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Ukrainian Issue

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Pyrpolizer » Tue Aug 16, 2022 12:37 pm

Exact timing link above.

This poor dreamer still thinks they will be able to start their counter offensive in kherson maybe in September or October, while at the same time he thinks they stranded 25K Russian soldiers having no supplies, just because they destroyed all the bridges!

At best he should postpone his dream to never. Because such a counter offensive is basically impossible, even assuming those 25K will be cut off 100% from any supplies.

Why? simply because all current Ukrainian positions are within Russian artillery and MRLS range from the other side of the river.The distance ranges from 25 to 60 Km only. Once they dare start such a counter offensive they will simply end up in a slaughterhouse losing 1000+ soldiers per day as they did in other areas. :o :roll:

I admit the Ukrainians are winning the PR battle though. There's no other way to convince the Americans they achieve something, so that they'd send them more weapons :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Tue Aug 16, 2022 1:03 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Paphitis wrote:

The Americans are trained to NATO standards and are a professional military that actually attracts some of America's finest talent into careers that are long term and fulfilling with great salary packages and benefits - from free medical, cheap home loans, cheap utilities and tax benefits.

The US Army is NOT a conscript military like Russia's or what you are use to in Cyprus.

Nothing is left to chance with the US Military. The Military is 100% professional, unlike Russia's which isn't. Hence why you see massive casualties because these young Russian kids are being sent to their deaths, as they simply do not possess the level of training US personnel receive.

If the US did that there would be such a backlash. The US people have no stomach for sending young Americans to their graves. So utmost care is taken to bring everyone home alive.

You live in the US for almost a year, and you still have illusions of how the US military is made up. VAST MAJORITY is blacks, Hispanics and trash of the lowest possible educational or financial level.
You should spend more time studying the people of the place you live...
The permanent military personnel all over the World is like that. Conscripts + reservists joining the permanent personnel is the best mix one can ever have. ... rship.html

Some 43 percent of the 1.3 million men and women on active duty in the United States military are people of color. ... n-problem/

As for your other illusion about the so called "NATO standard" this training is all about planning and carrying out of joint NATO operations. The military standard training is the same everywhere in the world. What differs slightly is the training of special forces.

Not True.

The people of colour are proportionate to population which is a very good thing. You talk as though the people of colour in the USA are somehow of lower intelect and status in the USA. That is a falsehood. people of colour in America, are equals, and they are forging great success and many of them do well at school, develop high powered careers, vocations and also achieve academic excellence. Granted, there are many also of lower economic status but that doesn't make a poor kid of colour of less intellect. So many times, these kids do very well at school.

And you call them trash. The US Military is a professional institution. To get in, you undergo a rather rigorous selection process. Not only that, you need to be a clean skin with no misdemeanors or criminal convictions. And you are security vetted as you will hold a security clearance. That's vetting by CIA, NSA and FBI. If you have dirt and skeletons in the closet, they will find it.

So they are not trash at all. A career in the US military is highly sort after by people of all walks of life. The benefits of joining are second to none. And all recruits are usually fresh out of school or university.

Not only that, but in the USA, I would be considered a person of colour. But I have experienced no discrimination in the US at all. On the contrary, I have been helped and assisted firstly to get sponsored in the US, probably because of my background which tilts towards people of similar workplace experience to me, in particular if you served the US Military which pretty much guarantees you a red carpet and the best mentoring they can muster.

The system is built to assist people that have served America (which I haven't), but because people such as this proliferate, it has been advantageous to me.

There is nothing at all wrong with people of colour. American Government is a non discriminatory institution at all levels - they even had a person of Colour as POTUS. And not once have I been disadvantaged for being a person of Greek or Cypriot heritage.

When I started out in Australia at HMAS Creswell, I clearly remember the bastardry we all went though and the many speeches we had to endure by Chief Young. One time he said, "so this is it? The top 1% of Australia is apparently before me here, wanting to be officers and all I see is trash, and maggots. God help Australia" He was screaming this from the top of his lungs, and we were friggin scared alright.

And on and on the insults went. We were the top 1% academically. Actually, probably the top 5% would be more accurate. But we were being degraded, insulted and broken down. That was his job. To grind us all down into the dirt so that we learn and understand our place in the chain.

The average socio economic status of most of us would have been low. But at the age of 21, what do you expect? Wall street investors we were not. Probably not even wise with our money - as all we were interested in at the time is our threads, having a good time, cars (even just to buy and maintain one), girls, girls and more girls. maybe some alcohol etc etc you get the picture.

But we were all clean-skins. Raised in decent working class families and so on.

Today, I fly with people of colour all they time. As a FO that I am at this time, they are usually Captains, and half the time from the US Military - Army, Navy and USAF having flown all sorts of exotic stuff from Black Hawks, to Apaches, Vipers to Hornets, Galaxy to Osprey and so on and so on. We have equal opportunity in the US. You are not judged by the colour of your skin.

You are such a Cypriot Villager who has no idea.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Pyrpolizer » Tue Aug 16, 2022 1:19 pm

Paphitis wrote:Any kid who joins the US Military has a guaranteed future as well post military which is why the military is very attractive.

Guaranteed a career in the Defence Industry, or Space Industry or Aviation Industry especially if you are a vet.

So the US Military gets some of America's brightest and most ambitious people.

Russia will never compete with that. Sorry. But few countries can.

Generally speaking, if you get into the US Military, your future is pretty much guaranteed. And the benefits continue long afterwards as well.

Having financial benefits of all kinds, and assuring themselves of a "career" does not guarantee a better military. Brightest and ambitious people huh? Like I said you live in a parallel Universe. You got that from the hundreds of TV advertisements in American TV channels didn't you? "BE ALL YOU CAN BE" they say all the time don't they? Come on admit it, to get some credit from me.
I did have American students on scholarship from the US army in my University. And I know very well the standard of their best. They are simply above average from the poorest classes. Quite respectable poor kids been offered a scholarship to study in some University on the condition they 'd join the US army after graduation. They all start as Lieutenants. Believe it or not those kids were the only Americans I could ever communicate with. Still however they end up at the top over the years, while the vast majority of the US army consists of trash.

Russia can not compete to that you said?? Russia is doing the exact same thing man. All countries do the exact same thing. Stop imagining things. Just digest it: ALL armies EVERYWHERE in the world consist mainly of trash. However Russia has conscripts. Conscripts come from ALL levels of society. There are super brains among the conscripts. I was a conscript once at the artillery. Conscripts start knowing nothing at the beginning, but at least one out of 7 advances extremely fast. You don't need more than that in the artillery. I personally advanced even more as a reservist...
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Tue Aug 16, 2022 1:26 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Any kid who joins the US Military has a guaranteed future as well post military which is why the military is very attractive.

Guaranteed a career in the Defence Industry, or Space Industry or Aviation Industry especially if you are a vet.

So the US Military gets some of America's brightest and most ambitious people.

Russia will never compete with that. Sorry. But few countries can.

Generally speaking, if you get into the US Military, your future is pretty much guaranteed. And the benefits continue long afterwards as well.

Having financial benefits of all kinds, and assuring themselves of a "career" does not guarantee a better military. Brightest and ambitious people huh? Like I said you live in a parallel Universe. You got that from the hundreds of TV advertisements in American TV channels didn't you? "BE ALL YOU CAN BE" they say all the time don't they? Come on admit it, to get some credit from me.
I did have American students on scholarship from the US army in my University. And I know very well the standard of their best. They are simply above average from the poorest classes. Quite respectable poor kids been offered a scholarship to study in some University on the condition they 'd join the US army after graduation. They all start as Lieutenants. Believe it or not those kids were the only Americans I could ever communicate with. Still however they end up at the top over the years, while the vast majority of the US army consists of trash.

Russia can not compete to that you said?? Russia is doing the exact same thing man. All countries do the exact same thing. Stop imagining things. Just digest it: ALL armies EVERYWHERE in the world consist mainly of trash. However Russia has conscripts. Conscripts come from ALL levels of society. There are super brains among the conscripts. I was a conscript once at the artillery. Conscripts start knowing nothing at the beginning, but at least one out of 7 advances extremely fast. You don't need more than that in the artillery. I personally advanced even more as a reservist...

Said the Russian sympathiser where Russia itself is trying to send prisoners to Ukraine for clemency!

The US guarantees a great military because it has superior training, where no expense is spared in training people and recruiting the right kind of people for the right kind of jobs.

The US Military is an extremely broad beast.

For instance, you can volunteer as infantry. Education standards are not onerous but even there, recruits go through rigorous selection and aptitude testing.

Or you can volunteer as an Officer and go to Military College or Direct Entry Officer, where you need to be a university graduate and not only, but be academically very exceptional. Or put your hand up to be an intelligence officer, a pilot, a submariner, or medic and so on. They only pick probably the top 50 per 5000 applicants.

It's a fully professional institution and the level of the US Military far exceeds Russia and it also exceeds Cyprus because in the CNG they have people like you who are thick as 2 planks and would have no hope in hell in the US Military
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Tue Aug 16, 2022 1:37 pm

Paphitis wrote:The US guarantees a great military because it has superior training,

The most superior training is REAL LIFE BATTLE EXPERIENCE which the Americans don't have, so forget your fantasies Paphitis! :)
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Lordo » Tue Aug 16, 2022 1:42 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:

Exact timing link above.

This poor dreamer still thinks they will be able to start their counter offensive in kherson maybe in September or October, while at the same time he thinks they stranded 25K Russian soldiers having no supplies, just because they destroyed all the bridges!

At best he should postpone his dream to never. Because such a counter offensive is basically impossible, even assuming those 25K will be cut off 100% from any supplies.

Why? simply because all current Ukrainian positions are within Russian artillery and MRLS range from the other side of the river.The distance ranges from 25 to 60 Km only. Once they dare start such a counter offensive they will simply end up in a slaughterhouse losing 1000+ soldiers per day as they did in other areas. :o :roll:

I admit the Ukrainians are winning the PR battle though. There's no other way to convince the Americans they achieve something, so that they'd send them more weapons :lol: :lol: :lol:

In the meantime they have brought the western world close to bankruptcy. If the energy prices go up to £4250 in January, half the UK population is fucked.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Pyrpolizer » Tue Aug 16, 2022 1:45 pm

Western hypocrisy about the risk of starving the poorest Nations of the World.

Not a single vessel is sent to the ports of Yemen, Somalia, Ethiopia and other African countries in dire need of wheat supplies ... interests/
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Tue Aug 16, 2022 2:21 pm

Yet another American has a clear message for the pea-brained Paphitis... ... 7E1MXo.mp4

:lol: :lol: :lol:

NB: Retired US Army Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Davis.
Last edited by Get Real! on Tue Aug 16, 2022 2:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Tue Aug 16, 2022 2:23 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:The US guarantees a great military because it has superior training,

The most superior training is REAL LIFE BATTLE EXPERIENCE which the Americans don't have, so forget your fantasies Paphitis! :)

And the US has plenty of that.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Tue Aug 16, 2022 2:24 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:The US guarantees a great military because it has superior training,

The most superior training is REAL LIFE BATTLE EXPERIENCE which the Americans don't have, so forget your fantasies Paphitis! :)

And the US has plenty of that.

Sorry no… beating up first graders doesn’t count! :)

America needs to grow a spine and confront a 6th grader for once.
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