Get Real! wrote:Paphitis wrote:Get Real! wrote:Paphitis wrote:Get Real! wrote:Paphitis,
At the end of the day such detail is utterly pointless because the Ukraine is no match for Russia so their loss is a foregone conclusion.
It’s up to Russia entirely how fast or how slow they want go or how much they want to capture.
Russia could kill 10 million Ukrainians in a heartbeat with one blast, if they wanted to and force the Ukraine to surrender INSTANTLY but like I said I the past… unlike the pure evil Anglo-Americans, Putin is too much of a softy and that’s the only thing I can criticize him of.
Russia is the GOD in Ukraine as they can do whatever they want and however they want, and nothing on this Earth can stop them.
It seems Ukraine IS a match for Russia and that they have bogged Russia down indefinitely - a war that can't be won Get Real.
And Russian Air Defence has proven to be ineffective and a total dud against the West's weapons.
ENJOY the show.
If Russia kills 10 million with one blast, the west will kill 50 million Russians with 5 blasts. You really are delusional.
The West doesn't stand a chance either.
Seriously? Well then Get Real, why doesn't Pootin go for it and attack Poland?
The opportunity to destroy Russia and Pootin would be welcomed. They can't even beat Ukraine on its own.
You got 30,000 troops now that have been taken out of the war because of Russian "inteligence"
What the West already poured into the Ukraine is bigger than what the West can now muster… most EU countries have run out of military supplies. America has also run out of most things they were sending and to manufacture what they’ve already lost would take them years.
You see Russia is not only a monstrous military machine but more importantly it’s a monstrous military manufacturing FACTORY that never stops!
You seemingly have no idea what you’re dealing with.
You are kidding right?
The UIS has a military budget of $801 billion and is a 17 Trillion economy. Our resources to take this war to 10 years are unlimited and our military complex and industry is clearly superior.
The US isn't even out of first gear and only giving Ukraine the right tools to destroy the Russia's junk on the ground and kill their ill disciplined and poorly trained conscripts.
We are really dealing with F Troop when it comes to the Russians and Ukraine is decimating them and they can't even maintain an offensive now.