Get Real! wrote:Paphitis wrote:Get Real! wrote:Paphitis wrote:Get Real! wrote:Paphitis wrote:16000 HIMARS rockets enroute to Ukraine people.
That's 16,000 big explosions to come.
And undisclosed number of AGM-88 - for S300/S400s.

Paphitis, for every explosion the Ukies cause they suffer about 1,000 so I wouldn’t get too excited if I were you…
There’s a MASSIVE discrepancy in achievement in this conflict and it’s not looking good for NATO!
Not true.
The bombardments from Russia are only a fraction of what they use to be. In fact, the Ukrainians are hitting more targets as Russia is very short on Artillery Rounds - thanks to more than 50 command and lostics bases being destroyed by HIMARS.
In the past, you could see the Russians outnumbered the Russians 10 to 1. Now, it's about 2 to 1 in favour of Ukraine.
You may consider a never-ending supply of military hardware to the Ukraine to be “cool” or a even a “win”, but the truth of the matter is that it keeps getting destroyed by the Russians at some stage so it’s not looking good for you.
NATO is bound to run out of pretty much everything before Russia runs out of $500 domestically produced missiles!
Yes very cool.
Russian forces must be destroyed.
If they want bto save themselves and their soldiers, they should withdraw. Otherwise, yes it's very cool seeing Ukrainians stand up for their country. Very cool and very inspirational for the free world.
Don't bet on NATO running out of anything. Our Arms industry is functioning at full capacity.
Russia can't even build a drone anymore.
The Russians can’t be destroyed… six months on and they still only have <10% of their military committed to the Ukraine and still winning!
Meanwhile, they’ve got other conflicts they’re active in like Syria, Mali, Armenia, and others.
NATO can’t even scratch Putin’s balls!

The Russians are being destroyed.
When they are bringing out 1960s Tanks and Artillery out from storage, then Russia is pretty well FUCKED now compared to NATO. The US and NATO are grinding the Russians to oblivion. ENJOY!

Not only that, but there are Partizans behind enemy lines sabotaging everything from Buildings and also gathering intelligence for the Ukrainians.
AND, hundreds of Russian Soldiers are surrendering to Ukrainian Forces asking to join Ukraine against Russia - kid you not. The Ukrainians have claimed thousands, but let's just say hundreds for now.