks" and "Turks".

...if in Cyprus, Cypriots gathered to condemn "This" half for keeping them divided and living in fear, it would say a lot about our own understanding of our own condition, as Human beings as well as Cypriots, and the conditions as they are evolving in Turkey, and Russia, as well as the Ukraine. Such a movement presents big challenges to politicians like these, where we unite as Individuals; despite the fact that as Persons such Leaders have worked very hard to divide us accordingly. People want change, and things have stayed the same for far too long. In many ways the world has not learned the lessons of WWI because we continue to fight among each other, rather than the real enemies which are a threat to us all; 'we' remain impotent under "their" narrative (leaving "them" in control). Internationally speaking, and to the so-called Cypriot Leaders, Cypriots taking to the streets to demonstrate as Cypriots would be noticed and welcome.

...action, not words is needed, as you say Lordo; by 'us': a field of Honor where hearts and bellies fill, where nobody dies (is my dream).

Souvla on the beach; a solution here in Cyprus: fire and steel to make the good food we eat, music and the sounds of laughter thousands strong, for the People by the People who would be against it?

It is a sad day if we have reached a day where only solution for peace is war. Like a good frind of mine says fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity.

Clearly both sides have concerns and they must put them to each other to see if a compromise can be reached. If not then there is only one solution and that is to create two states instead. Anything is better than war.

what will they achieve by war? Do you suppose one day they will win? If Nato could not defeat Taliban how on earth do they expect to defeat the Russian army or economy. No chance, Best make peace and save lives.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Fri Sep 02, 2022 9:14 pm

Who remembers propaganda Marianna?

The girl that was used repeatedly in Ukie propaganda vids running out of buildings all blood-soaked?

Well she has since switched sides... :lol: ... fsdJl6.mp4
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Sep 02, 2022 9:40 pm

...if this is true, it is a disaster.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Fri Sep 02, 2022 9:43 pm

Some Ukie corpses who attempted to capture the power plant have washed up on the banks of the river... ... izAaoG.mp4

Ukie corpses from the "Kherson Offensive"... ... hieqfy.mp4

Assorted Ukie POW captures... ... 1uEK3b.mp4

Some captured Western crap... ... nxAILn.mp4

Uragan multiple rocket launcher systems destroying Ukrainian Army positions... ... Cf.caa.mp4
Last edited by Get Real! on Fri Sep 02, 2022 9:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Sep 02, 2022 9:43 pm

Get Real! wrote:Who remembers propaganda Marianna?

The girl that was used repeatedly in Ukie propaganda vids running out of buildings all blood-soaked?

Well she has since switched sides... :lol: ... fsdJl6.mp4

...''pulpy lips'', i'd say.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Pyrpolizer » Fri Sep 02, 2022 10:13 pm

What do you think of G7's decision to impose a price cap on Russian oil? Basically they won't allow western tankers to carry Russian oil unless it was purchased at a price THEY will decide. Something similar will be imposed on gas and pipeline deliveries. ... 022-09-02/
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Fri Sep 02, 2022 10:23 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:What do you think of G7's decision to impose a price cap on Russian oil? Basically they won't allow western tankers to carry Russian oil unless it was purchased at a price THEY will decide. Something similar will be imposed on gas and pipeline deliveries. ... 022-09-02/

It’s yet another one of those Western baboon miscalculations that they are in control!

But Europe is finished…

Russia just exported the most oil in any August on record... ... 022-8?op=1

Hungary signs deal with Gazprom for 5.8bn cubic metres of natural gas ... atural-gas

Europe’s Coming Winter From Hell: Thanks for Your Sanctions War, Washington! ... ashington/

Europe is in shambles and not just due to the energy crises... they've actually voluntarily demilitarized themselves for much of what they had has vaporized in Ukraine!
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Fri Sep 02, 2022 10:24 pm

The Ukrainian corridor in the Kherson region ...has now been closed up by the Russians and everything within it has either been captured, killed, maimed, or I don’t know what:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Pyrpolizer » Fri Sep 02, 2022 10:30 pm

Get Real! wrote:Who remembers propaganda Marianna?

The girl that was used repeatedly in Ukie propaganda vids running out of buildings all blood-soaked?

Well she has since switched sides... :lol: ... fsdJl6.mp4

There were 2 women. The one shown on the first frame of the video actually died on delivery. The other woman was filmed against her will or knowledge by CNN reporters who miraculously were already there after the shelling (by whom??) of the hospital. She gave a detailed interview, explaining things. They were in neighboring rooms at the hospital, and were also friends. She cried during the interview explaining how her friend died ... (nothing to do with injuries from war, simply the baby was dead inside her and she got septicemia, if I remember well)
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Sat Sep 03, 2022 1:19 am

Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:No more Russian Junk for the CNG either.

If Russian military hardware is “junk” how come they’re constantly beating the Ukrainians who outnumber the Russians by 5 to 1, and are using US and EU hardware?

Paphitis wrote:Even when I was in Cyprus and saw some Mi-24 flying round. I mean they just anywhere near an Apache where just the pilot's helmet is $500,000 alone (about the same price as a Lamborghini)

That’s just a super-inflated price in the land of utter corruption! You can probably reproduce exactly the same thing in Russia for $250! :lol:

I hope one day you’ll start using logic and reasoning to arrive at conclusions as opposed to being a fanatical US fun-boy as if America is a boy band or something! :roll: :lol:

You are a bigger idiot than I thought. There is a reason why the helmet costs that much. And the Russians have NOTHING like it. And these helmets are used in Apache, Blackhawk, F-22 and others as well.

And this is just one reason why Russia is 50 years behind America. If you think Russia can take on NATO, you got another thing coming. Pootin is welcome to try though.

Oh btw, just the standard issue infantry helmet Russian soldiers are issued with, can be destroyed with your bare fists. Plenty of videos about it. Not only that, but our bullets can penetrate their body Armour.

Ukrainians are getting proper NATO Kevlar.
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