repulsewarrior wrote:Get Real! wrote:DT. wrote:Sorry not sure I follow the logic. If satan is with the US why would he want it destroyed?

Satan is not in the business of forming alliances with humans but in the business of deceiving as many humans as possible into acting against God’s laws, so I wouldn't say he is "with" America, but rather operating IN America the most.
...logically therefore, it is also the place where most good comes from, (if it is such an evil place), too.
There are Americans and "Americans".
I don't see your logic.
Little by little over the decades, Satan has made America the greatest show on Earth so as to attract all other shallow gullible fools into wanting to join it or mimic this super-brothel of misfits where anything goes.
Satan hopes the entire world will have America’s bimbos and transvestites as role models for their daughters, and that young men will start to question their sexuality and wonder why they can’t be gay, transgender, cripple, or of some other anomaly so as to be deemed “special” as per contemporary "political correctness".
In the case of bimbos, the injected super-thick red-painted lips send out the message… “I suck cocks better than all the other females” while a fake protruding arse advertises the female as superior for anal sex, much like baboons in Africa.
Satan hopes to maximize the number of idiots who will approve and even be part of the growing incest, pedophilia, bestiality and of every other decadent trait imaginable so as to cause maximum fallout with God.