Paphitis wrote:You are on the wrong side Get Real! And America has nothing to do with it. That said, your hatred for America should never transcend into war crimes and injustice against Ukrainians.
There's absolutely no injustice against the Ukrainians from the Russians.
What existed so far was injustice towards the Russian speakers of Donbas, been deprived their basic freedoms. Freedom to speak and get educated in their own Russian language, freedom of life itself been shelled, killed, harassed, raped, robbed etc etc by Azov and other extreme right wings and Nazi sectors in Ukraine.There are almost 100 of them in case you think it's only Azov.
Plus of course the existential threat of Russia having Nato expanding in Ukraine.
What for? For the same reason all those Eastern block countries joined Nato, and the reason Finland and Sweden rushed to join now: For some elitists to get commission buying armaments on the back of their taxpayers, and at the same time keep the American military-industrial complex going.
The only source of injustice towards Ukrainians is their own regime.Ukrainians were not running a risk of losing their homes and lands. Did not run a risk of losing any civil liberties under the Russians.
Losing some part of the Ukrainian state which was never theirs on the first place, and is still inhabited by Russian majority is not anything that concerns the average Ukrainian. The truth is they thought the Russian speakers in Ukraine should abandon the place and go to Russia. It's just territory the "Ukrainian State" got by accident after the collapse of the USSR, based on frontier lines drawn by the Soviets for administration purposes.
The biggest injustice against the Ukrainians comes from the Ukrainian regime itself sending them to fight and lose their lives for nothing concerning their own freedom and safety, but for the so called integrity of a "State" part of which was and still is inhabited by Russians.
All this for their elitists to capitalize on the dream of joining Nato and the EU, and donate the country to the Americans to the detriment of Russia.
Yet you think the Americans have nothing to do with it. You even think it's all about the American values of democracy and freedom in this super corrupted state called Ukraine where nothing of that ever existed!!
Unfortunately yes the Ukrainians will lose much more than just independence of Donbas, and the Demilitarization and Denazification of Ukraine that would all be good for Ukraine. Had Ukraine accepted that, it would soon become one of the most prosperous countries in Europe.
What will they end up now? An endless cemetery of it's own people, a non functioning state, serving the purpose of weakening Russia, which in retaliation would bankrupt the whole Europe. Just because it suits the satanic state called America.