Kikapu wrote:Paphitis wrote:Kikapu wrote:NATO commander Zelensky declared that war with Russia will only end once Crimea has been won and returned to Ukraine (NATO).
Since NATO has stated that only Ukraine can decide when the war is over and would continue supporting it militarily and financially, then Zelensky has now prolonged the war until the cows come home. This would mean more hardship on the Europeans in the coming years during cold winters at homes from lack of Natural Gas to high inflation.
This is all music to China’s ears, and maybe even North Korea’s ears if they both wanted to reunify their countries by force, which would mean the West not being able to fight on 3 different fronts, directly or indirectly. Naturally, if China was to invade Taiwan, there is very little West would be able to do, which would mean splitting their weapons supply between Ukraine and Taiwan. God forbid NK invading South Korea then splitting the weapons supplies again. This would be the best possible outcome to Russia, China and North Korea and the worst outcome to SK, Taiwan, Ukraine and NATO.
Well, not all terrible for NATO. They will probably get Finland and Sweden into the NATO pack.
Fair trade for NATO, I guess?

It's Russia that is prolonging the war as it's Russia that has invaded the State of Ukraine, and occupies its territory.
But don't worry. the war will not last forever. Russia will be withdrawing one day with its tail between its legs.
Not if China invades Taiwan which would divert NATO's military resources. Let's not talk about what would happen if North Korea invades the South too. Would NATO trade Taiwan or South Korea or both for Ukraine? I don't know the answer to that one, because if NATO tries to help all three, they will not only lose two for sure, but most likely all three.

That's already in hand as far as military resources are concerned - there is already a US Battle Group near Taiwan, and America's military resources in Japan alone are enough to wage Nuclear WW3 against Chy-na.
Then add the resources of the following: Japan itself, South Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, Australia, Canada and NZ and you can see that Chy-na will not find it very easy at all.
The only 2 NATO members that would probably assist and are expected to are UK and France.
The UK will contribute. They are an integral part of the machinations of the West. France will come because of their Pacific Colonies and despite the hoo hah revolving around Submarines with Australia and the falling out over the matter, relations between France and Australia are normalising and Australia and France do have a dual defence agreement where Australia is obligated to patrol French EEZ and render military assistance to the French Colonies, as well as aid, government advisers and so on.
As for Australian Nuclear submarines, Australian submariners are already crewing US Nuclear Subs for training right now which is amazing for training our guys and working with the US and the experience. This has never been done before.
The events of the last 12 months have been awesome in terms of uniting NATO, and free western world against the evil and criminal rogue states causing war and devastation in Ukraine and possibly Taiwan.
And the big bonus for NATO has been Sweden and Finland. So Russia's operations in Ukraine have been a complete FAILURE.
Taiwan is so well armed, they will easily defend their island. It's impossible to invade. It will be a bloodbath for Chy-nese troops as they attempt to land on Taiwan beeches. Chy-na will lose tens of thousands of soldiers. It does not have the resources to land troops in the number that would be sufficient. The Taiwanese army will be harvesting and gunning them down like never seen before in history. D Day and Gallipoli come to mind.